Sunday, January 30, 2011

"You're awesomer :]"

I've told you so many times today, but you keep disagreeing :P Too bad, you are awesomer. Just won't admit it haha. I keep trying, so do you, but I won't let you win that easily ;D I hardly do haha. YES, I got it out of you tehehehe. Can't wait till your birthday to surprise you. It's like perfect for you bwahahaha. I feel so evil. Thank you Brittany for the idea xD I would've never thought of it haha. Now the wait will kill me because I know you'll love them :D Hopefully they fit o.o Well they should. Kinda barely fit me, but stillll. Yayyyyyyy. Now just gotta find you another amazingly awesome gift and we're good to go haha. Too bad your birthday isn't till July xD I hear raindrops :D Light ones, thank goodness. Can't wait till tomorrow. Familyyyyyyy timeeee. But I'm not done with homework. I just need to finish vocab packet for tonight. All I have is Anthropology to read and study for the quiz D: First quiz on Monday. At least, I have time to do Calculus on Monday. Free period and lunch time. Oh wee, 2.5 hours of freedom. *sarcastic* That will get boring quick. I sure hope not, but that is how the other days have been and it's only been 1 hour or 1.5 hours. Crazy. Anyways, the final was ehhhh. I got all the ones I thought I wasn't gonna remember from last night. Missed all the ones that I couldn't exactly study for. Hopefully, I still get an A on it. I'm staying strong :D And for anyone who wished me luck, thanks. Thanks VERY much :D Haha. Yeah, getting tired. Chinese New Year is coming up on Thursday. Yayyyyy. Year of the rabbit :) Honestly, it has never been about the money. I think people are just greedy. Like really? Save it up. It's better that way. So I applied for 3 scholarships today. Slim chance I will win one, but it's fun entering and at least trying. I really gotta start applying for more. Money is gonna be tough. I have been saving up, but it won't last me the whole time. But I won't worry too much about it right now. I have been thinking about getting a job over the summer and have it go through senior year to help me out, but I'm not even sure where I should apply. None the less, a place that will hire and hopefully, a place I will enjoy. I want a Colts jersey. Peyton Manning to be exact. If not, then a jacket or something haha. Today, while looking for scholarships, they had a sports one, and yeah that got me thinking. Now I want one since I've been a fan for what, 5 years? So longggggg haha. If only I could find that jersey that I made back in the 6th grade. I had so much fun making that. Even if my grandma did most of the work xD I been thinking about posting my likes and dislikes, just to see how many things I can name haha. If I have time for that, I might. I don't know. Well, it's really late to me right now. We're still debating about who is awesomer (though it is totally you) Hahaha. Just don't believe me hmmm. You will, maybe. I should make her bracelet soon. Oh man, forgot to ask what pattern you wanted. Darn it haha. My mom said I couldn't make any once new year starts. I don't know why -__- I don't want to stop though. Even if school does hold me back from making them. I should take a picture of all the ones I have made for myself :D If I remember xD My memory is weird. I remember the random things, and not always the important ones >.> You guys share the same birthday! Haha. Now I remember. It came into my head after you told me the day. I knew he shared his birthday with someone, but it must have slipped my mind since we weren't really close. I'm glad we are now though. I've let you in so much, I haven't even realized it. I find it even more interesting how we only been talking again for what, 3 months now? Something like that. It's amazing how well you get to know someone. Though I feel like I still don't know much about you. You don't bring things up too much. Starting to rain harder D: Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, actually today by now. It's 12:04 AM xD I been typing for the longest. I can tell cause the scroll bar just keeps getting smaller and smaller. I should go back and reread my old posts for the fun of it. I said "I should..." a lot in this post xD Anyways, I'm probably boring you haha. Good nighttttttttt :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Can't wait to see how long this post is aha :] *wow about 52 lines of writing xD

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