Monday, February 28, 2011

Okay, I really liked today.

First off, I was playing pool on Omgpop for a while earlier today. I played this one guy over 10 times and we chat for a while. He seems like a cool guy. So, we get to know each other more and then, he says he wants to add me on facebook. Of course, I'm hesitant at first. I don't wanna be mean and he seems pretty cool. So, you know what I say? "Well, as long as you're not a weird/stalker guy, I don't see why not haha. No offense xD" Along the lines of that. He says no and calls me a loser haha. I took his word for it. But then he says better be safe than sorry and it's true. So, he didn't take offense at least haha. Now, we're friends on Facebook. I look around at his profile and he's cool. He draws really well. So that's one thing that made my day. The second great thing that happened today would be you're post :D Yeeeeeee, I'm a awesome friend to you!!! I feel so special ;D I really do haha. So, I found out who it was! I was bound to some day. Who knew that day would be today lol. 11:11 I wish for anyone having a bad week or life to have something good happen to them. Yeah, I never expected to find out today out of all days haha. I just signed out of AIM and for the people online it said 12/34 LOL. I love that song :D The third thing was when I checked the HAC for my grades. I had a 86% in History and now I have a 91% I think it was. Yeeeeeeeeeeee. 4.0 for progress report I believe :DDD As long as it stays like that, I'm good lol. Thank goodness for that last test! Too bad I missed one little problem >.< But I am very happy with what I got. Fourth thing, I just wanted to thank everyone who makes my day. Seeing people makes me happier than you know haha. Happier than I know too xD Yeah, you probably don't even know that I get so happy without people even doing anything. Even something small like a hi makes my day great haha. No lie. & the fifth and final thing is about your random compliment to me and it was very sweet of you :3 Huge time lapse in blogging today haha. I got too distracted with Tumblr and Cupcake Corner xDDD Good night world & have a totallyawesome Tuesday (I am so great with alliterations ;D) :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

It was a good day.

I had a great day :D So Anthropology was just taking notes and same in Calculus. I gave them their bracelets and they loved it :D You couldn't stop looking at it and you were just all happy haha. At lunch and beginning of free period I was finishing my english homework. Then, a group of us went to Chipotle. It was the first time I tried it. I got a chicken burrito and man it was SO FREAKING GOOD!!! Hahahaha. And since it was buy one get one free, it was like yesssss. Aha. I love me some Chipotle ;D Super good haha. I know where I wanna go if I'm starving. It's only like $6 for a giant burrito :D Perfect haha. You want to tell her how you feel about her. That is so cute! Especially since relationships don't happen too often at MCHS. I can't wait to see what happens between you guys haha. Then, I went to a Farms meeting and apparently Angelica might not go, so I might go :D I actually want to go to these last two days. It's sad how fast it has been and we're almost done too. I don't want it to end D: I only went on one trip. It was fun though :D But still, the last two sound fun. I wish I wasn't a substitue >.> Only cause of chem last semester. Gah. But it's okay. I'm glad I got to go on at least one, but the Farm days are super fun. PE was interesting. The new handball is much more painful than the last one. One more day and then we start hockey. Yeeeee. I love hockey. I'm actually better at it than most sports ;D Oh yeah. Thank you Mr. Paz haha. English was just boring xD No offense, but yeah it's getting worse. No one ever talks now either. Anyways, I'm off to do some more homework, but I don't have much today. Bwahahaha >:D I'm just gonna relax today and watch PLL. Woot woot. And I finally get to talk to you again! It seems like it's been so long since we last talked. We're catching up now :]]]]]]]]]

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I wished for a good week with more good than bad to happen.

Today was better than I thought. I finished two bracelets and can't wait to surprise you guys tomorrow :D I also finished Avid homework and my index card for Calculus. I accomplished my goal and that was to finish my Avid homework today haha. Woot woot. Just need to do English homework tomorrow and I'm good to go. I hope. Oh and for English 1A I need to start on that essay. Man. To think one research speech was enough xD Well, there's not much left to say. That picture is just breathtaking and beautiful. My dream house would be at the end of that pathway. Good night world and have one fantastic week :]]]]]]]]

"I'm miles from where you are, I lay down on the cold ground I, I pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms."


A stranger called me funny. That made my day :]

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's nights like tonight that I never want to forget.

I've grown up with you my entire life and even though we disagree sometimes, you're still my sister. No matter how much we argue, I love you. I never say it cause it gets so awkward haha. You feel the same too. But our relationship is just so strong. We know almost everything and anything about each other. You haven't met like half of my friends, yet you know them all. We share stories about our days all the time. It's those moments that I love. The crazy laughing, funny jokes, wack nicknames, finishing each others sentences, and the secret words no one else understands. We have that connection. We know each other too well sometimes. I love spending time with you, which you probably can't believe. But overall, you've always been by my side. You understand me. You help me. You're the best sister I could ever ask for. I couldn't have been given anyone better. Tonight, we laughed like crazy. And I mean crazy. It's just another one of those days with you. I hope we always stay close. I never want you out of my life. At the end of the day, I couldn't be more thankful for someone like you. I just wish you knew... :]]]]]]]]]]]]

It's been on my mind...

So, I been thinking a lot lately. I want to do something. As in make a difference. I want to help a organization, I don't know which one, and make bracelets :D Since I do it for fun, why not do it to help others. But that's just an idea. I don't have much time to make them now cause of school, but it would be fun. Or I can just make them for a group. I'm not sure. It doesn't feel right to make them for my own profit, so that's why I don't want to do that. People offer money, but it just isn't right for me. What to do, what to do...

Simple things.

I was on Tumblr and I saw this picture or post. I don't remember. Anyways, it said something like simple things and it made me want to post about it haha. I love simple things. Most the time. They aren't complicated and easy to follow. Some things need to be more simple. However, life is not. But if it was, then that would be no fun. Today was a relaxing day. Must finish this presentation/paper! I practically didn't start yet xD Oh, and we're getting grilled cheese sandwiches sometime this week! Yayyyyy :D Hahaha. Good night world & live like there's no tomorrow :]


Over the years, I notice that everyone changes. Mostly look wise, but they do. I realized that I been like the same haha. I'm just not the type of person who changes much. But now, I kinda want change. There's just a time when you want something new. This is the time for me. So, it probably won't be a while with school and all, so maybe a new haircut or change of clothes. Something different. I'm up for new stuff every now and then. And this summer, I plan on changing my appearance, just a little. If I don't like it, I can always go back, but something new is what I'm aiming for :]

Another day...

Morning peoples' of the world! :D Just another day passing by. I don't have too much homework at least. I know I should work on my Avid presentation and paper. I forgot what else. Oh, and English too. That shouldn't be too bad. Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend :]

Friday, February 25, 2011

"If time stood still and still it stood I'd be with you."

That line was stuck in my head for the past half hour or so. I couldn't remember which song it was until I looked it up. I love it :D Well, I was so close in being caught by my dad not too long ago. Second time it has happened. It's getting riskier and riskier...

Well you make the perfect company :]

What a day.

I know yesterday I sounded kinda sad, but today totally made me all happy again haha. Omg, you just had to be there in history to see the performances. They were SO FREAKING FUNNY!!! All the groups did a great job :D Even though we had a few problems, it came out great! I had a blast! It's always fun working on group projects :D This is like the most fun I ever had in history. EVER! Hahaha. So yeah, today was a greatttttt day. And even though I can't go, I will be glad to do homework and make bracelets >:D Anyways, so many juniors are gonna run for student government. I was like wow haha. It's gonna be some competition. I heard like 7 or 8 people are running for senior rep. I want to run for treasurer, but Kenneth told me not to tell other people cause that will cause more competition. So far, no one else in our class is running for treasurer, so I don't know whether or not that is a good sign. I hope I'm the only one running from my class though. I don't like competition much when it comes to things like this. But I REALLYYYY wanna win though. Not only does it look good on applications, but I like math. Actually, I love it, so that's why I really wanna win. I guess we'll see how this all goes when elections come around. I do plan on campaigning, but I'm not sure how. Maybe pass out candy or something. I can't believe you think he's flirting -___- Like really haha. We're just friends. But you won't believe me, so oh well. Then again, it is you, so I don't care much haha. In TA I forgot to give Mrs. Jara back her keys, so I had to go all the way back to her class after I went to TA with the others xD Long walk haha. I love how you told me no guys at MCHS are perfect. And you're a guy so I really didn't expect that. But hey, at least you were honest. Today was a really long, but fun day. I need more days like today. Filled with many, many laughs. All caught on video too ;D Hope everyone had/has a great Friday. I sure know that I did :]]]]]]

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Another get together tomorrow. It's only been like a week since the last one haha. Well I can't go and I'm not too bummed out. It's just that this time people were more pushy about me going. It felt good, but it was weird. I could just feel it haha. My mom might of let me gone if I didn't say that I didn't really want to go. But I had to ask just to be nice you know. You don't tell someone that you're not gonna go cause you don't want to. I kinda wanted to go, but I don't know. I'm in the middle actually. She could've said no too. It could've went either way. I have so much homework right now that I'm not really up for anything. Well, I will stay home and study >.> And watever else I gotta do coughhomeworkcough. There's always gonna be a next time so I don't feel left out :D I hope someone will make tomorrow better though. I really do. I had enough for one night. Good night world & be happy cause its finally Friday :]


I been feeling so out of it lately. It's no fun at all.

I was surprised.

So today, yearbook people were taking the pictures for best of/worst of. Yeah, I didn't expect to win xD Every time I'm nominated, I never win, but I don't really care. And now that I won, I'm like 'yup...' Hahaha. But I am happy that people even voted for me :D Debora had to tell people in our class >.< Congrats to everyone else too!!! I have no idea who else won haha. I don't really remember who I voted for either. Dugas and I won nicest in the junior class. Angela and Tony got naughty haha. It's suppose to be opposites. Taking the picture was super funny haha. Well, I really didn't expect to win. Not even kidding. But this did make my day :]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The reason.

I admit this. Sometimes, if not all the time, I do things to please other people. I go out of my way to help others. I can't help it. It's just hard to say no sometimes. And for you, I didn't say no. That's why I took my time to read the story and help you with your presentation. You truly appreciated it too. I said I wouldn't get tired and now I'm exhaused. Next time, I should really put my health first. But I didn't see this coming. You told me so too... Only we would spend 20 minutes saying good night to one another haha. I'm not even kidding ;D

"You know I love you so."

This song is just so cute :D I loveee it. I can't get over the lyrics haha. And of course, I posted the lyrics above and you had to comment on it haha. First perfect and now cute haha. It's too bad I don't refer to anyone when I post them. It's always some song lyrics that just so happens to have the word 'you' in it and turns out to be a compliment too xD But it's always funny :D Whenever I have a down day, somehow you just magically turn it around. Here's an animation version of the song that I really like :D It's just too good of a song to let go. Loveeee ittttt :] Well, I'm kind of dead right now. Been a pretty long day. Good night world & have a fantastic Thursday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

This annoys me.

If you're not willing to put in time and effort, then don't even bother trying at all. I'm sick and tired of waiting for people. It's gets annoying. Don't waste my time. I have better things to do. I can't wait on you forever. Next thing you know, I'll be long gone...

Happy Birthday Angelica!!! :DDDDD

To one of my best friends at MCHS, Happy Birthday Angelica!!! :DD You're not as old as everyone says you are haha. I hope you liked the card and cookie :D I wish you the best from here on out :] Today was just one of those days. History was HILARIOUS though with the skits going on. Very interesting day haha. Also, went to Borders and got 3 books :D Too bad one of them is for school -___- Well better than nothing! I was gonna get 4, but I stopped myself >:D I hope I don't regret it haha. I loveeeeee reading :D Well, time for American Idol. Woot woot :]

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My great escape.

Is my closet. It's quiet and has just enough room, if not more than enough. I can also think in peace. Good night world and Happy Birthday Aileen aka Chinese Twin!!! :]]]]]]

Sometimes it's hard to explain why things happen in life.

I don't know why it happened to me, but it did. It makes me wonder, but that's life, right? I believe that everything happens for a reason, but this was just too perfect.  Anyways, here's what happened. Last night I was listening to the radio, going through the stations and I stopped at 102.5. And guess what song comes on. Chasing Cars~Snow Patrol. I was shocked. Well because they never play it anymore or maybe they never played it on the radio, but I was just taken back. The song flooded my mind with memories of summer 09. The summer that I spent getting to know you and doing Civ homework listening to this song. That was one unforgettable summer. Now we're best friends. But when the memories stopped, I started listening to the lyrics. When the chorus hit, I closed my eyes. I was lying in bed and the lyrics ran through my mind. The music just took over. You won't believed what I imagined. A dream date haha. Kinda cheesy, but that's what happened. I was lying on a red checkered blanket and I was on a picnic with someone. It was under this huge willow tree in this open field of wheat. The sky was clear with a few white puffy clouds. I just stared at the sky. This song was playing in the background. Someone was lying next to me. It was amazing. I don't know why, but that's what came to mind all because of the chorus. Pretty weird, but cool. I never thought of being on date, none the less, a dream date before haha. The lyrics that also made me think was, "those three words are said too much they're not enough." It's true. So true. To think that wasn't weird enough, I changed stations to see what other songs were on. I just listened to many other songs. Then, I went back to 102.5 and what song plays next? Apologize~One Republic. My heart started beating faster and faster. I kept breathing hard too. But I couldn't stop. This song brought back too many memories. The first thing that came to mind was you. I danced with you so many times to this song. And I remember the first time we did. My heart was beating really fast because I was so happy. When I heard this song last night, I wasn't sure if my heart was beating fast because it was happy. It just brought back memories of you. Then I almost cried. But I didn't. Maybe thinking about you was just too much for me, or it could've just been the song. This song is just so important to me. But things turned around. The next thing I thought about was one of my best friends. This was the very first song I slow danced to with her. With anyone actually. Every time there is a dance, somehow this song always plays and we always dance to it because it brings back the good times. I remember the last day before we went on break, you were gonna get the song and have us dance since someone interrupted us at the real dance. But you couldn't get the song. You told me your plan when we went out to eat. I was happy because you were willing to do that for me. Even though things didn't go as planned, this song always makes me happy because it has so much meaning behind it for me. After hearing the songs, I thought "out of all the songs in the world, those two just so happens to play on the same day, same station, same hour." Wow was all I could think of. I was just so shocked. It's like it was a sign or something. After that, no other important song played. But it reminded me of freshmen, sophomore, and even junior year. Maybe it was meant to be or else it wouldn't have happened. Maybe it was suppose to be the perfect way to end my perfect weekend. Whatever the reason is, I thank 102.5. That station brought back so many great memories for me. I never want to forget them. Ever.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I was right.

I couldn't believe it myself. It felt great, but things ended bad. However, I was right. I'm still in shock. Good night world & thanks for the best four day weekend ever :]

Everything happens for a reason.

That was a line from the movie Dinner for Schmucks. Some movie if you ask me xD Anyways, another day. I woke up at 11:30 :D 11 hours of sleep for meeeee haha. Then had In-N-Out for breakfast/lunch=brunch haha. It was yummmyyyy. Double double with fries haha. And then I watched movies from there on out. I saw The Other Guys, The Last Airbender, and I'm currently watching Dinner for Schmucks right now. The first two were really good. The Other Guys is hilarious. I loved the plot. The Last Airbender was pretty good. Ending tells you that there will be a second one for sure. Well, that's what I got from it haha. And Dinner for Schmucks is umm interesting. I'ma leave it at that. Omg, Pretty Little Liars was goooood. Man I can't wait for next weeks episode. I didn't get to see what his tattoo said though so now I'm wondering >.> Saw a part of the BTR movie. It was funny. I love their song Boyfriend. It's really good. I didn't know Snoop Dogg was in it though. Still a good song. I finished a bracelet and started on a new one. The heart one looks better than the one I have now xD And of course, we worked on history. Didn't get much done, but better than nothing if you ask me. There's school tomorrow D: After this four day weekend, I really don't wanna go back haha. If only I could have more weekends like this one. Doing community service, going to a party, watching movies all day, talking with friends. Just all of it. I wish, I wish. And one more thing I did all day. Talk to people haha. Same guy made me laugh again. You kept going online just to tell me that you're prefect to me haha. 7 times today haha. I also thought about why I'm not so open to you. I'm afraid that if you know too much about me, it won't be good. It's not like I have anything to hide, but I don't want you to know everything. Well if you do, I just don't know what to expect afterwards. That's why I'm holding back. If you know everything, well what if it doesn't turn out right in the end. I hope you'll always be my friend. Then I can start to slowly open up to you. You already know a lot more than most people. If I let someone know everything, then they should always be there for me. If not, then it's a waste right? I felt so trusted by you today. When you told me what you did, I was like 'woah' for a moment. I'm not even kidding. I was shocked. You have so much faith in me. I don't think anyone really shows it though. It's just there, kinda obvious. For most people. But you. You surprised me. In a good way though. Well, enough thinking. I gotta finish this movie! :]


You always make me laugh and smile. I have no idea how, but you just do. The fact that you don't even try, just makes it even better :]

"I'm gonna give all my secrets away"

Today today today. What did I do? I watched movies ALL day. And it was FUNNNNN. If only I had someone to watch them with though >.> Anyways, I got to watch Dear John, Grown Ups, Megamind, and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Dear John was super sad. I cried like 5 times and now my garbage is filled with kleenex. I couldn't help it ;D But the ending was good. Grown Ups was hilariousssss. Super funny movie if you need a good laugh. Megamind was funny too. I love his big blue head haha. Unexpected plot though. The Sorcerer's Apprentice was amazing. I didn't expect a lot to happen so I really enjoyed it. Much better than I expected :D You might be wondering why I chose that song. I first heard it at my grandmas house. I was watching tv and you may have guessed it, The Sorcerer's Apprentice trailer came on. I instantly fell in love with the song. Everytime I heard it in the movie, I fell in love with it over and over again. It was great haha. They played a Jimmy Eat World song :D Well I hope I can stay home tomorrow and watch more movies :D I am sleeping earlier nowadays. Or at least trying to ;D Happy President's Day everyone!!! Good morning world & have a wonderful Monday :]

Sunday, February 20, 2011

If only people...

...looked at what was right in front of them.
...stopped wanting and started giving.
...didn't take things for granted.
...said how they really felt.
...would stop jumping to conclusions.
...did the right thing.
...took a chance.
...stood up for themselves.
...didn't lie or hide the truth.
...would realize what really matters in their life.
...believed in themselves.
Then this world would be so much better off.

You guys,

Can always make me laugh. It totally just made the rest of my night and morning great haha. Funny thing is that you guys don't try. Yet, I'm laughing like crazy haha. You're the "supacooooo" guy who purposely confuses me and only me ;D Yeah, I sure feel special haha. And you're the guy whos head fell into a plate of chips and fights with me saying "is too" and I say "is not." Hahaha. I really love my friends. Always putting a smile on my face :]]]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh my goodness,

I would never trade in today's experience for anythinggggggg. Today was perfect! :D Though the weather totally changed like halfway through the day haha. Anyways, so I went to the St. Mary's Interfaith Dining Hall today. It was FUNNNNN! Omg, even though it was across the street from the dumpster place, I had a blast! Hahaha. I really haven't had that much fun in so long its freaking amazinggggg. So right when I got there there was no one. I went in to sign my name and Paul was behind me and I was like "thank goodness I'm not alone" in my head haha. Yeah I was super early too. Well I got there at like 11:20, but I didn't know which building it was so I didn't sign in till like 11:25. Anyways, no one was there yet but me and him so we got our apron, gloves, and hairnets on and went to stand in the front with volunteers from other schools. Then at 11:30 they opened the screen thingy and we started serving food. It took awhile cause the people trying to scoop the food took awhile. By like 11:45, the rest of Key Club came to help out. But, I had HECKA fun. I loved serving people, cleaning up after them, and getting them more drinks. It was so much fun! Like I haven't had so much fun doing something like this in the longest ;D I think doing "waitress" things would be a good job for me. I was pretty fast hahaha. Yeah, but it was great. Most, if not all, of the people I helped said thank you and it just filled me up with happiness. I was just so overwhelmed with happiness. Knowing that I could help out others just makes me really proud. If I could go more often then I wouldn't mind at all. I liked it THAT much haha. After that, I went to my grandma's house and watched tv and ate food. It was gooooood haha. Since I hardly go nowadays. Then went home to get ready for the get together. Omg, it was so much funnnnnn!!!!!! Her house is really nice too. So spacious haha. We slid on the hardwood floors ;D, ate food, took pictures, went online, watched a movie, played Wii, pool, pinball, Jenga, and poker. It was awesome haha. I think everyone had a blast. Well, I did anyways haha. I think like 16 of us went. If only we took a group picture. But it's okay. It's the memories that count :D Well I was gonna go to the mall Monday, but that's not happening anymore. I was so looking forward to it too. That means I get more computer time bwahahaha. Oh yeah haha. I think I'm done with homework for the four day weekend. That means I gotta do it later, but I'll survive. Just an essay, powerpoint, application, history script and reading books. I did a lot more than I expected though. I did an essay scholarship, english homework, and idk wat else. Okay, maybe I didn't do a lot xD I should finish the script though. We're presenting on Wednesday and we still aren't done D: Well, if we don't finish it up, I'll just finish it. But I do want us to all agree on what we want to say though. I guess we'll see. Anyways, I feel like getting off now. Kinda tired haha. Speed walking at community service, being lazy and watching tv for hours, and chillaxing with friends. Long day haha. But I loved every single minute of it :D Good night world :]

Good morning world! :]

I feel all hyped up for today haha. Well it's super sunny outside. You were right ;D But I can't wait. The weather is perfect :D Off to another, hopefully amazing, day :]

Friday, February 18, 2011

So, I'm just scrolling through my news feed and my sister says: "Her! Her! Her mom sucks at driving!" hahahaha ;D

Haha, yes that just happened like 20 minutes ago xD I was on Facebook and my sister comes in. I scroll down and she sees that person and says that haha. It was too funny xD Well, today was a great day. Some things went okay, but in the end, things turned around for the best :D I hope everyone had a great day too. Looking forward to tomorrow now. Good night world and thank you for being a part of my life :]

"And who do you think you are Running 'round leaving scars"

Jar of Hearts~Christina Perri

Who do you think you are? You're no better than me. Not even close.


I took a picture of all my ducks yet and here it is! On the top picture there's Paul (I bought myself), Ricardo (Jade), Dave (Oksana), Ulee (Debora), No Name Yet haha (Jade), and A Buff Duck (Debora). Great names haha. In the bottom picture, there's Ken (my mom), another no name (my mom), Charlee (Kenneth), Katie (my mom), and Bobert (my mom). Thanks to everyone that got me one :D I have some interesting ducks with unique names lol. You might tell that I put them on my bookcase haha. I love how colorful my room is ;D And yes, I am a Twilight and Series of Unfortunate Events fan. I'm not on a team for Twilight, so don't even ask haha. I'm just gonna stay neutral. Anyways, I hope I get more different ducks in the future haha. I have 11 so far :]]]]]]]]]]]

Community service,

I absolutely LOVEEEEEEEEE it. I always get so happy helping people out. I just can't explain how happy I am haha. It's just amazing. I love it all. So, today I helped out at the Walton Special Center. Man, I was right. There was A LOT of people haha. That's good though. I didn't expect so many people to go. But, the more the merrier. I had a great time. Even though I just helped set up the decorations, chairs, and helped people finger paint. Kenia and I were trying to untangle the decorations and set them up. Debora, Paul, and I helped people paint. Jay kept trying to get everyone to dance. Kenneth and James sang some songs. Kevin and I danced a little. Debora and I sang a few songs. James, Paul, Debora and I did the YMCA ;D And of course the random pictures every now and then haha. It was funnnnnn. I loved it all :D It was great helping out. Especially seeing how happy they were. Knowing that I can change their lives, just gives me the best feeling in the world :]]]]]]]

No amount of physical pain can ever compare to how much emotional pain hurts.

And this is what happens when I blog before I sleep. I keep thinking about things. Well that's what came to my mind last night. But it's true. Physical pain can leave bruises, scars, and blood. Those sometimes go away. But emotional pain doesn't. It stays. It leaves and comes back. It will never stop. It won't leave you alone. Pain is something we all live with. Whether we like it or not...
On a brighter note, I'm excited for today :D Helping out at the Walton Special Center. Apparently, hecka people are going. Or so it seems. Yeah, my mood has been all over the place lately, but it's okay. Like I said before, I'll be over it soon enough, and guess what, I'm already over it haha. I get over some things easily. But, I'm not gonna be in pain because of you. You were just another obstacle in my way that I overcame. Anyways, I should be getting ready. It's raining outside too :D Have a great Friday everyone! :]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's heartbreaking,

Knowing that you forgot about me. I just see your name on yahoo messenger and I just don't know what I should do. I mean I really want to talk to you. We were once good friends. Best friends to be exact. And look at us now. It's crazy how much you changed. I try talking to you. I really do. But to you, it's like I don't exist anymore. It's like nothing ever happened between us. So much for being close, but I'll always be here for you. Even if you do forget me. No matter what happens, I'll be waiting in the side lines. As long as you live a happy life, well that's all I really wanted from the beginning. Honestly, what am I to you now? Just your friend? Do you even consider me as your friend? I really don't know what to think. Maybe it's better if I don't think at all. Maybe it's better for the both of us if I act like nothing happened. But if I do, I will only hurt more. If only things were the way it was before. When I was truly happy and didn't have to think about all this stuff. When did my life start turning around? When did you change? Well, even if you put me through all this pain, I need it. I need to start feeling life again. The only way to get through the pain is to go with it until the end. And that's what I will do. But soon enough, this will all go away. And you know why? It's because you have no idea. You don't know that I'm hurting. You could probably never guess that I'm hurting because of you. If it wasn't for this other guy, I wouldn't feel happy after writing all this. Letting out my feelings have helped me realized what I really feel deep inside. All the emotions I probably never even knew about. I honestly would have never noticed any of this if it wasn't for him or this blog. And that is why I wished him the best at 11:11. You can hurt me, but I'll only grow stronger. I realized what's really important in my life. Too bad you're not a part of it.

If someone told you they loved you,

How would you respond? Would you tell them the truth or lie? Ignore them or see them as soon as you can? Be happy or sad? What would YOU do? Truth is, I don't know what I would do. It hasn't happened yet, but maybe someday it will :]

"All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell"

Haha, I don't see why you find my blog so interesting. I don't think much about what I write. I just write whatever comes to my mind. It's just that simple haha. Anyways, today today today. Was a good day :D Yeahhhh, I expected right haha. For once. So my day, where should I start? Hmmm, calculus. Same old lecture as always. Learning limits right now. I got a runny nose like half way through class, which lasted soooo long. BUT, I'm not sick! :D It went away not too long after. So, that was a good sign. Lunch was funny haha. Taco Thursday! But I didn't buy any this week haha. Just went to tag along. Oksana's knee is better! Thank goodness. I hope she gets better soon :D Also, Kenia went asking everyone during lunch if they knew what 143 meant haha. That was funny though. But I didn't know what it meant till my sister told me like last year. But it's okay :D Not everyone knew anyways haha. Avid was funnnnnn. Was mostly goofing off and not doing my powerpoint like I should have been. Instead, James, Gabe, Aileen, Bernadette, and other people were playing on Omgpop haha. That was funnn :DDDDD I honestly haven't played with a whole group of people since I first got AIM over the summer in July. That was the first time we played and sadly, this is the second. I miss the times we would all just chat together rather than just IM one another when we feel like it. No one really talks nowadays. It's quite sad. Buttttt, I still had fun! Omgomgomg, TA period!!! :DDDD It was FUNNNNN. So, me and Debora went to the mall and yeah, it was greatttt. We sang We Could Happen on the way there haha. We had trouble finding parking too xD At the mall we looked around in Barnes and Nobles, Hot Topic, Icing, Victoria's Secret, and Bath & Body Works. We tried looking for her book, but yeah, eventually we didn't find it so we asked customer service haha. Then I just went looking through all the teen books. There are some good ones. I can't wait to buy some! :D Hot Topic has some awesome shirts. I love them. And I like their bracelets and hair bows. I just never go there to shop haha. Icing was funnnyyyyy. I tried on more glasses in that store than I probably have in my entire life haha. I'm not even kidding ;D We got those scent samples at Victoria's and Bath & Body Works. The cherry blossom at bath and body works smelled really good. The lotion with glitter was crazy haha. My hands were so shinyyy. So eye catching haha. But after that, we ran out of time and went to get some food. It was my first time trying Charley's Subs. Mannnn, those fries were amazinggg. I got the ranch and bacon gourmet fries. Those were SO DELICIOUS. Hahaha. If you haven't tried them, I suggest you do. They made my tummy happy haha. Honestly, my day couldn't have been better. Except one little thing. We were late to history by like 2 minutes >.< But, I looked on my HAC and it doesn't say I'm late, so MAYBE he let it slide. I wish though. I've had perfect attendance since I started MCHS. But, freshmen year I had to leave school 3 times early just cause I was trying to apply for this job thing through delta and they marked me as a tardy and I'm like $@&^*! That killed it too! But to me, I have perfect attendance :D Haha, so technically, I haven't missed a day. I always have a reason, but not this time. And if I am marked down, well I can't blame anyone but myself that I was having too much fun :D So, that's why I put the song by Avril Lavigne. It kinda explains what I'm going through right now. For my whole life, I've been a good girl doing everything my parents tell me to or at least try to. But now, it's like I want to have some fun. I wanna live my life the way I want to! And guess what. I'm doing just that and no one is going to stop me. No one :]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"hahaha my definition of a hot guy probably doesnt even exist lmao"

Hahaha, I started cracking up after I said that ^^^ ;D Ohhh, good day today. My days seem to end well. Like even if the day kinda sucked, my night turns it around. Sometimes it's the other way, but it's better this way haha. Having best friends changes a lot of things. You realize who you can trust more. Who you can tell things to. Who you can count on. Just everything. I screwed up BIG time today. So for the get together I was gonna message Debora, but instead I replied to the wrong message. I ended up replying to a MASS message, which I couldn't delete and ruined the surprise for Aileen -__- That was a HUGE fail >.> Gahh, well I should still get her something for her birthday. Also, Angelica's birthday is coming up too. I can't wait :D I feel like I'm loved too much. Sounds wack huh? I mean who thinks that? Haha, well me for some reason. I don't know. Like my family was just talking about how fast gas is gone. On Monday, my dad went to get some gas for the car, and now he has to go again tomorrow. Then, my mom was saying after Friday and Saturday, my dad will have to go again since my sister and I are going to so many places this weekend. Then, that led to a lecture from both my parents on how we should both focus more on school because we'll have to pay back all they have done for us once we grow up. My dad was mainly referring to paying him back money wise. Haha, but yeah. I realized how much they really love me. I feel like I don't deserve it all. I feel like I'm disappointing them everytime I don't do as well as they want me to. I feel like I let them down. I feel bad. I feel really bad right now. There's just a lot running through my mind. Today, when I came home, I did no homework. Example one right there. I can't even work on homework like I want to. But I made a resolution at the beginning of the year for myself and that is to be more productive. And in reality, I have been way more productive than before. At school mainly, but it's something, right? For some reason, it's easier for me to work on homework and what not at school. Like at home, I feel like it should be spent more on something I want to do rather than it being school related. I think I need more time for myself. But overall, my parents do love me unconditionally. I just don't notice it all the time. I always thought love meant saying 'I love you.' Boy am I wrong. My parents have not once told me those three words. They only show it and express it towards me. I've been looking at the wrong thing for the longest time. Sometimes I  wish I realized this sooner, but knowing it over the past few years, makes up for it. Love is not just a word. It's a feeling. It's something that should be given unconditionally. It's expressed through actions. Love has no restrictions. It's just that people hold back the feeling. I don't say 'I love you' a lot because what does it really prove. I don't like it when people just say it randomly. To me, that's just being silly. Say it when you actually mean it. Love is a word with a whole lot of meaning. It should be proved with actions and emotions, and not just said at any given time you like. So, that is why I don't take the saying 'I love you' as lightly as other people do. I may not have been use to hearing it while I was growing up, but when I do say it, I genuinely mean it. So, with that said, try not to take the word so lightly, if you do. There's a lot more to it than it just being three words. The phrase 'I love you' should be given much more thought from people. For it has changed the lives of so many already. Good night world & tell the ones you truly love just how you feel :]

"This world keeps spinning faster into a new disaster so I run to you I run to you baby."
I Run To You~Lady Antebellum  I love this song so much <333

*The rain sounds nice tonight. Well it is 11:59 at the moment ;D

I was almost...

Blown away by the wind in PE haha. Today was a pretty good day. I think I missed one on my anthro quiz. Hopefully, I still passed. I should find out next Wednesday. Calculus is making more sense! Like I'm not super confused like I was for the first few weeks haha. That's a good sign :D Free period was interesting. Dalia, Kenneth and I went to Danner to get some food and there was this festival going on with all the choirs from different high schools, so the line in Danner was superrrrrrr longggggg. It was freaking crazy haha. I was like :O So, we ended up going to Java Jitters. On the way there, I ran into you! The three of us were just talking and this guy just approaches me and gives me a hug and I'm like 'WATS GOING ON?!?!' in my head hahaha. I wasn't looking straight since we were all chatting. I was gonna hug back, but I was kinda shocked for a moment xD Well it was nice seeing you! Haven't seen you since Fall Rally. I didn't expect seeing you there either! Hahaha. It's like you show up in the most random places haha. But it's nice seeing you again since it's been like what, 4 months? That's a long time to not see someone if you ask me. Then again, we don't go to the same school, so it should be okay! Haha. So yeah, after free period was over, I headed to PE. Of course, the sun is out and it's raining haha. I had no umbrella too ;D But, it was amazingggg. The way the light just reflected off the raindrops made it look so cool haha. I loved it. And during PE, when we were playing handball, it started sprinkling, then stopped, started sprinkling again, which soon led to rain. A lot of rain :D It rained the whole walk back and when we were waiting outside the conditioning room. I got to stand in some hail tehehe. It was cool. Kevin was just standing in the rain the whole time. Crazy guy haha. Honestly, today brought back so many memories from Fall Rally. Seeing you, hanging out with Kevin, and of course, all the rain. It was a pretty good day now that I think about it all haha. And in English, I did okay on my test. I hecka failed the sentence part for Life on the Mississippi. Hopefully, it won't affect my grade too much. So yeah, that was my day. Looking forward to tomorrow. I hope I can leave TA early and rebel right before the holiday weekend :D Oh oh oh, my mommy's letting me gooooo :DDD This weekend will be funnnnn. I can't wait! If only the museum was still having the exhibit >.> But still, everything else has been great so far. This week is turning around as I speak haha. I got the rain I wanted and my mom's even letting me go. Woot woot. I'm happy :D Oh and I got like this email from Norwich University just telling me about their school, and I'm liking it. Only problem is that it's half way across the US and it's a private school. But on the plus side, it offers my major, they have many scholarships, and it's pretty there :D I didn't even know it was a military school! Haha. I will consider it. I think I wrote enough for now ;D Until later... :]]]]]]]]]]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I love feeling...

Appreciated. It's really great. & I've been feeling it a lot lately too :]

"I need a guy who's mine oh mine, I need a guy in my life."

This song is super olddddd. I remember being a little kid and listening to this haha. I edited the lyrics of course haha. But still, it's a good song :D I miss all those old songs I would listen to back then. It's always nice listening to them after so many years. Brings back the good old memories. Well, I hope tomorrow will be a good day. & hopefully the wind won't blow me away haha. Good night world :]

"'Cause you were all of my dreams come true And I just wish you knew"

Omg, so I heard this last night and like freaked out! Hahaha. It's SOO DARN CUTEEEE ;D It's like his reply to her song Enchanted, which was for him haha. Awww. So sweetttt. Anyways, today was more like an okay day. Nothing that stood out and nothing sucked. But I do havta say, lunch was HILARIOUS hahaha. Like 4 sour cream and salsa dips were dropped on the floor ;D Valerie dropped one on my shoe >.> At least it didn't stain too bad. GO HUG A SQUID! Hahahaha, that was so freaking funny haha. Oh man, I love days that just make you look back and laugh like crazy. Apparently the extra credit for english at the Haggin Museum is over >.> I was really looking forward to going to that and just hanging out. So much for that. Well I still got community service, rebelling (hopefully), and the get together. I wanna go to alllll. I really wish I could. Honestly, last week was way better than this week ;D I wish something like unexpecting, but in a good way, would happen. I really do. Man, it's so windy outside. And I have PE tomorrow haha. I hope we're in the conditioning room. I just want it to rain. Rain hard haha. No wind would be better though. But yeah, we'll see. Maybe something this week will go right. Oh, and thanks for the duck! Now I got 11 bwahahaha. This one is red with hearts and named Charlee. Always naming it after yourself haha. I'm a huge Glee fan now haha. It was a good episode today. American Idol tomorrow. Woot woot :D Can't wait :]

Monday, February 14, 2011

One last thing,

I want a new start. I know it won't happen, but sometimes I wish I could just rewind and start all over with everyone from the beginning. If only...

"Well I can hardly catch my breath and I just hope that this would last."

Best I Never Had~The Downtown Fiction

This band right here. Freaking amazing. If I were to get one CD right now, I would SOOOO get theirs without thinking twice. I think it's time things went back to how it was before. I was right about you all along. At least I have good judgement about people haha. Man, I reallyyyyy love this song. I love them ALL xDDD I want it badlyyyyyyy hahaha. Their lyrics are just so down to earth. Well, this is post number 100. I can't believe it. It's only been like less than 2 months aha. Crazy. Blogging has helped me so much. I feel like I'm having a new start. I don't know why, but it's great. & as for the girl you left behind, I'm the best you never had. Good night world :]


You're invading my life D: No offense and all, but I don't like it ;D I mean I know we're close and all, but stop talking to my friends D:< You have you're own! :P

Haha yeah. I find that funny ^^^ Lol. In-N-Out was yummmayyy :DDD I haven't had it in the longest time. If I realized anything today, it'd be this. I like being single now, but I hope I find someone later. I have been away from guys for the longest now, and it hasn't really hit me as strange. People are like wow when they hear it, but honestly, it's not even that bad haha. There's just a time when you realize that you don't want to try anymore and rather just have it happen. I hope Santa didn't forget about my wish. As of now, my first wish came true :D But for my second, it hasn't. I know it takes a lifetime to find that special person, but I wouldn't mind crushing on a guy again. I just need one to like haha. So, I must say, if a good guy comes around, well I won't be afraid to fall for him. But let's just keep this between you and me haha :]

"Promise me you'll always be happy by my side."

Marry Me~Train

Another good day. Good for a Monday haha. So yeah, today was Valentine's Day. It honestly didn't even seem like it. No picnic :( They ended up going to Nubi's. I didn't even feel like going anywhere xD It's okay though. I get to finally get out this weekend. YEEEEE :DDD Haha. Perfect picture time for your birthday gift bwahahaha >:D Thank you veryyyyy much for the bouquet :DD I still gotta finish up you're gift D: Still, thanks :DD I really didn't expect it xD So, my mom says she got In-N-Out. I must see hahaha. And Farms is cancelled D: At least I can probably leave TA and hang out. Woot woot :] Oh, the song. It's been stuck in my head all day. I looooveeee itttt :D And for YOU, I WILL get you a flower next year no matter how you take revenge on me. BWAHAHAHA. I'm in such a good mood today hahaha :]]]]]]]

It's time I...

Yeah, so the picture is of my inbox. Debora spammed it. You can't see it too well, but it says 94 messages. Well now it is 100 messages and 91 are from her xD Crazyyyyy hahaha. I spent like 12 hours online today. I'm. not. kidding. I FAIL. If I have eye problems, I know why. Withdrawalllll. As soon as possible too ;D This is not gonna have a good outcome if I keep it up like this. Grammy's was pretty interesting though :D I did NOTHING important today. How sad. No homework is finished either >.> I suck.

I'm sorry. I keep pushing you away. I regret it every time after I do. I don't think when it happens. But I can't help it. You freaking annoy me a lotttttttt. I'm being an ******* and I know it. You have every right to be mad at me. I really need some time alone. I have to clear my mind... I'm really sorry that I'm hurting you. I just want you to know that I will change.

I feel like you're mad at me. Or maybe you just don't like talking to me anymore. I said so from the start. You'd get tired of me eventually haha. It's okay. I felt this wouldn't last forever. But there's still hope that you will prove me wrong.

You forgot about me. No matter how many times we talk or see each other, it's like you forgot me. So, you realized what you did the first time, but not the second. You didn't even reply back. How sad. Maybe I did the right thing by getting over you. Actually, forget the maybe. I DID do the right thing. To think we were actually good friends. I would turn my back and leave, but I promised you otherwise. I'm not going back on my word now.

Note to self: 1/22/10

& I just had a small heart attack D:
Good night world :]

Sunday, February 13, 2011

You're the best I never had.

On AIM, that's my status.

***** (5:27:30 PM): and oh
***** (5:27:31 PM): btw
***** (5:27:39 PM): th, i know im the best that you never had
***** (5:27:40 PM): anyways
Amy:] (5:27:43 PM): yw
Amy:] (5:27:45 PM): LOLLLLL

Hahaha, you're funny :]


amy (2/13/2011 5:51:36 PM): I thought I heard someone mowing their lawn
amy (2/13/2011 5:51:44 PM): its an airplane xD
****** (2/13/2011 5:52:51 PM): WOW!!!
amy (2/13/2011 5:53:02 PM): lolllll
amy (2/13/2011 5:53:09 PM): it sounded like a lawn mower!
****** (2/13/2011 5:53:34 PM): still fail
amy (2/13/2011 5:53:43 PM): haha I know xD

& you make me smile :D Don't I have great friends? Hahaha :]

I'm actually looking forward to Valentine's Day.

Well, I have no Valentine, but that doesn't mean it won't be a good day tomorrow :D I'm gonna get you a gift, so I hope you like it. Well, I'm not exactly getting it, but since you wouldn't get the flower from me, I got you something :P Meanie hahaha. Anyways, I'm glad we're best friends. Reallllyyyyyyy glad haha. You don't know how happy I was yesterday because of it. Oh, Valentine's Day... Even if I'm single, I'm still looking forward to it. You wanna know why. Cause I still got people to celebrate it with :D I don't even care that I'm single. I'm loving every minute of it anyways :]]]]]]

Sunday morning...

Well rain sure ain't falling :D Hahaha. I heard it's gonna rain this week though. Hopefully it rains later in the afternoon tomorrow cause I wanna go on that picnic! lol. Yeah, just another day. Must finish my english and history homework. Then I can work on the bracelet and maybe watch movies all day :D New Moon and Eclipse have been waiting for me hehehe. I must finish hw and watch hahaha. I been waiting since like July since I ended up going to LA and missed the movies, which I planned myself D: But it's all good, maybe for Breaking Dawn we can all go together. No more football on Sundays :((((( How sad. Well, I'm SOOOO looking forward to the next season haha. Omgomgomgomgomg, the video for We Could Happen came out today! :DDDDDD Bwahahaha, it's just TOO cute. I wish I went on a date like that ;D Or at least find a guy like that haha. I can't get over the song though. It's been stuck in my head for what two or three days. Nevermind, FIVE days hahaha. That's much longer than I expected ;D Well it only took me like 2 days to memorize the lyrics haha. Mannnnn, I love this song. I wish someone sang this to me haha :]]]]]]]


   Isn't this a cute whale?
         Cause I sure think so.
            12:54 AM.
               I have a problem.
                  *must get offline*

Another day.

12:00 AM. I was working on English 1A homework all day. I finished at 11:58 PM ;D I feel like such a procrastinator. So, with Farms on Tuesday, we might come back to school early. Debora wants me to go to Key Club and vote for her. I wanna go so I can sign up for community service and vote for the new board members. But, there is a problem. After Farms, we got back around 3:00 PM, well last time we did, and I went home afterwards. I'm guessing everyone else is gonna go home this time as well. I, on the other hand, want to just hang out and ditch history since I want to go to Key Club. Here's the catch. Everyone else is in class and I got no one to hang out with D: What to do, what to do. So, if I don't find someone to hang out with me for 1+ hour, well then, I guess I'm going to class like Jay said, even though I really don't wanna go. I guess we'll see. I hope I find someone >.< Good morning world :]]]]]]

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I need some time for myself. Away from people. I want to be alone for once. Just to clear my thoughts in my head and settle things. I just need some peace and quiet.

Dreams are just dreams.

No Chinese School next week. Oh yeahhh :D I feel like an outcast this weekend haha. There's the ice skating event today, Bruce's get together thing, and the movies with friends. I couldn't/can't go to any :( Oh well, I'll have fun finishing up homework ;D Although, next week is filled with just as many events! Woot woot :D Haha. Picnic in the park, maybe. Not sure how the weather will go though. There's community service, Farms, and another get together haha. So far, I can go to all, but the get together. I must ask first. Can't wait :D Dreams make you think. They make you wonder why you have them. I had a weird and interesting dream last night/this morning. So, everyone was in English with Mrs. Giannone and someone from Key Club was passing out the Valentine's Day grams. It's quite odd how Valentine's Day just so happens to fall on a B day too. Anyways, people are all getting their grams, and I get this massive bouquet of real and colorful daises and I'm like woah haha. Weird. I mean this thing was big and there were 2 cards with it. Of course one card was from the secret person, but you were sitting in the classroom, looking at me when I got it. Then, right after that, you just got up and left. Mixed signals hahaha. The other card had nothing to do with you, so I don't know why that was even there haha. Well yeah. That was it. Stuff happened afterwards, but it probably wasn't important since I don't remember ;D It's been so long since I last dreamt, so it was interesting. Too bad dreams are just dreams though. We'll see how my real Valentine's Day goes haha. Omg, I saw 27 Dresses today! Such a cute movie :3 I knew she would end up with the other guy haha. It's a good one though. I haven't seen a movie in the longest time haha. I must start on some homework. Lalalalala...


Friday, February 11, 2011

"You can be the prince and I can be your princess"

It came to my head since I went to TA for Mrs. Solari and Kenneth or Debora played the song haha. That was fun :DDDDD It's always fun going to TA with them. Always. Jay is sick and everyone's trying to not get sick haha. Now hecka people at school are sick though D: Feel better everyone! Oh, can't forget the cool songs and ringtones from Aman, Kenneth, and Debora haha. Kevin was talking about Kirby. That was random lol. On the way to history, me and Kenneth were singing We Could Happen haha. Today was a great day. With wonderful people. I love my friends. I can't wait for Monday too. Hopefully, everything goes as planned cause it sure sounds like fun. I'm excited haha. Rebelling next week too ;D Woot woot. So far, this year has been great. I love it. Good night world :]

Happy Birthday Kevin & Kenneth!!! :DDDDDD

Today was a really good day :D I hope everyone else's Friday went just as well or even better! Haha. So yeah, I got both my tests back today. In Anthro, I got 82/100 on the test and my overall grade is a 87%. I still have a chance to bring up my grade, so I'm not worrying about it too much. Also, my teacher cancelled class for Monday so she can go out with her husband on Valentine's Day. How cute :3 But, that means I get to sleep in :DDDDDD Weeeee hahaha. In Calculus, I got 40/50 and my overall grade is a B. I can still bring that up too! I really thought I did bad in both, but surprisingly, I didn't! I'm proud of myself. At least I know how to study and prepare for the next test :D See, today was a really good day haha. So far, I have B's in all my college classes, which isn't too bad. I must bring them up to A's though! For calculus, I'm just gonna do my best and pray that I will work hard enough to earn an A and if not, then a B wouldn't be too bad. I really want that A though ;D I saw my cousin today, who actually saw me this time haha. So today is Kevin & Kenneth's birthday! Happy Birthday guys!!! I hope the both of you have a great day and an amazing year :D I hope you guys liked your gifts. Mac & cheese and a card hahaha. At least you thought it tasted good xD It didn't look too good to me though hahaha. But whatever. Going to Farms field trip on Tuesday. Oh snap, gotta tell my calculus teacher then. I forgot xD Well, I better remember on Monday! Lol. Too bad Oksana can't go =/ She's always my buddy when we go and now I got no one D: Well, I got to go. Till later & no studying tonight! YESSSSS!!!!! Hahahaha :]]]]]]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Know We Could Happen ♥

My new favorite song and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ITTTTTT haha

I'll hold the door
Please come in and just sit here for a while
This is my way of telling you I need you in my life

It's so cold without your touch
I've been dreaming way too much
Can we just turn this into reality

Cuz I've been thinking bout you lately
Maybe you can save me from this crazy world we live in
I know we could happen cuz you know
That I've been feeling you

Storms they will come but I know
That the sun will shine again
He's my friend and he says that we belong together

I'll sing a song to break the ice
Just a smile from you would suffice
Its not me being nice girl this is real tonight

Cuz I've been thinking bout you lately
Maybe you could save me from this crazy world we live in
I know we could happen cuz you know
That I've been feeling you
I know you want me

There's no other there's no other love
That I'd rather have no
There ain't no one there ain't no one else
I want you for myself

I've been thinking bout you lately
Maybe you could save me from this crazy world we live in
I know we could happen cuz you know
That I've been feeling you
I know you want me

I've been thinking bout you lately
Maybe you could save me from this crazy world we live in
I know we could happen cuz you know
That I've been feeling you
I know you want me too

Live in the moment and don't let anyone or anything stop you =]

I'm so ready to sleep haha. Kinda wide awake at the moment, but not too long from now, I'll be ready to pass out. Or at least try to haha. I'm done with the card now :D Honestly, I write some pretty good cards ;D I step it up each time. I mean, everyone writes their greeting on one side and that's it. What about the other side of the card? Just gonna leave it blank? Well, I don't. I make sure it's all filled up. Usually when I write a card, I always do something creative on the other side. Whether it be drawings or nicknames that remind me of you, or a saying I think of, I come up with something. The title to this post is a saying from a card I wrote. I have a new idea now: song lyrics. Haha. I'm a lot more creative than I realize, and I hope for those few people that have ever received a card from me, like it. Even if you don't, I had fun doing so. 11:11 :DDD Been really long since I made a wish. But yeah, I like taking my time with cards. I take about 20 minutes or more writing and doing something special for the person. Today I took wayyyyy more time than that just trying to get the song lyrics perfect xD Well, I hope cards aren't too out to date for people, cause from here on out, I'm writing many more cards haha. I know I can count on that :] Either way, tomorrow will hopefully be a fun day, especially for the two of you. I may be getting both of my tests back, but we'll see how that goes. I did no homework again since I didn't have much :D I'm liking that a lot haha ;D My Daily Dose of Reality: Enjoy all the precious moments in your life because in the end, that makes life worth living. Good night world & have a lovely Friday :]]]]]]]]]]]]

I love cards.

I'm quite old-fashioned. I love cards and handmade gifts. They make me feel special when I get them :3 Ahhh, I was just looking at some Taylor Swift cards. They are so cute! :D I love the Valentine's Day ones. The roller coaster and the balloon one in particular ;D The one to the right is also one by her. I wish I got you that one for your birthday, but I can't go to American Greeting Cards and get you it =/ If they have it too... But still. At least I got you something right? Hopefully you like it though since I couldn't really get you anything. It was so weird though. I was just looking at the cards, and then a tear just fell out of no where. I don't even know why! Hahaha, super weird. Anyways, I will go do whatever haha. I even got a $3 certificate to the bookstore for winning the doubles tournament in PE. It was for paddleball, but Veasna did everything. I sucked at everything besides serving haha. We lost one game and I was shocked we even got to the Champions Court at all xD It was fun though. He deserves it more than me haha. But I used it like right after and got something good :D Hopefully xD Well, till later... :]

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where are you?

Out of sight and no where to be found of course. A life changing person is what I need right now. Someone similar to me, yet different. I don't know where you've been hiding, but come out. Save me from this place people call the world :]


Hahaha, twoday xD I felt like being lame haha. Anyways, no homework todayyyy :DDDDD Awesome haha. I hardly have no hw. Well, I do have some english 1A, but not in the mood to really grade essays right now -__-" I'll do it during fp tomorrow :D I'm so bored right now >.> Nothing to doooo. BUT, I get to catch up on sleep :333 Bwahaha, at this rate I should get like 9-10 hours tehehehe. Oh yeahhhh, hahaha. On American Idol, some guy dressed up in a Transformers suit and could actually move on wheels. It was so cool :DDD Anyways, Hollywood week should start or whatever it's called.  I can't wait!!! :D One last thing to say. *Warning: I'm about to rant so skip to the end if you like* ;D I was on Yahoo and decided to read the news. I like doing that every now and then haha. But yeah, there was this blog about lame Valentine's Day gifts. I read some pretty bad ones and comments as well. People want way too much. They expect to get something, and get all disappointed if it's not something nice or expenseive. REALLY?? Get over yourself. That's so self-centered. I think Valentine's Day should be spent with the ones you love. Isn't that the TRUE meaning behind it? Of course it's always nice to get something, but this is just another day. You can give someone a gift any day. But this does push some people to step up to the plate to tell the guy/girl they like them aha. That's not my point though. Point is, people shouldn't expect anything. You should just be lucky to even have that person in your life. Why ask for more? If you want something, buy it yourself. Don't count on someone else getting it for you. Freaking lame people. That is the downfall of Valentine's Day. But there are good things as well! People do go out of their ways for the ones they care about, which is really nice. Whether it's a card or a hug, the small things are much more important. Not the superficial things like roses or chocolates. Honestly, people are too fascinated by things like getting teddy bears and what not. That isn't what this day is about. It's never been about giving gifts to prove that you love the person. You're suppose to show you love them in other ways. I'm not saying that giving gifts are bad, but that's not what the day is meant for. If you get anything, you should be happy. Society makes you think you need jewelry, chocolates, flowers, but in reality, you don't. It only makes you feel special if you got something. I don't get much besides school candy grams (which I think are really cool :D) and honestly, I couldn't be more happier. I am quite lucky that someone actually went out of their way to even get me something. People need to realize that superficial things won't last forever. The person that's in your life is what truly matters. Well, I definitely ranted tonight haha. But you know it's all true. People just don't realize it. I'm starting to have my 'Daily Dose of Reality' and I'm enjoying it a lot. Makes me appreciate life even more. Life is starting to hit me & I like it. I have a feeling I will rant a lot from here on out xD But it's a great way to express how I feel. Good night world :]]]]]

Seeing you smile,

Makes me smile bigger ;D Kinda odd why I'm feeling this, but I couldn't help it. Weird, but good :]

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Glee is stuck in my head now haha. I'm liking the show :D Something to watch on Tuesday nights now :D Yeeee, haha. Well, today. Hmmm, the test = fail. No joke. I was doing great until she said, "Alright class, 10 minutes left." Everything went downhill from there >.> But on the plus side, I did a lot better than I expected. Now tomorrow, anthro and history test. History, I think we can use notes so I'm not freaking out. But anthro, I didn't even make my index card yet, and I am relying on that BIGGGGG time xD I got the candy grams! The bouquet was pretty. Why did you nominate meeeee DDDDD: I didn't want to run for any thing xD It's okay. We are planning on running later on, so I am excited. I kinda wanna have a position in something you know. It sounds fun too :D Also, I did 25.5 hours of community service last semester if I counted correctly. Probably not, but I did do about that much. I'm proud of myself. Now for this semester, I plan on topping it. But sadly I have 0 as of now >.> But that will change after next week! Oh yeah haha. I'm getting back into doing community service once again :D Hmmm, tomorrow is American Idol. Woot woot. Can't wait haha. Welllll, you want the oddest gift ;D But I won't mind getting it for you haha. At least I can get it xD I feel like I'm forgetting something... Not sure what though. Sucks when this happens haha. Maybe it'll come to me later. I must start writing my notes now. Good night world~ Lalalalala & keep smiling :]]]]]

Monday, February 7, 2011

You know,

Some things just annoy me. Especially when someone lies to you when you know the truth. That is the worst. Probably not, but it's close. I'm not sure if it has happened to me, but still, it's annoying. Also, trying to get on people's nerves on purpose. Like really? Wtheck. It's so stupid if you ask me. I don't know why I'm ranting haha. Just came to mind and not about a certain person xD More like things I realize. But yeah, it's just dumb. Just grow up and get a life. Wrote the first note today! Woot woot :D Omggg, I saw the cutest video. So there's like this guy from Chavez and he asked this girl to be his valentine. It was too cuteeee ;D Link if you wanna watch haha. I say watch a few seconds from the beginning and skip to near the end (middle was kinda boring), but I thought it was sweet. Sometimes I wish I had a secret valentine, but I don't wanna get into all that right now xD Anyways, you asked the WEIRDEST THING EVER! I'm not even kidding. Why would you ask to go to someone's house to pick up their homework?!?! Like, uhh, really?? Have you lost it? Aha. I thought you were kidding, but nope. You were like dead serious. And we live close, so that made it more odd. But that didn't happen, good thing. I was kinda freaked out. You are a little weird ;D Not a little, but yeah, that was so unexpected xD Okay, so my friends think my cousin is cute/hot/whatever haha. Before AVID, Valerie was like "oh that guy in the Germany jacket is kinda cute." I looked before she said that and of course, it was my cousin xD Hecka funny and awkward though haha. Omg, TA was funnnn. During binder checks, I graded your binder and you didn't even know haha. You were like "but you didn't check my notes or anything and I got full credit" and I'm like "yeah..." hahahaha. Everyone got full credit ;D Well, the ones I graded haha. Even Gerard gave me his so I can give him an A haha. Well yeah, that was funny. Also, cookies and creme ice creammmm. Mmmmm, so good. And drawing random pictures with Debora haha. With the ferris wheel rolling away too xD Oh, and on the moon haha. Honestly, I think you became like my best friend. I haven't got like the best friend I always wanted before, but you're really close haha. I told you everything and anything and I can count on you. You listen and you've been there a lot for me. You even got up at 5AM just to make me my pink rice krispie treat for my bday :D I'm SOOOOOO lucky for such great people in my life. I really am. Well, one last thing before I sleep. I'm an open person. I say things without realizing it most the time. That's just me. Well, I noticed that I told you a lot. And I mean A LOT. You know so much about me. I have a feeling this won't last forever. Knowing you, you'll be out of my life sometime from now. I don't know how long, but that's the kind of person you are. I so wish that that isn't going to be true, but I have my doubts. Something's gonna happen. Just wait and see. Must study for a little longer. Wish me luck! Super windy outside too. Good night world :]

Oh snap.

I was suppose to sleep at 10:30. Look what time it is now. 11:55 D: So not what I had planned. Well you did ask for help in Calculus and I couldn't say no. I needed help too xD At least I'm completely finished now :D Well, with the practice test xD I must've not looked at the calendar lately cause your guys' birthdays are this week :D I'm not sure if I should get you guys something -___-" Trying not to spend money for the rest of this month, but I don't know. If I do get something, it'll be a card and some candy for one of you guys. Can't go all out >.< And for the other, sour gummy worms or coffee since you love them so much :D You guys have both been great friends. Brings me back to Summer '09. Greattttttttt times. You and I became best friends cause of one college class. Who knew it would happen? It's like it was meant to be aha. Now we're still in the same classes. It's a win for me haha. I got another guy best friend :D Well, I'll ask Debora and see if I should do anything. If not, I'll try to go all out if I can. Time is slipping by. I must get some sleep now! Good morning world :]]]

Sunday, February 6, 2011


YEAHHHH, THATS WHATS UPPPPP!!!!! aha. I'm sooooo freaking happppyyyyy. My weekend was perfect. Doesn't happen often, but it was greattttt :DDDDD Ahhh man, I'm so happy. Haha, they played a familiar song and it was 1901 by Phoenix. I was wondering why it sounded so familiar haha. Such a good song. I can't get over the game xD I really hope today ends great. Or it's just the start to a great week :D Againnnnn. February has been my month haha. I'm not even kidding. This has been a great week. Got two tests this week and I will study hard.  Ahhh, man. I'm feeling so good right now, its overwhelming haha. Well, I must get ready. It's almost 7:30. Well it passed by now xD Good good day though. SUPER excited for the next season. Colts all the way :D Oh man, I can't wait. You have no idea :]]]]]

"Pittsburgh Steelers, thats nothin’ That Super Bowl ring, thats stuntin’."

Green and Yellow~Lil Wayne

"Uh huh, you know what it is" aha. GO PACKERSSSSS!!!!! :DDDDDD I'm so voting for them right now. At least my hands don't hurt as much now xD Over clapping after the first touchdown hahaha. Score is 17-21 right now. Come on Packerrrrsssss. You got this! Steelers are doing better this quarter though. Well I'm glad that I finished Calculus homework. Took me like what, 4 hours xD That was a longggg timeee. Proud of myself though. I actually didn't go online and did my homework. Finished my essay in a few hours yesterday. I suprised myself a lot this weekend haha. That's good. At least I'm going through with another resolution. Number 9: Be more productive. Hahaha. That's good for me thoughhhhhhhh :D Must watch the game now! PACKERSSSSSS FOR THE WINNNNNNNN :]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Someday holding hands in the end, All our broken plans will have been."

I love their songs so much<333 They're all so good. Especially Baby It's Fact and Here in Your Arms. May post them later on. Who knows? Thanks to Mary, I listen to them a lot now haha. Anyways, you can probably tell that I have internet :DDDDDDD Omgggggg, you have NO IDEA how happy I was. I was literally jumping around and banging on the wall xDDD I was really that happy inside. It made the end of my day perfect :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] I really hope nothing goes wrong. Finished English1A homework woooooot wooooooot. Just calculus needs to be tackled down, and I'm good to go. Oh and the index card for anthropology. Gahh, ima need to write super small on that 3x5 index card and HOPEFULLY fit everything we learned. There was quite a lot too. Must rewrite my notes so it's in order. Will be much easier to study for if I do. Well today was funnnn. Loved the bike ride. Met new friends of my cousins cousin. Dinner was delicioussssssss. My uncle makes the best ribs. Yummmm :3 I love them so much haha. Now, Superbowl 45 is tomorrow. I can't waitttttt. Lots of emphasizing in this post xD Well, I need to get some sleep so I can get up and do some homework, watch the game, and sleep. Hopefully just go a little crazy, probably will a lot during the game, and must have nachossss haha. Kinda sad since this will be the last game for a longgggggg time. I will definitely miss it all. Especially going psycho and watching the games with my football buddy. Great times. I should catch up on my sleep (Oh yeahhh ;D) Good night world :] & I never stopped praying, and I won't now :]]]]]]]]]]]

Time for the truth...

Getting ready and packing up. Time to finally go home. I guess I'll see what happens. I am nervous as we speak. *Sigh* I don't want to make my dad mad. Well if something happens, I guess I'll never take my computer anywhere. And I mean anywhere. I should've written my essay on paper first. Well I did my best and I didn't plan on anything to happen. Here goes nothing. I'm still praying for the best...

The impossible is possible.

Okay, so far today has been going perfect. Just one thing can ruin it. ONE thing. The whole IP address thingy D: I'm nervous. Hoping that things can go right just this one time. I FINISHED MY ESSAY!!! In 2 hours and 40 minutes to be exact :DDDDDDD You have NO IDEA how HAPPY I am right now haha. That's quite shocking to me. I was really thinking that I would take all day. No joke. Now I'm hoping I did okay cause I did kinda do it fast. Some of it isn't exactly true cause I don't remember when I first asked my uncle. Wait, I think it was in the car that one time. Nevermind, but my memory is fuzzy, so it's obviously not word for word. While writing my essay, it got me thinking. I looked back at all the past poems I wrote. Whether for a school assignment or just for fun. I wrote a lot. Somewhat often. Kinda sad how most of them are about someone, but hey, what can I do. I didn't plan on it. I write what I feel. I should write one now ;D
     Days go by without knowing what will happen tomorrow.
     We can only wonder or hope.
     Not sure of what will happen, makes it more exciting.
     We pray for better days, no matter what the outcome.
     One may never know the things that will turn out.
     For it is the unexpected that makes living interesting.
     Being surprised can be a great feeling.
     Like a rush that has overcome you.
     The feeling of something brand new can be astounding.
     Another day will pass by like the speed of light,
     Now sit back and watch it all happen.
Haha yeah. I don't know. Poems just come to me. Sounds weird, but they do. It is a great way to express how I feel though. I feel like sometimes there's no one to tell things to. There's always someone right? Truth is, this blog has been my someone. Maybe it's cause I don't want to hear another's opinion. Maybe I'm afraid of what they might say. Maybe I don't feel like talking about it. Whatever the reason may be, I wish there was someone who would listen through it all. A person can make me happy, not a blog. But all because of this blog, I know my true feelings :]