Sunday, January 30, 2011


This is my 60th post! :D No I'm not keeping track or counting. It tells me on that one page haha. Wow, I sure do post a lot. It's only been like a month too xD Well, shows how much I love blogging :D So, I took a picture of the bracelets that I have made. So colorful :D I never wear them all that once. It feels kind of weird xD Usually I wear like one a day. I think my favorite one would have to be the one with hearts or the blue one inspired by the Colts!!! :D That was the first one I made too ;D Yeah, this is a really fun hobby! Haha. If only I had more time to make them, then that would be nice. Well, I shall make one next month! Today is the 30th and all ;D Don't have much time to blog today. Excited though. No rain, so far, and all sun, sort of. Hopefully I finish all my homework since I'm still not done xD Off to another day... I just can't wait :]

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