Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hahaha, twoday xD I felt like being lame haha. Anyways, no homework todayyyy :DDDDD Awesome haha. I hardly have no hw. Well, I do have some english 1A, but not in the mood to really grade essays right now -__-" I'll do it during fp tomorrow :D I'm so bored right now >.> Nothing to doooo. BUT, I get to catch up on sleep :333 Bwahaha, at this rate I should get like 9-10 hours tehehehe. Oh yeahhhh, hahaha. On American Idol, some guy dressed up in a Transformers suit and could actually move on wheels. It was so cool :DDD Anyways, Hollywood week should start or whatever it's called.  I can't wait!!! :D One last thing to say. *Warning: I'm about to rant so skip to the end if you like* ;D I was on Yahoo and decided to read the news. I like doing that every now and then haha. But yeah, there was this blog about lame Valentine's Day gifts. I read some pretty bad ones and comments as well. People want way too much. They expect to get something, and get all disappointed if it's not something nice or expenseive. REALLY?? Get over yourself. That's so self-centered. I think Valentine's Day should be spent with the ones you love. Isn't that the TRUE meaning behind it? Of course it's always nice to get something, but this is just another day. You can give someone a gift any day. But this does push some people to step up to the plate to tell the guy/girl they like them aha. That's not my point though. Point is, people shouldn't expect anything. You should just be lucky to even have that person in your life. Why ask for more? If you want something, buy it yourself. Don't count on someone else getting it for you. Freaking lame people. That is the downfall of Valentine's Day. But there are good things as well! People do go out of their ways for the ones they care about, which is really nice. Whether it's a card or a hug, the small things are much more important. Not the superficial things like roses or chocolates. Honestly, people are too fascinated by things like getting teddy bears and what not. That isn't what this day is about. It's never been about giving gifts to prove that you love the person. You're suppose to show you love them in other ways. I'm not saying that giving gifts are bad, but that's not what the day is meant for. If you get anything, you should be happy. Society makes you think you need jewelry, chocolates, flowers, but in reality, you don't. It only makes you feel special if you got something. I don't get much besides school candy grams (which I think are really cool :D) and honestly, I couldn't be more happier. I am quite lucky that someone actually went out of their way to even get me something. People need to realize that superficial things won't last forever. The person that's in your life is what truly matters. Well, I definitely ranted tonight haha. But you know it's all true. People just don't realize it. I'm starting to have my 'Daily Dose of Reality' and I'm enjoying it a lot. Makes me appreciate life even more. Life is starting to hit me & I like it. I have a feeling I will rant a lot from here on out xD But it's a great way to express how I feel. Good night world :]]]]]

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