Monday, February 14, 2011

"Promise me you'll always be happy by my side."

Marry Me~Train

Another good day. Good for a Monday haha. So yeah, today was Valentine's Day. It honestly didn't even seem like it. No picnic :( They ended up going to Nubi's. I didn't even feel like going anywhere xD It's okay though. I get to finally get out this weekend. YEEEEE :DDD Haha. Perfect picture time for your birthday gift bwahahaha >:D Thank you veryyyyy much for the bouquet :DD I still gotta finish up you're gift D: Still, thanks :DD I really didn't expect it xD So, my mom says she got In-N-Out. I must see hahaha. And Farms is cancelled D: At least I can probably leave TA and hang out. Woot woot :] Oh, the song. It's been stuck in my head all day. I looooveeee itttt :D And for YOU, I WILL get you a flower next year no matter how you take revenge on me. BWAHAHAHA. I'm in such a good mood today hahaha :]]]]]]]

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