Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just thinking...

I don't know right now. I'm not sure at all. I'm kind of stuck. About what you may ask? I don't know either. I feel lost. About nothing. Kind of odd huh? I think its quite strange myself. I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't know what. Weird.....
Problems. Everyone has them. It's tough obviously. That's why we fight past them. To find the answer to solve it. It's not easy. No one said they were going to be. I think thats why we have them. For us to solve and overcome. I don't know why it's on my mind. Maybe cause the people around me are all facing them. They tell me what's wrong. Not always directly, but I end up finding out. But what can I do for them? I feel like I can't do anything. I try my best to help, but I feel like I'm no help whatsoever. It saddens me. To see or hear of someone in pain and know that I can't do anything about it. You told me you found out that your friend had cancer. I don't know anyone who has cancer. I was so shocked that day. Devastated is more like the word. I didn't know what to say. So I said that I wish them the best of luck even though I don't know them. What good does wishing do in a situation like that? I felt so helpless. The only think I could do was hear about it. It broke my heart. It's always sad to hear about problems knowing that you can't fix them. But no one can fix everything. No matter how hard we try. So, do you know what I do? I try anyways. Even if I can't solve it, I put up with it. I try to overcome it. Because in the end, even if I didn't change anything, I pushed myself to try to change it. Nothing ever stays the same forever, so eventually that problem might go away. It's never guaranteed, but at least there's hope that it might right? Things always happen for a reason even if it's not always good. People don't like change. That is a fact. Well to me anyways. I don't know sometimes. When I hear problems, it does break my heart. I wish I could do something for the person. I really do. I try to cheer them up, but that doesn't go too far. So I act like myself. That is all I can really do right? Just be there for you? If that's all I can do, that's all that I will do. No matter how much I wish I could do more, I can't. I hope you realize that I do try. I don't sit back and act like it's nothing because it's not. Something is going on. I put my best effort in the things I do. I do things with reason. Sometimes I wish I don't every now and then, but I still do. Everything I do, ask, say, all has meaning. I don't realize it all the time, but I do know it. It's just one of those things that you know, but you don't really realize it. I have so much more to say, but I won't. You might say something about how long my posts are, but I don't care. What I write is how I feel. I write almost everything and anything. And no one can stop me :]

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