Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's heartbreaking,

Knowing that you forgot about me. I just see your name on yahoo messenger and I just don't know what I should do. I mean I really want to talk to you. We were once good friends. Best friends to be exact. And look at us now. It's crazy how much you changed. I try talking to you. I really do. But to you, it's like I don't exist anymore. It's like nothing ever happened between us. So much for being close, but I'll always be here for you. Even if you do forget me. No matter what happens, I'll be waiting in the side lines. As long as you live a happy life, well that's all I really wanted from the beginning. Honestly, what am I to you now? Just your friend? Do you even consider me as your friend? I really don't know what to think. Maybe it's better if I don't think at all. Maybe it's better for the both of us if I act like nothing happened. But if I do, I will only hurt more. If only things were the way it was before. When I was truly happy and didn't have to think about all this stuff. When did my life start turning around? When did you change? Well, even if you put me through all this pain, I need it. I need to start feeling life again. The only way to get through the pain is to go with it until the end. And that's what I will do. But soon enough, this will all go away. And you know why? It's because you have no idea. You don't know that I'm hurting. You could probably never guess that I'm hurting because of you. If it wasn't for this other guy, I wouldn't feel happy after writing all this. Letting out my feelings have helped me realized what I really feel deep inside. All the emotions I probably never even knew about. I honestly would have never noticed any of this if it wasn't for him or this blog. And that is why I wished him the best at 11:11. You can hurt me, but I'll only grow stronger. I realized what's really important in my life. Too bad you're not a part of it.

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