Friday, February 4, 2011


Couldn't have gone better haha. I think I did okay on the anthropology quiz. Not stressing about it. But test on Wednesday. Calculus was cancelleddddd. But test is on Tuesday >.> Next week is gonna be interesting haha. Lots of studying this weekend xD Bad weekend to have so much work! I gotta do my essay tomorrow too and the practice test. Tomorrow I won't even have time and Sunday is Superbowllllllll. I can't wait. So, I MUST finish homework. Like that's gonna happen, but we'll see ;D Bj's was fun. Food was great as always. Haha. Kinda awkward at moments but can't complain haha. Now the car ride was funny. Racing back to beat the clock. Sadly, they didn't. I had PE next so even though I ran a little with all my crazy heavy books, I made it just in time xD But my legs died. No joke. I do admit PE was fun though haha. Even with all the crazy competitions, it was funnn. Wish we had time to finish though haha. Happy Birthday Kirna!!! :DDDDDD I hope your day is great as well as the rest of your lifeeee haha. I don't know what to say. Well, brb xD Neighbors partying it up tonight haha. Yeah, english was same as always. I wanna sign up for National Honors Society. I was surprised I was still elligible after Chemistry from last semester >.> Still, thats good news :D I should join once I have time to print out the application. Dinner at China Palace was goooood. At first there wasn't many people, but then there was a lot. You asked me to have lunch with you haha. At first I was like 'wat?' haha. That's like the first time I was asked to go have lunch without a big group of people coming. Too bad our classes are totally different. I'm sure it'll work out. Maybe. Your girlfriend seems really nice and funny :D Glad to finally meet her. Haven't gone to the house since the remodeling. I love the floors haha. So much fun to slide on xD Got to help my mom play mahjong. We won two games haha. I love spending time with the family. Especially with Nemo/Henrey. Your name is Henrey, not Ham haha. I'm Ham xD You totally got that mixed up, like 'franny pack'. Hahaha. The restaurant was just way too fun. Good old times. Looking through old pictures made me all happy too ;D It's great to see how close we once were. Now we just say hi, but we're getting closer. We are one big family :D Kinda off topic, but yeah I have noticed you been kinda closer to me this week. Weird. Hopefully its not cause I didnt say hi in the stairwell. I was gonna stop, but class was like right there so I didnt xD I feel bad, but since then, we been talking so it must be good hahaha. This week was greattttttt. Now tomorrow will hopefully top it off. I'm over him unlike someone aha ;D & if the Packers win, well it's gonna be a great month already :]]]]]]]]]]]

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