Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Internally dead...

That is how I feel right now. More like my eyes are so tired I can fall asleep at this very moment. No joke. Got like 8 hours of sleep last night. Tonight I'll probably get like 9 hours if I'm lucky enough to fall asleep. But I'm pretty darn tired. Gahhh, I miss sleeping in for 10-11 hours over break D: So, for whoever reads my blog, I wonder if you got my last post :] If you did, that won't be the first post aha. I like doing that xD Today was 2nd day of school. Anthro class was funny. The teacher seems pretty cool, but lots of tests and quizzes. I will stay on top of the reading for this anthro class >:D Yeah, you asked me to prom today ;D I didn't expect that aha. I would go, but my mom won't let me after she knew the price for a ticket last year xD I wish I could go though. Next year for sure haha. I don't even know how fun prom will be. Isn't it like another dance except you bring a date? Seems funner without a date, but since I haven't exactly had one, I wouldn't know. Haha. I still can't wait though. I think bringing at date is what makes it more fun lol. I just totally contradicted myself right there xD I'm that tired haha. I need sleeeeeeeep. Like more than ever >.< No wonder I'm internally dead. My ferris wheel came out okay. Just need the hot air balloons :D Hopefully it comes out nicer. I think it looks funky. But that's just me. So sleepy x] It's been so long since we talked. Like I didn't really get to see you yesterday, but now we sit next to each other in english :D Back to talking about books again haha. I really feel out of it today. I hope things turn around soon. Good night world :]

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