Sunday, January 2, 2011

'ello love :]

Didn't want to put up a song right now so I just put a phrase from a show. I'm too lazy at the moment haha. I want to someday say that to someone and really mean it. So the colts game was super interesting. They won :D I literally screamed when they made the last kick. Todays been a pretty long day. Not much to do as usual. Looking forward to the Pretty Little Liars marathon tomorrow. Also going to try to stay away from the computer, but I have a feeling it won't work out. Better try it than nothing. With this new year, I got to change some things. Anyways, been watching the drama for like an hour or so since I finished like 3 episodes. Okay thats like 3 hours xD at least I'm somewhat busy. 11:11 just passed and I'm scrambling to say "make a wish" to people haha. Oh the little things that get to me. Someone has been on my mind lately. She knows who I'm talking about. I should really think things through. Anyways, time for me to sleep. I think I let out everything in the last post haha. So much for me forgetting about guys if this is true. I should really think things out. Good night world :] (haha, I can't believe you told me that I "overused" the face xD)

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