Saturday, January 22, 2011

I love ferris wheels,

It's just so pretty :D But then I get scared xD I'm not a big fan of heights as you can probably tell. But they are super fun to ride. As long as the seats don't swing or move o.o Then that would be horrifying. But yeah this was my inspiration for my english homework. I drew a ferris wheel and some hot air balloons as you can see down there. It's not good, but I tried haha. People seemed to like it though, so that's all that matters. I tried my best xD It did come out better than I expected. I learned that clouds aren't blue LMAO. Yeah, I didn't pay attention. I was so use to drawing blue clouds and it kinda stuck to me. Well I know NOW. Hahaha. I must've never payed attention before or I just wasn't thinking straight xD Oh well hahaha. I will hopefully remember for the next time that I got to draw. I want to learn Boston again. Must print out the music sheet! Watched Minute to Win It and can't find the song D: I really like it too -________- I hate when that happens. Gahhh, now I gotta wait. Other people don't know it either. Mannnn D: This sucks. So tired today. I need more sleep. At least it's finally the weekend or I would be sad and sleep deprived. It's only by like an hour or two every night, but that's still a lot of time I need to catch up on D: At least tomorrow is the game :D I can't wait for that. I still got to look up the time for it cause I'm not even sure haha. Also, there's a wedding party tomorrow and people I know are going, but my mom isn't sure if "kids" are invited. I have a feeling I'm not going, but best of luck to the married couple :D Oh that reminds me! On Minute to Win It the Holiday Special or watever, the guy proposed to her :DDDDD It was way too cute :3 It was hecka surprising too. I sure didn't expect that to happen at all hahaha. But yeah, it was unexpecting. Too bad they didn't get $3 million. I haven't even seen a contestant win $1 million. They make it look like it's not even possible >.< Well, trying to win a million dollars shouldn't be easy in the first place hahaha. So yeah, it does make some sense. But it is nice to see that it is possible for someone out there xD Well, I'm going to finish up some english homework. Wanna get it done so I don't have to lug my heavy book around and so I'm done with it haha. Can't do english homework during free period now. Our New Years Resolution haha. I can't believe we went from joking to being serious about that hahaha. At least we're trying to go through with it lol. Still surprised me. I got a 97% on my dictation -___- So much for getting a 100% on my overall score D: Oh well, still got the final next week! Must do better than a 97.5% and I'll be happy. REALLY hoping I place.  I worked my butt off this past semester. Sometimes, trying & working my best never seems to pay off T_T It's quite saddening. And the fact that I been there for so long too >.> I'm really trying at least. Sometimes the best I do just isn't ever enough -____- At least I work hard. Better than slacking off like some people I know. Oh and the picture I drew for english is right there haha. Kind of fuzzy xD But I did my best with it. Only took like 2 hours and I'm proud of it :D It came out okay. Haven't posted a song in a while, so... Gone~Nelly ft. Kelly Rowland It's a really good and catchy song :D Time to do some homework :]

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