Monday, February 21, 2011

Everything happens for a reason.

That was a line from the movie Dinner for Schmucks. Some movie if you ask me xD Anyways, another day. I woke up at 11:30 :D 11 hours of sleep for meeeee haha. Then had In-N-Out for breakfast/lunch=brunch haha. It was yummmyyyy. Double double with fries haha. And then I watched movies from there on out. I saw The Other Guys, The Last Airbender, and I'm currently watching Dinner for Schmucks right now. The first two were really good. The Other Guys is hilarious. I loved the plot. The Last Airbender was pretty good. Ending tells you that there will be a second one for sure. Well, that's what I got from it haha. And Dinner for Schmucks is umm interesting. I'ma leave it at that. Omg, Pretty Little Liars was goooood. Man I can't wait for next weeks episode. I didn't get to see what his tattoo said though so now I'm wondering >.> Saw a part of the BTR movie. It was funny. I love their song Boyfriend. It's really good. I didn't know Snoop Dogg was in it though. Still a good song. I finished a bracelet and started on a new one. The heart one looks better than the one I have now xD And of course, we worked on history. Didn't get much done, but better than nothing if you ask me. There's school tomorrow D: After this four day weekend, I really don't wanna go back haha. If only I could have more weekends like this one. Doing community service, going to a party, watching movies all day, talking with friends. Just all of it. I wish, I wish. And one more thing I did all day. Talk to people haha. Same guy made me laugh again. You kept going online just to tell me that you're prefect to me haha. 7 times today haha. I also thought about why I'm not so open to you. I'm afraid that if you know too much about me, it won't be good. It's not like I have anything to hide, but I don't want you to know everything. Well if you do, I just don't know what to expect afterwards. That's why I'm holding back. If you know everything, well what if it doesn't turn out right in the end. I hope you'll always be my friend. Then I can start to slowly open up to you. You already know a lot more than most people. If I let someone know everything, then they should always be there for me. If not, then it's a waste right? I felt so trusted by you today. When you told me what you did, I was like 'woah' for a moment. I'm not even kidding. I was shocked. You have so much faith in me. I don't think anyone really shows it though. It's just there, kinda obvious. For most people. But you. You surprised me. In a good way though. Well, enough thinking. I gotta finish this movie! :]

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