Thursday, February 17, 2011

"All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell"

Haha, I don't see why you find my blog so interesting. I don't think much about what I write. I just write whatever comes to my mind. It's just that simple haha. Anyways, today today today. Was a good day :D Yeahhhh, I expected right haha. For once. So my day, where should I start? Hmmm, calculus. Same old lecture as always. Learning limits right now. I got a runny nose like half way through class, which lasted soooo long. BUT, I'm not sick! :D It went away not too long after. So, that was a good sign. Lunch was funny haha. Taco Thursday! But I didn't buy any this week haha. Just went to tag along. Oksana's knee is better! Thank goodness. I hope she gets better soon :D Also, Kenia went asking everyone during lunch if they knew what 143 meant haha. That was funny though. But I didn't know what it meant till my sister told me like last year. But it's okay :D Not everyone knew anyways haha. Avid was funnnnnn. Was mostly goofing off and not doing my powerpoint like I should have been. Instead, James, Gabe, Aileen, Bernadette, and other people were playing on Omgpop haha. That was funnn :DDDDD I honestly haven't played with a whole group of people since I first got AIM over the summer in July. That was the first time we played and sadly, this is the second. I miss the times we would all just chat together rather than just IM one another when we feel like it. No one really talks nowadays. It's quite sad. Buttttt, I still had fun! Omgomgomg, TA period!!! :DDDD It was FUNNNNN. So, me and Debora went to the mall and yeah, it was greatttt. We sang We Could Happen on the way there haha. We had trouble finding parking too xD At the mall we looked around in Barnes and Nobles, Hot Topic, Icing, Victoria's Secret, and Bath & Body Works. We tried looking for her book, but yeah, eventually we didn't find it so we asked customer service haha. Then I just went looking through all the teen books. There are some good ones. I can't wait to buy some! :D Hot Topic has some awesome shirts. I love them. And I like their bracelets and hair bows. I just never go there to shop haha. Icing was funnnyyyyy. I tried on more glasses in that store than I probably have in my entire life haha. I'm not even kidding ;D We got those scent samples at Victoria's and Bath & Body Works. The cherry blossom at bath and body works smelled really good. The lotion with glitter was crazy haha. My hands were so shinyyy. So eye catching haha. But after that, we ran out of time and went to get some food. It was my first time trying Charley's Subs. Mannnn, those fries were amazinggg. I got the ranch and bacon gourmet fries. Those were SO DELICIOUS. Hahaha. If you haven't tried them, I suggest you do. They made my tummy happy haha. Honestly, my day couldn't have been better. Except one little thing. We were late to history by like 2 minutes >.< But, I looked on my HAC and it doesn't say I'm late, so MAYBE he let it slide. I wish though. I've had perfect attendance since I started MCHS. But, freshmen year I had to leave school 3 times early just cause I was trying to apply for this job thing through delta and they marked me as a tardy and I'm like $@&^*! That killed it too! But to me, I have perfect attendance :D Haha, so technically, I haven't missed a day. I always have a reason, but not this time. And if I am marked down, well I can't blame anyone but myself that I was having too much fun :D So, that's why I put the song by Avril Lavigne. It kinda explains what I'm going through right now. For my whole life, I've been a good girl doing everything my parents tell me to or at least try to. But now, it's like I want to have some fun. I wanna live my life the way I want to! And guess what. I'm doing just that and no one is going to stop me. No one :]

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