Saturday, January 1, 2011

"I can't find the words to explain, Just how much you got me going insane."

God Damn You're Beautiful~Chester See

I just heard this song today and it sure hits home. I can't stop listening to it and the lyrics are really cute. Hardly any songs like these nowadays which is quite sad. Well today is 1/1/2011 and I've seen some amazing things. For example, Tokyo has an amazing way of celebrating their New Years. Each person gets a balloon and they put a note on it with their dreams or hopes. It was breath taking watching the video, which is why I put the picture on the left. It's amazing to see the world at its best. No fighting, but peace and love. The one day the world all comes together to celebrate together. It's wonderful when you really think about it. Well another day with nothing to do. I wish I had somewhere to go or someone to see rather than sitting at home on the computer all day. I should play some piano later :D That sounds like a plan aha. Random fact: I love AIM's smiley faces. When you type one all these smiley faces pop up in the back. It's so cool haha. I'm amazed by the smallest things. Gonna go back to playing cupcake corner xD My life is so not interesting haha. I need something to do. Hmmm maybe I should also start building that lego tripod. So much I want to do, but I'm so lazy haha. Yeah I think blogging is my new hobby. Nothing else fun to do. Something exciting needs to happen in my life. Everything seems the same every year. This year has got to be different, hopefully :]

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