Saturday, January 8, 2011


Woohoo, Colts vs. Jets game right now. 0-0. Waiting for that first touchdown. First day back at Chinese School after two weeks of break. I studied and we didn't even have a test on that chapter >.< At least it was easy. So today we went to S-mart, both Targets, and Michaels. Got lettuce at S-mart and then saw Mrs. Strong, my 7th&8th grade teacher. I haven't seen her since October at the Commodore Carnival. It's been a while since I went back to visit. I should over spring break or something. Well it was nice seeing her after so long. Then we went to one Target, but they didn't have enough flowers, so we ended up going to the other Target. Didn't have the cd by OneRepublic that I was looking for at the first one, but they had it at the second on >.< My mom wouldn't let me get it since my sister got Now 35 or 36. I can't remember. But it does have good songs on it at least :D Hmmm, I really hope I place this year so I can get some gift card, but I haven't decided where yet. Then at Michael's I got two pink roses :], rubber ducks (in the picture), and a rose vase. Roses to decorate my room, though I'm not sure where to put them yet, the rubber ducks: Bobert(white) & Katie(pink), and the vase to put some origami stars in. Now I got 7 rubber ducks :]]]]]]]]] Game is still 0-0. I hope Colts make a touchdown soon. Already second quarter. I just realized I been a Colts fan for 5 years xD Time sure goes by really really fast or I just haven't noticed. I'd love to go watch a game one day. I should add that to my Life's To Do List lol. That's not a bad idea xD Oh and my new way of saying hi to someone is 'ello haha. Now for bye, I'm sticking with byebye or good night depending on the time. We'll see how that works out lol. Back to the game. ColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColts:]

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