Saturday, February 5, 2011

The impossible is possible.

Okay, so far today has been going perfect. Just one thing can ruin it. ONE thing. The whole IP address thingy D: I'm nervous. Hoping that things can go right just this one time. I FINISHED MY ESSAY!!! In 2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact :DDDDDDD You have NO IDEA how HAPPY I am right now haha. That's quite shocking to me. I was really thinking that I would take all day. No joke. Now I'm hoping I did okay cause I did kinda do it fast. Some of it isn't exactly true cause I don't remember when I first asked my uncle. Wait, I think it was in the car that one time. Nevermind, but my memory is fuzzy, so it's obviously not word for word. While writing my essay, it got me thinking. I looked back at all the past poems I wrote. Whether for a school assignment or just for fun. I wrote a lot. Somewhat often. Kinda sad how most of them are about someone, but hey, what can I do. I didn't plan on it. I write what I feel. I should write one now ;D
     Days go by without knowing what will happen tomorrow.
     We can only wonder or hope.
     Not sure of what will happen, makes it more exciting.
     We pray for better days, no matter what the outcome.
     One may never know the things that will turn out.
     For it is the unexpected that makes living interesting.
     Being surprised can be a great feeling.
     Like a rush that has overcome you.
     The feeling of something brand new can be astounding.
     Another day will pass by like the speed of light,
     Now sit back and watch it all happen.
Haha yeah. I don't know. Poems just come to me. Sounds weird, but they do. It is a great way to express how I feel though. I feel like sometimes there's no one to tell things to. There's always someone right? Truth is, this blog has been my someone. Maybe it's cause I don't want to hear another's opinion. Maybe I'm afraid of what they might say. Maybe I don't feel like talking about it. Whatever the reason may be, I wish there was someone who would listen through it all. A person can make me happy, not a blog. But all because of this blog, I know my true feelings :]

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