Thursday, February 3, 2011

Every moment spent,

They are always treasured. Whether it may have a huge or small impact, somehow you remember it later on. Quite interesting to me. We're talking about writing cards and notes. I SOOOOOO miss doing that. I remember a friend and I had our own notebooks and we would write to each other all the time. It was so much fun since we didn't go to the same school. Cards. Whether it be for a birthday or the holidays, I just loveeeeeeeeeee getting them. You have no idea haha. I love getting them cause you can't erase it like a text. It can be kept forever if you don't lose it haha. But it's written words that someone took the time to write. A text is the same, but a card is more special. I mean they gotta go find a card, choose it, and buy it. It's fun too when you come across funny cards haha. But that's why I like them. I have like 10 since like sophomore year from all my lovely friends. I can't get enough of reading them. Cards, letters, notes, should all be treasured. I wish I had someone to write notes to all the time. Like when I'm bored in class, or have some free time on my hands, just pull out a piece of paper and write. Now it's all about the internet or technology. If only I had someone to write to, then I would. It may be old-fashioned, but that's what makes it so great. People still write, but definitely not a lot. I should write more cards when it comes to friends' birthdays and stuff. Valerie's birthday isn't too far from here :D And today, you said you like hand made things better >:D You have no idea what I have planned besides the bracelet ;D Haha. I really am outdoing myself everytime. I'm not even joking haha. I love going out of my way for other people, most the time xD It just makes me all happy and warm inside. Like someone is giving me a hug haha. Okay, back to homework ;D Not doneee D: Must finish! FIGHTING! ;D hahaha :]

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