Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Kevin & Kenneth!!! :DDDDDD

Today was a really good day :D I hope everyone else's Friday went just as well or even better! Haha. So yeah, I got both my tests back today. In Anthro, I got 82/100 on the test and my overall grade is a 87%. I still have a chance to bring up my grade, so I'm not worrying about it too much. Also, my teacher cancelled class for Monday so she can go out with her husband on Valentine's Day. How cute :3 But, that means I get to sleep in :DDDDDD Weeeee hahaha. In Calculus, I got 40/50 and my overall grade is a B. I can still bring that up too! I really thought I did bad in both, but surprisingly, I didn't! I'm proud of myself. At least I know how to study and prepare for the next test :D See, today was a really good day haha. So far, I have B's in all my college classes, which isn't too bad. I must bring them up to A's though! For calculus, I'm just gonna do my best and pray that I will work hard enough to earn an A and if not, then a B wouldn't be too bad. I really want that A though ;D I saw my cousin today, who actually saw me this time haha. So today is Kevin & Kenneth's birthday! Happy Birthday guys!!! I hope the both of you have a great day and an amazing year :D I hope you guys liked your gifts. Mac & cheese and a card hahaha. At least you thought it tasted good xD It didn't look too good to me though hahaha. But whatever. Going to Farms field trip on Tuesday. Oh snap, gotta tell my calculus teacher then. I forgot xD Well, I better remember on Monday! Lol. Too bad Oksana can't go =/ She's always my buddy when we go and now I got no one D: Well, I got to go. Till later & no studying tonight! YESSSSS!!!!! Hahahaha :]]]]]]

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