Monday, January 3, 2011

"You'll always be in my heart."

Don't Forget About Us~Mariah Carey

This song brings back so many memories. I decided to go through my youtube favorites from the past since I hardly listen to it, so why not now? So, what's so important about this song? It was my first slow dance. Something most girls usually don't really forget about. This was freshmen year at my schools spring dance. It was lots of fun with the theme being Beauty or Geek. Interesting costumes that day lol. Anyways, this has been the first and only guy I've slow danced with, which makes it memorable. Since then, we've danced at most dances xD It's sweet of him. We're just friends and that's good, but I remembered I liked him when this happened. Now I just look back to that day. I was so nervous since it was my first dance and all. But what could I really expect lol. Anyways, I hope he doesn't "forget about us" because I know I won't. I been writing a lot about "lovey dovey" stuff lately. I guess blogging just brings back many memories. Hopefully I don't write too much about it xD So the picture was just cute so I decided to put it up lol. I just love black and white photos and I don't know why. I got like two in my room. Isn't much, but it's nice looking at them. Got back from shopping today. Went to the mall, SF supermarket, and Costco. Got some clothes and a book :D Except I got it at Costco so I hope its good cause the last time I did that, the book was ehh. Even got my mom to get me a hot dog at Costco haha. I love those xD It's like $1.50 for a hot dog and soda and it sure keeps me full. Super good too lol. It didn't rain like I wanted to, but its all good :] Apparently I'm going to get a shot tomorrow. Better than the seven I had to get last winter break. Six on my arms and one nasal xD That wasn't too much fun lol. Two more weeks left of break, and I did nothing efficient. I should schedule my DMV appointment soon, but I have no idea how early I should do that before the date. Well google, here I come! haha. About a hour and a half till the show starts. I'm so excited haha. I been waiting months for this show to come back. I still need to read the last book, but it's in hardcover, so im gonna wait for the library to get it or I'll wait till I get in paperback. Looking forward to March 8, 2011 cause that's when Evercrossed comes out. It's a sequel to Kissed by an Angel, which my friend got for me my last last birthday. Such a sad but good book. Well I can't spend my giftcard until then xD Thats going to be a long time lol. Time to watch You're Beautiful :]

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