Monday, January 3, 2011

"they make u feel like ur the only gurl theyll ever like or something but once its over its donee"

You told me those exact words and it was stuck in my head all night. You are right though, don't get me wrong, but is every guy like that? I've liked many guys in the past, but it seems true. I don't know whether or not to believe if he's different from the rest. I really thought about it, and I don't think I'm ready. Since it hasn't happened before, I don't know what to expect. And maybe that's why I don't know if I want to risk it. If I did like you, would you be another one of those guys like she said. Or will you prove me wrong? The thing is, I don't know. I'm not sure at all. All I know is that I deserve better than that. So whatever happens happens. I'm not going to say that I like you because I always thought of you as a friend. But now, when I do think about it, you and I are alike in many ways. I just never really got the chance to know you before. But I know what you're like. I know your past and I don't want to be another one of those girls so that's why I'm not going to do anything. I'm just going to think of you as a friend because that is all we can be. I don't want to break your heart, but I don't want to break mines either. We are getting close, but I don't want to lose our friendship. I may be wrong about this whole thing. And if I am, well no more guessing for me because all my expectations end up being a complete failure xD But if I'm right, then I don't know. I'll just see how it all plays out. I did say I would take a chance this year, but I don't want to regret anything. I woke up this morning trying to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. So I stared at my clock. Watching the seconds tick, but hardly noticing that the minutes are passing. I wanted to lie there forever. Not having to worry about anything. But we all know that doesn't ever last. I'm glad I still have two weeks of doing nothing left :D Sucks for everyone who has to go back to school though. But I feel like I deserve the time off, not that I'm going to do much anyways. And apparently we're going out today >.< Wow, I was planning on staying home all day watching the marathon in my blanket lol. Well plans never seem to work out for me. Something ends up going wrong xD I hope it rains later on. Its nice when I hear the rain drops against my window, lightly though. When its pounding, that's the worst. Hmmm, I'm not sure if I should try getting a book. Last time all the books I liked were hardcover so thats like $20 to spend. I rather wait 6 months later when the paperback comes out for like half price haha. I'm not cheap, but I'm efficient :D That's good at some points lol. Maybe I have a coupon. I should go check xD Oh I have one for borders. Yay, I should ask. I did NO reading this break which is horrible because last summer I read like 13 books xD I think I'm getting too lazy. Well since we're going out, no computer for a while :D I feel like my eyesight is getting bad after being on so much even though my eyesight is pretty good >.< I find it shocking how I never been to an eye doctor. Quite odd. Well I'm glad for my eyesight since it helps in many situations xD Though lately my hearing has been off. I woke up and the first thing  thought of was what to blog about haha. Yeah, I'm really into blogging as you can tell how many posts I have and it hasn't even been 5 days I think. I think it's good though. It gives me something to do when I'm bored and if there's no one to tell. It's 11:11 make a wish :D Okay, haha. That's starting to become a habit again ;D Time to go get ready or just go on other stuff lol :]

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