Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh my goodness,

I would never trade in today's experience for anythinggggggg. Today was perfect! :D Though the weather totally changed like halfway through the day haha. Anyways, so I went to the St. Mary's Interfaith Dining Hall today. It was FUNNNNN! Omg, even though it was across the street from the dumpster place, I had a blast! Hahaha. I really haven't had that much fun in so long its freaking amazinggggg. So right when I got there there was no one. I went in to sign my name and Paul was behind me and I was like "thank goodness I'm not alone" in my head haha. Yeah I was super early too. Well I got there at like 11:20, but I didn't know which building it was so I didn't sign in till like 11:25. Anyways, no one was there yet but me and him so we got our apron, gloves, and hairnets on and went to stand in the front with volunteers from other schools. Then at 11:30 they opened the screen thingy and we started serving food. It took awhile cause the people trying to scoop the food took awhile. By like 11:45, the rest of Key Club came to help out. But, I had HECKA fun. I loved serving people, cleaning up after them, and getting them more drinks. It was so much fun! Like I haven't had so much fun doing something like this in the longest ;D I think doing "waitress" things would be a good job for me. I was pretty fast hahaha. Yeah, but it was great. Most, if not all, of the people I helped said thank you and it just filled me up with happiness. I was just so overwhelmed with happiness. Knowing that I could help out others just makes me really proud. If I could go more often then I wouldn't mind at all. I liked it THAT much haha. After that, I went to my grandma's house and watched tv and ate food. It was gooooood haha. Since I hardly go nowadays. Then went home to get ready for the get together. Omg, it was so much funnnnnn!!!!!! Her house is really nice too. So spacious haha. We slid on the hardwood floors ;D, ate food, took pictures, went online, watched a movie, played Wii, pool, pinball, Jenga, and poker. It was awesome haha. I think everyone had a blast. Well, I did anyways haha. I think like 16 of us went. If only we took a group picture. But it's okay. It's the memories that count :D Well I was gonna go to the mall Monday, but that's not happening anymore. I was so looking forward to it too. That means I get more computer time bwahahaha. Oh yeah haha. I think I'm done with homework for the four day weekend. That means I gotta do it later, but I'll survive. Just an essay, powerpoint, application, history script and reading books. I did a lot more than I expected though. I did an essay scholarship, english homework, and idk wat else. Okay, maybe I didn't do a lot xD I should finish the script though. We're presenting on Wednesday and we still aren't done D: Well, if we don't finish it up, I'll just finish it. But I do want us to all agree on what we want to say though. I guess we'll see. Anyways, I feel like getting off now. Kinda tired haha. Speed walking at community service, being lazy and watching tv for hours, and chillaxing with friends. Long day haha. But I loved every single minute of it :D Good night world :]

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