Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goooood day :D

Hehehe, I'm doneeeeeee :DDDDDDDD The picture is of the lego tripod. Doesn't really look like a tripod, but it is! aha. It's so colorful too :] Anyways, only took me 2 days to finish :D I expected like a week or so haha. Yeah, well it's done and I'm proud of it. People said it was good too so I'm happy :3 Ahhh, I feel good now lol. He seemed to really like it and thats all that matters. One more day of break left D: I'm ready and not ready to go back. Just wanna see friends xD Haha. Now, I am trying to work harder and not procrastinate as much. I wanna focus more on school this semester to get all A's. Darn B >.> But yeah, I will work harder and stay off the computer more. Yay for new year resolutions. Boo for not following through with them haha. Hopefully I can accomplish at least 2 resolutions. I only did like 1/5 last year xD Had fun at Becky's house today. Just hanging around. Got to watch some drama too. Honestly, this moment feels like the good life aha. It really does. So, I haven't posted a song in a long time and I will now :D Rhythm of Love~Plain White T's Super cute song :] I like singing along. It's soooooo catchy haha. I love when it comes on the radio. Now I gotta get use to sleeping early -___-" Hopefully that won't be too hard. I'm glad for today. It's been one of the best days of break haha. Oh and Jets won! :D Now I gotta try watching all their games thanks to him xD Hopefully I have time to watch games at all. We'll see how that goes. & thanks to everyone who made my day. You guys may have no idea, but I won't forget :D Time to sleep. Good night worlddddd :]

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