So what? I don't care anymore. I'm going to just live my life to the fullest. Whatever happens happens. That's what I'm going by from now. Or at least try to haha. Leona Lewis has great songs though :D You emailed me today. You don't know how much that made my day. I was like what??? at first until I opened it haha. You really don't know how happy I am right now. Also, the reason why I posted the song ;D Anyways, it's great we're starting to hang out again. I really really really missed it. I want to sleepover again now :] Greatest times happened with you and I mean it. You know, after hearing this song, I realized that life is made for mess ups. It's made for error and mistakes. It's time I took chances because I may not get another one. You shouldn't ever let good things pass you by. & guess what, I'm not stopping for anything now "cause I'm just trying to be happy" :]
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
"Some just want everything But everything means nothing."
This song is a classic. I sure love it :D But it's so true. People want too much in life. They ask for more and more. Why can't you just be happy with what you have? I really wonder why. Stop asking and start giving. At least do something to help someone else. Today was amazinggggg. I finished homework early, flew a helicopter (those toy ones haha), played Wii, watched my first Pro Bowl game, and hung out with the family all day long. That last one just made my whole day :) So, I accidentally pressed the up button for the helicopter and didn't know how high it was gonna go and it shot up high haha. It was scary, but funny. I might post pictures later. There were quite a lot xD Of the whole day I mean haha. Played Sonic on Wii. That game sure is addictive haha. NFC totally owned the Pro Bowl game at first with 0-28. At the end of the game, it was 41-55. I was voting for the AFC. That's my side haha. It's all good. They caught up and made a comeback. I thought they would have 0 the whole game haha. I was happy. Family family family family family. One of the top most important things in life. It was nice seeing family, which I don't see too often. Well some of them. Hanging out with my buddayyyy again :D I miss you so much. It's been so long since we talked too. At least we might go over soon. I can't wait :D Oh another good song by Alicia Keys is Doesn't Mean Anything. I just love her songs. So down to earth and real. Easy to relate to too. For some reason, I'm really looking forward to this week. I think cause today was such a good day. Well, I hope this week is good too. So many birthdays. Tomorrow is Shelly's birthday, then Bruce's the day after I think, and Kenia's on Thursday. Lots of celebrating this week thats for sure haha. See, it's already going to be a great week. Can't wait to get it rolling. Good night world :]
This is my 60th post! :D No I'm not keeping track or counting. It tells me on that one page haha. Wow, I sure do post a lot. It's only been like a month too xD Well, shows how much I love blogging :D So, I took a picture of the bracelets that I have made. So colorful :D I never wear them all that once. It feels kind of weird xD Usually I wear like one a day. I think my favorite one would have to be the one with hearts or the blue one inspired by the Colts!!! :D That was the first one I made too ;D Yeah, this is a really fun hobby! Haha. If only I had more time to make them, then that would be nice. Well, I shall make one next month! Today is the 30th and all ;D Don't have much time to blog today. Excited though. No rain, so far, and all sun, sort of. Hopefully I finish all my homework since I'm still not done xD Off to another day... I just can't wait :]
"You're awesomer :]"
I've told you so many times today, but you keep disagreeing :P Too bad, you are awesomer. Just won't admit it haha. I keep trying, so do you, but I won't let you win that easily ;D I hardly do haha. YES, I got it out of you tehehehe. Can't wait till your birthday to surprise you. It's like perfect for you bwahahaha. I feel so evil. Thank you Brittany for the idea xD I would've never thought of it haha. Now the wait will kill me because I know you'll love them :D Hopefully they fit o.o Well they should. Kinda barely fit me, but stillll. Yayyyyyyy. Now just gotta find you another amazingly awesome gift and we're good to go haha. Too bad your birthday isn't till July xD I hear raindrops :D Light ones, thank goodness. Can't wait till tomorrow. Familyyyyyyy timeeee. But I'm not done with homework. I just need to finish vocab packet for tonight. All I have is Anthropology to read and study for the quiz D: First quiz on Monday. At least, I have time to do Calculus on Monday. Free period and lunch time. Oh wee, 2.5 hours of freedom. *sarcastic* That will get boring quick. I sure hope not, but that is how the other days have been and it's only been 1 hour or 1.5 hours. Crazy. Anyways, the final was ehhhh. I got all the ones I thought I wasn't gonna remember from last night. Missed all the ones that I couldn't exactly study for. Hopefully, I still get an A on it. I'm staying strong :D And for anyone who wished me luck, thanks. Thanks VERY much :D Haha. Yeah, getting tired. Chinese New Year is coming up on Thursday. Yayyyyy. Year of the rabbit :) Honestly, it has never been about the money. I think people are just greedy. Like really? Save it up. It's better that way. So I applied for 3 scholarships today. Slim chance I will win one, but it's fun entering and at least trying. I really gotta start applying for more. Money is gonna be tough. I have been saving up, but it won't last me the whole time. But I won't worry too much about it right now. I have been thinking about getting a job over the summer and have it go through senior year to help me out, but I'm not even sure where I should apply. None the less, a place that will hire and hopefully, a place I will enjoy. I want a Colts jersey. Peyton Manning to be exact. If not, then a jacket or something haha. Today, while looking for scholarships, they had a sports one, and yeah that got me thinking. Now I want one since I've been a fan for what, 5 years? So longggggg haha. If only I could find that jersey that I made back in the 6th grade. I had so much fun making that. Even if my grandma did most of the work xD I been thinking about posting my likes and dislikes, just to see how many things I can name haha. If I have time for that, I might. I don't know. Well, it's really late to me right now. We're still debating about who is awesomer (though it is totally you) Hahaha. Just don't believe me hmmm. You will, maybe. I should make her bracelet soon. Oh man, forgot to ask what pattern you wanted. Darn it haha. My mom said I couldn't make any once new year starts. I don't know why -__- I don't want to stop though. Even if school does hold me back from making them. I should take a picture of all the ones I have made for myself :D If I remember xD My memory is weird. I remember the random things, and not always the important ones >.> You guys share the same birthday! Haha. Now I remember. It came into my head after you told me the day. I knew he shared his birthday with someone, but it must have slipped my mind since we weren't really close. I'm glad we are now though. I've let you in so much, I haven't even realized it. I find it even more interesting how we only been talking again for what, 3 months now? Something like that. It's amazing how well you get to know someone. Though I feel like I still don't know much about you. You don't bring things up too much. Starting to rain harder D: Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, actually today by now. It's 12:04 AM xD I been typing for the longest. I can tell cause the scroll bar just keeps getting smaller and smaller. I should go back and reread my old posts for the fun of it. I said "I should..." a lot in this post xD Anyways, I'm probably boring you haha. Good nighttttttttt :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Can't wait to see how long this post is aha :] *wow about 52 lines of writing xD
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I'm so tired of pretending.
I want a happy ending. I mean who doesn't? There will always be bumps along the way, but I want my happy ending. Or at least a happy life. That's the most I could ever ask for. Anything else just really couldn't compare...
On a different note, I'm nervous. For the test. I studied EVERY Saturday I needed to so I can do well. This final will be different though. And that's what scares me right now. But I won't give up. I don't quit easily. I just won't...
Getting sleepy.. I'm really tired... Just starting to drift away...
If you knew the real reason why I'm on so much, I think you'd be quite happy. But I'm not going to tell you. Though I am going back to YIM. If things change, at least I didn't turn back on my real friends.
Chase Coy. Search him. I love his songs. Especially If The Moon Fell Down Tonight, Never Change, and All Those Nights<333 His songs just warm up my heart ;D
No more fog very soon :D Don't have to wear so many layers xD
I'm gonna pass out while still online if I don't get off soon. I just want to say, appreciate the little things. Sometimes, they mean much more than the big picture. Because it's the little things that turn into something big. Another song: The Little Things~Colbie Caillat.
I believe I'm good for the night/morning. Wish me luck!!! I'm staying strong.
& I hope you're in my dreams again ;DDD
& I hope you're in my dreams again ;DDD
"Don't let me go." Never Say Never~The Fray
Friday, January 28, 2011
Uh oh.
I think luck is slowly slipping away D: Well I got 3/4 pages down. The hardest page is being studied last, which is right now. Well I'm SO close to finishing english 1A homework :D But I don't know what to write my paper about. Mainly, who. I rather write about someone who has influenced my life. We'll see. I got one more day after this. You want to read my blog ;D I'm kind of hesitant since blogging is more of a personal thing. I don't really post names, (in case someone I know reads this) so I don't. I think it'd be easier for me if I did, but I won't. Nicknames or code names are much funner anyways haha. Well I will consider showing you xD Oh and I have a hobby. Making friendship bracelets. Oh yeah! haha. Just gotta start again soon. I miss making them x] Well, I gots to study. Good night world. I'm so ready to pass out right now >.< Tralalala, oh and Alex Pettyfer was in my dream last night haha. Let's just say that I haven't been on a date in a dream before ;D Enough said :]
I must be really lucky.
Another great day.
I have luck on my side.
Another great day.
I have luck on my side.
Ran errands for people.
Finally gave a gift to someone.
Finished my current event with few difficulties.
Missed 2 on the test, but I'm proud of myself for trying.
Finally, I realized my main goal in life...
To make other people happy :]
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today was amazing.
Had my first churro.
Ran the mile in 11:56.
No mile next month or in May.
Finished my current event and didn't have difficulty finding one.
& Everything's Magic~Angels and Airways ended today perfectly :]
Good night world. Thank you for everything :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ran the mile in 11:56.
No mile next month or in May.
Finished my current event and didn't have difficulty finding one.
& Everything's Magic~Angels and Airways ended today perfectly :]
Good night world. Thank you for everything :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Where has the time gone?
Minutes fly by nowadays. No time to post as you can probably tell. So it'll be short. Just with a history test and current event on Friday and the mile tomorrow, just blah. Homework is here to stay now haha. Well not much to say. I just want to sleep. Got duck #9 I think from my penpal Jade :D She named it Ricardo haha. Yeah, I love surprises :D When they are good haha. Anyways, I need to finish up some english and I'm good. Good night world :]
I'm done.
I'm sucking it up, forgetting the past, and moving on. No more regretting. No more fearing. No more waiting. It's time I stood up for myself cause I'm sick of it all.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Time's starting to fly...
Well this will be some week >.> It's fully packed. I don't even have enough time to blog xD Even homework is piling up. Well, I will do both tomorrow! Hopefully. So we actually talked today. And just talked. I kinda held myself back around you in the past, but it was really nice just chatting today. I enjoyed it. I'm sure looking forward to many more chats with you :) It's good to know you're still the same guy. Reminds me back to that piano room day. A day I sure won't forget. Anyways, saw my cousin today. He didn't see me though haha. Well Debora totally made him look our way xD Ahh, very funny day. TA period was freaking hilarious. Hanging out with Debora, Angela, James & Martin is reallyyyyyyyyyy funny haha. Also, "rebelled" again haha. It really doesn't seem like much. But today was a great day. Now if only the rest of the week was the same haha. I really hope so. Oh, and Happy Birthday Nikki!!! :D Good night world & 'little boy' hahaha :]
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Another day passes by. So fast yet I don't know why. Haha, I felt like rhyming ;D So yeah, just home all day. Watched the Steelers vs. Jets game. Steelers won. At least the Jets didn't lose too bad. But now I'm just counting down till the Superbowl. Gonna be my last game for a very long time :( I will miss watching football. Then again, Sundays will turn into "Do homework days" so I am happy the season is over. Really excited for the next one though :D Today has been a pretty relaxed day. Just chilling all day aha. It's like break all over again haha. I really miss break days and it has only been one week xD So sad haha. Ahh, I really liked today. Seeing my parents get all dressed up for the wedding party was really entertaining. I never see them get dressed up for anything, especially my dad haha. Him in a suit was funny. All I got to say is, they need to do some shopping ;D Then again, they don't really get out much for like parties and stuff so it's not like it really matters. It's all good though. As long as they had fun. I wish the couple the best of luck in their marriage :D Random: Rainbow roses cost too much. $80 for a dozen?!?! Like really? aha. Makes some sense, but still. Well, I got to get ready and sleep. It's so early xD But then I won't want to wake up tomorrow xD I'll be getting like 9 hours of sleep. That's not bad haha. Good night world & I wish you all a happy Monday tomorrow :]
P.S. This song is cute :D So Big~Iyaz
P.S. This song is cute :D So Big~Iyaz
Good morning world! Such a beautiful day today :D The picture is from Google xD Maybe not blue skies, but still it's so nice outside. I wanna go and just take a walk or something. Too bad I'm stuck inside all day -__- Well I can admire the view from inside the house haha. Been looking at CalPoly stuff all morning. Apparently, the transfer rate is like 13% and I'm like D: over here reading it xD It's pretty crazy though. But I don't even know if I wanna go there for sure for sure, but it is 2nd ranked for the top civil engineering schools. I don't even care if the school is best of the best. As long as it's program is good or better, than that's pretty darn good aha. But yeah, in like 6 months I'll be applying for colleges already. That is TOOOOO soon -__-" I'm not ready to graduate yet D: I even thought about this yesterday. I will live it up everyday because I rather regret something I did do rather than something I didn't do. Once something's gone, it's gone. I will enjoy each and every day that I still got knowing that tomorrow will be a better one :]
Saturday, January 22, 2011
"I think of you and everything's okay."
I realllllllllyyyyyyy like this song. Wait, not like, LOVE :] Can't help it aha. It was 11:11 and I was gonna make a wish and I forgot xD Is that even possible like right after you look at the clock? Hahaha. With me, apparently, it is xD Hahaha. Well I will wish anyways: I wish things were easier for you. You tell me things that happen in your life and I can't help you. I wish I could, but there really isn't much to say. So, I wish things will turn around and sunshine will come your way. You deserve that at the very least :) You probably don't know or will never read this, but this is for you. So yeah, I'm tired again. Oh, finished my english homework :D Woot woot hahaha. I feel so accomplished. Though my answers don't seem right xD I will leave a gap to fill in more stuff if I need it haha. Two is better than one. Good night world :]
P.S. I love you ♥
P.S. I love you ♥
I love ferris wheels,
It's just so pretty :D But then I get scared xD I'm not a big fan of heights as you can probably tell. But they are super fun to ride. As long as the seats don't swing or move o.o Then that would be horrifying. But yeah this was my inspiration for my english homework. I drew a ferris wheel and some hot air balloons as you can see down there. It's not good, but I tried haha. People seemed to like it though, so that's all that matters. I tried my best xD It did come out better than I expected. I learned that clouds aren't blue LMAO. Yeah, I didn't pay attention. I was so use to drawing blue clouds and it kinda stuck to me. Well I know NOW. Hahaha. I must've never payed attention before or I just wasn't thinking straight xD Oh well hahaha. I will hopefully remember for the next time that I got to draw. I want to learn Boston again. Must print out the music sheet! Watched Minute to Win It and can't find the song D: I really like it too -________- I hate when that happens. Gahhh, now I gotta wait. Other people don't know it either. Mannnn D: This sucks. So tired today. I need more sleep. At least it's finally the weekend or I would be sad and sleep deprived. It's only by like an hour or two every night, but that's still a lot of time I need to catch up on D: At least tomorrow is
the game :D I can't wait for that. I still got to look up the time for it cause I'm not even sure haha. Also, there's a wedding party tomorrow and people I know are going, but my mom isn't sure if "kids" are invited. I have a feeling I'm not going, but best of luck to the married couple :D Oh that reminds me! On Minute to Win It the Holiday Special or watever, the guy proposed to her :DDDDD It was way too cute :3 It was hecka surprising too. I sure didn't expect that to happen at all hahaha. But yeah, it was unexpecting. Too bad they didn't get $3 million. I haven't even seen a contestant win $1 million. They make it look like it's not even possible >.< Well, trying to win a million dollars shouldn't be easy in the first place hahaha. So yeah, it does make some sense. But it is nice to see that it is possible for someone out there xD Well, I'm going to finish up some english homework. Wanna get it done so I don't have to lug my heavy book around and so I'm done with it haha. Can't do english homework during free period now. Our New Years Resolution haha. I can't believe we went from joking to being serious about that hahaha. At least we're trying to go through with it lol. Still surprised me. I got a 97% on my dictation -___- So much for getting a 100% on my overall score D: Oh well, still got the final next week! Must do better than a 97.5% and I'll be happy. REALLY hoping I place. I worked my butt off this past semester. Sometimes, trying & working my best never seems to pay off T_T It's quite saddening. And the fact that I been there for so long too >.> I'm really trying at least. Sometimes the best I do just isn't ever enough -____- At least I work hard. Better than slacking off like some people I know. Oh and the picture I drew for english is right there haha. Kind of fuzzy xD But I did my best with it. Only took like 2 hours and I'm proud of it :D It came out okay. Haven't posted a song in a while, so... Gone~Nelly ft. Kelly Rowland It's a really good and catchy song :D Time to do some homework :]

Friday, January 21, 2011
Such a long day. It was nice taking a walk with you like the good old days. I sure miss that since our schedules were different last year. It's nice to know you haven't changed a bit. We must have more walks from here on out! haha. Yeah, not much today. Just tired. Lazy to post my english drawing, so I will do next time. I'm out. Not much time for posting these days. Homework is starting to roll in. What joy. Good night world :]
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Just when I think things are over and done, something has to bring me back. There's always something. Why? D: Gahh, this gets so annoying. I wonder why you came into my life now. I'm just glad my mind is set about things or this would be a problem. I'm glad about that for sure. But still, whyyyyyyyy? >.> Problems suck xD Time to work on some calculus... :]
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Internally dead...
That is how I feel right now. More like my eyes are so tired I can fall asleep at this very moment. No joke. Got like 8 hours of sleep last night. Tonight I'll probably get like 9 hours if I'm lucky enough to fall asleep. But I'm pretty darn tired. Gahhh, I miss sleeping in for 10-11 hours over break D: So, for whoever reads my blog, I wonder if you got my last post :] If you did, that won't be the first post aha. I like doing that xD Today was 2nd day of school. Anthro class was funny. The teacher seems pretty cool, but lots of tests and quizzes. I will stay on top of the reading for this anthro class >:D Yeah, you asked me to prom today ;D I didn't expect that aha. I would go, but my mom won't let me after she knew the price for a ticket last year xD I wish I could go though. Next year for sure haha. I don't even know how fun prom will be. Isn't it like another dance except you bring a date? Seems funner without a date, but since I haven't exactly had one, I wouldn't know. Haha. I still can't wait though. I think bringing at date is what makes it more fun lol. I just totally contradicted myself right there xD I'm that tired haha. I need sleeeeeeeep. Like more than ever >.< No wonder I'm internally dead. My ferris wheel came out okay. Just need the hot air balloons :D Hopefully it comes out nicer. I think it looks funky. But that's just me. So sleepy x] It's been so long since we talked. Like I didn't really get to see you yesterday, but now we sit next to each other in english :D Back to talking about books again haha. I really feel out of it today. I hope things turn around soon. Good night world :]
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Words left unseen & unspoken:
You may never guess...
There is always something more you want to say, but you feel the need to hold it back. Why? I'm trying to find out why too. Just push yourself to say it...
Hehehe, this post was hard to read :]
...what words lie in between the lines.
There is always something more you want to say, but you feel the need to hold it back. Why? I'm trying to find out why too. Just push yourself to say it...
Hehehe, this post was hard to read :]
...what words lie in between the lines.
Oh boy,
Just had another laugh attack with my sister haha. Another 15 minutes well spent haha. The back part of my ears are hurting again xD Happens when I laugh too much. My sister laughs at me when I'm laughing too much and I'm holding it so it wouldn't hurt as bad >.< Ahh, I don't know why, but that barely started happening not too long ago. I laugh way too much xD Anyways, I got the gift ready for him. And gave Dalia her gift today! I hope she liked it :D Ahh, I'm ready to log off for the night. So sleepy. Only got like 7 hours of sleep last night >.> That is way too short for me xD Hopefully I can sleep tonight. I was so excited & nervous yesterday that I couldn't sleep. Good night world & to you somewhere out there :]
"I never thought I'd say I'm fine without you."
We probably have all gone through that moment. We never thought that we could live without someone, but sometimes, we actually can. But there is always someone who you can't live without. That person is a keeper<3 So, back to school was better than I expected! I had to get a voucher for ALL my books though. That was new haha. My locker is on the second floor of Locke though -__-" I wanted one on the first floor, but they were all taken >.> Sadddd, but yeah. The stairs aren't HORRIBLE. Gotten use to them, sorta xD But yeah, hopefully it's all good. I rebelled today aha. Omg, it was SO. MUCH. FUN. hahaha. No joke xD Ahh, I wish I could have more days like today. It was fun just to get out, though my parents don't know. Only my sister and she knows since she took me haha. Who knew you can have so much fun in Target? hahaha. Great first day back though. It really made my day. That goes for Resolution #5: Try something new. Yeeeeee, aha. Also, I edited Resolution #7: 2.5 3 hours online on school days. Hahaha, that one is not good, but I couldn't help it. Hardly any homework today! :D Only Avid, but gotta wait on that, and my online english class. I finished assignments for this week though so that is good. Not ready to write essays, though the book we need to read for the class looks good. Hmmm, I sure hope so aha. Also, I'm starting with playing piano again. One hour may be tough per week, but I'm trying to squeeze that in every Sunday :] Woohoo, one resolution done! It's not even been one month yet aha. That is veryyyyyy good :D This year may be much better than I thought it would be. So at Target, there were so many Valentine's Day stuff even though its like a month away. Suppppper long, but doesn't matter to me. I haven't had a valentine before, so I got nothing to really look forward to xD It's all good though. All I need are friends & family :D It's also nice to see others happy too. So many smileys in this post. I had a reallllllllyyyyy good day then hahaha. Oh and the picture is of the moon obviously xD I like taking pictures of the moon. It's been like a month or so since I took a picture cause of the foggy weather lately. That prevents me from taking pictures >.> But it's so pretty :3 It's nice to have blue skies and sunshine again. I miss it. Then, stars will be out at night :D No more fogggg haha. Can't wait for spring to finally come and the flowers to start blooming. This year is looking better and better already. I'm not sure if I should look forward to Anthropology tomorrow xD I should though aha. Yeah, I hope it's gonna be good. I only know that Aileen is taking it with me. Not sure who else. Well, I'm hoping tomorrow is just as good as today or better. I had so much to write today haha. Until later... :]
Monday, January 17, 2011
Another day passes by...
Today was my last day of break. So sad >.< I'ma miss being online all day playing games and talking to friends haha. Now it's going to be homework before computer. I will see how long I can last x] Maybe 2 weeks aha. You showed me another great song. Brown Eyed Blues~Adrian Hood. It's super cute :D I love it since I got brown eyes aha. Anyways, nervous for school. I feel like I forgot something >.> I don't like that feeling. I really hope tomorrow is gonna be a fun day. Hopefully I won't need to stress out about anything -___-" Also, giving Dalia her gift :D I hope she likes it. Well I'm off for the night. Hopefully school doesn't make me post less aha. Wish me luck for tomorrow! Good night world & I hope everyone has a great day going back to school :]
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Goooood day :D
Hehehe, I'm doneeeeeee :DDDDDDDD The picture is of the lego tripod. Doesn't really look like a tripod, but it is! aha. It's so colorful too :] Anyways, only took me 2 days to finish :D I expected like a week or so haha. Yeah, well it's done and I'm proud of it. People said it was good too so I'm happy :3 Ahhh, I feel good now lol. He seemed to really like it and thats all that matters. One more day of break left D: I'm ready and not ready to go back. Just wanna see friends xD Haha. Now, I am trying to work harder and not procrastinate as much. I wanna focus more on school this semester to get all A's. Darn B >.> But yeah, I will work harder and stay off the computer more. Yay for new year resolutions. Boo for not following through with them haha. Hopefully I can accomplish at least 2 resolutions. I only did like 1/5 last year xD Had fun at Becky's house today. Just hanging around. Got to watch some drama too. Honestly, this moment feels like the good life aha. It really does. So, I haven't posted a song in a long time and I will now :D Rhythm of Love~Plain White T's Super cute song :] I like singing along. It's soooooo catchy haha. I love when it comes on the radio. Now I gotta get use to sleeping early -___-" Hopefully that won't be too hard. I'm glad for today. It's been one of the best days of break haha. Oh and Jets won! :D Now I gotta try watching all their games thanks to him xD Hopefully I have time to watch games at all. We'll see how that goes. & thanks to everyone who made my day. You guys may have no idea, but I won't forget :D Time to sleep. Good night worlddddd :]
Just sitting around...
At my friends house at the moment. Sitting around just hanging out. Played Wii, went on the computer and itouch, ate food, and more. Haha. It's like another day at home. Must have nachos when I get home >:D lol. Hmmm I think I had too many butterscotch candies xD I ate like 3 so far haha. I might have more later xD Those are too good lol. Hopefully I dont get cavities. Well Ima go hang out. Till later... :]
So sleepyyy...
My sister had to wake me up early and tell me that we're going to her friends house today -___-" I wish I got to sleep more, but 10 hours is pretty good. Might not be able to watch the game today *sigh*. At least I can still look up the score, but that's not the same. Anyways, I gotta get ready, but I want to work on the tripod before I go hehehe. I'm getting like half way done, I think xD Yeah, well off to another day :]
Happy Birthday Jamezzz!!! :DDDDD
Hahaha, now that was a good joke ;D You sleep too much anyways. Now today is James' birthday! :D I hope he has a good one haha. I don't remember the last time I stayed up late to say happy birthday since I always sleep early. I think it was Mary's birthday. That was like 6 months ago xD Anyways, I'm out for the day/night aha. Good morning world & I hope you have a great day :]
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Happy Birthday Dalia!!! :DDDDD
Today was awesome haha. I got 100% on my dictation :D woot woot. I don't even need the clues now :) I think my memory helps in chinese school. And only chinese school haha. Final has been moved a week back. YES! haha. Went out of town today. That was fun. Playing Wii, bike riding, encountering a guy playing the drums for everyone to hear & doesn't matter who, and much more aha. Lots of fun :D Oooooo, today's also Dalia's birthday! :D I hope her day was awesome as well as the rest of her year :] She deserves it and much more. I will give her her gift once we get back. That reminds me, I need to wrap it -___-" heh. Yeah, I sort of forgot to wrap it, but I remembered to buy it haha. I will do tomorrow, or Monday xD Anyways I don't got much more to write. Waiting for the next post aha. I told you I would make a big deal about it and I kinda will (not really) haha. But for the fun of it :D Birthdays only come once a year, for most people (hehehe I'm lucky xD), and you should always go a little crazy you know. So yeah, 13 more minutes :]
Friday, January 14, 2011
Don't mind the title. Has nothing to do with the post xD Just from this commercial I watched with a pig that says "weeeeeeeee." Hahaha. It's funny and cute. Well there's chinese school tomorrow so I gotta post early :( *sigh* The final is next week D: I'm so nervous. I worked super hard this semester it's crazyyyy. That's good though. I'm really aiming for that gift card! :D I'm getting tired though so that may be a sign. Started the tripod today! :D Finally aha. I wanted to start this thing 3 weeks ago, but did I? No. xD I'm done with the part you put the camera on. It's the legs that may come out funny >.> I hope it doesn't look weird. That would suck. Well I will try my best with this. It seems pretty cool so far. I hope there's not a lot of pieces left over in the end. If so, I can always do something with them haha. I don't know what though... But yeah, I'm sure I'll think of something lol. Knowing me, I'll get bored and make whatever haha. I'm more creative than I think I am -___-" So yeah. Today was a good day. Good night world :]
Haircut :D
I finally got my haircut :D I thought I was gonna havta wait like 2 more weeks but I don't need to anymore. YEEEEE. hahaha I like it though. It's gonna grow out anyways but it's like almost too short and almost too long. It's right in the middle aha. So yeah. Kind of sad I missed Dalia & James' birthday party today, but there's always next time. I hope they have a great one even though it's early lol. Todays been a pretty good day. Some people just make it all worth while :D Well time to study for dictation tomorrow. Till later... :]
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Look what you did xD
Okay one last post aha. I couldn't help myself xD I always feel like I'm forgetting to say something. Truth is, I don't have much to say. Sometimes there's always that someone. That person who knows how to turn your whole day around without trying. That person who makes you happy inside. I like random hugs haha. So random huh? But yeah, I don't get hugged much so random hugs are nice. And surprising so I like them even more. There's always someone I wish I could just give a big hug to. Just for the fun of it. Or as a thank you. A hug to me says a lot. It may seem like just a hug, but its bigger than that. I'm not really sure how, but it is in some way. I honestly don't know who or how many people do read my blog, but good night and thanks for reading about my thoughts & feelings. It means much more to me than you think :]
Before I sleep...
Today definitely had its ups and downs. But things happen. Though it seems like things are going wrong, I'm quite lucky. There are kids out there without parents or even homes. I take all I have for granted. It's kind of hard not to. I just don't think about it much. So many people deserve a lot more than they get. How rare is it that they get that they want? Pretty rare. I wish I could give back some how. To the world. To the places with no supplies. The kids with no food. Just anything. I wish I could help. I want to grow up and change things. I want to help people. Improve their lives. I want to make a difference. Something people say and never do. I want change in this world. Very hard. I know. But an attempt is better than not trying at all right? I take things for granted and I know. I'm sorry for the people who don't have even have half the things I do. You probably don't want my pity. But you deserve a lot more than you get. I wish for the best since that seems like that is all I can possibly do right now. Oh wee, it's 11:11 :D So yeah. I must remember this: When I grow up, I want to make a difference. Not only will I make myself happy, but I'm helping someone else. That is all that truly matters. To see their lives change because someone helped them, it's something I want to do. Dreams coming true is really rare. When it happens, don't let that moment of happiness and joy leave you because that is a feeling millions and millions of people will probably never feel in their lifetime. Consider yourself lucky. That's what you told me a lot. It was your catch phrase. My penpal told me the exact same thing in my penpal letter freshmen year. We both laughed at that coincidence. I had another coincidence today too. You told me you made me mad on December 7th. Not too long ago, someone else said 12/7 instead of 24/7 cause thats the half of it. I was kind of shocked for a second haha. But yeah, I get a lot of coincidences. I wonder if it's a sign... I will go through whatever will come my way, just to see that smile on your face. Seeing other people makes me happy inside. That is all I could truly ask for in life. Smiles. Real smiles. That helps make my world go round you know. It sounds stupid, but really a smile means a lot more than you may think. A smile represents happiness. All I want is for people to be happy. Good night world & I hope you live a happy life :]
Just thinking...
I don't know right now. I'm not sure at all. I'm kind of stuck. About what you may ask? I don't know either. I feel lost. About nothing. Kind of odd huh? I think its quite strange myself. I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't know what. Weird.....
Problems. Everyone has them. It's tough obviously. That's why we fight past them. To find the answer to solve it. It's not easy. No one said they were going to be. I think thats why we have them. For us to solve and overcome. I don't know why it's on my mind. Maybe cause the people around me are all facing them. They tell me what's wrong. Not always directly, but I end up finding out. But what can I do for them? I feel like I can't do anything. I try my best to help, but I feel like I'm no help whatsoever. It saddens me. To see or hear of someone in pain and know that I can't do anything about it. You told me you found out that your friend had cancer. I don't know anyone who has cancer. I was so shocked that day. Devastated is more like the word. I didn't know what to say. So I said that I wish them the best of luck even though I don't know them. What good does wishing do in a situation like that? I felt so helpless. The only think I could do was hear about it. It broke my heart. It's always sad to hear about problems knowing that you can't fix them. But no one can fix everything. No matter how hard we try. So, do you know what I do? I try anyways. Even if I can't solve it, I put up with it. I try to overcome it. Because in the end, even if I didn't change anything, I pushed myself to try to change it. Nothing ever stays the same forever, so eventually that problem might go away. It's never guaranteed, but at least there's hope that it might right? Things always happen for a reason even if it's not always good. People don't like change. That is a fact. Well to me anyways. I don't know sometimes. When I hear problems, it does break my heart. I wish I could do something for the person. I really do. I try to cheer them up, but that doesn't go too far. So I act like myself. That is all I can really do right? Just be there for you? If that's all I can do, that's all that I will do. No matter how much I wish I could do more, I can't. I hope you realize that I do try. I don't sit back and act like it's nothing because it's not. Something is going on. I put my best effort in the things I do. I do things with reason. Sometimes I wish I don't every now and then, but I still do. Everything I do, ask, say, all has meaning. I don't realize it all the time, but I do know it. It's just one of those things that you know, but you don't really realize it. I have so much more to say, but I won't. You might say something about how long my posts are, but I don't care. What I write is how I feel. I write almost everything and anything. And no one can stop me :]
"If we loved again I swear I'd love you right."
I SLEPT WELL! Ahaha, yes I had to put that in caps. Even though I woke up a few times from my dreams, I slept probably within an hour after going to bed :D That made me happy haha. I remember having like 5 dreams, sort of. I end up forgetting if it wasn't really good lol. Anyways, I can sleep again. EEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP :D Now what also made my day was that Taylor Swift's Back To December video came out today! I was like yeeeeeee haha. It was pretty good. Not as good as You Belong With Me. That has got to be the cutest video ever. Ever. lol. I wish something like that would happen to me. So far today has been wonderfulllllll. I hardly have good days. Relatives came over for like 2 hours at my grandfathers' house. I just listened to music and watched chinese shows. I miss watching those so much since we don't have the channel anymore >.> I remember staying up on school days just to watch what would happen. During the bad scenes, my sister and I would havta grab a pillow and hide behind it cause it was bad. My mom would then tell us when to look again. Half the time we would talk behind the pillows and peek lol. Sometimes my mom would even forget to tell us to watch cause its so good lol. Oh, those days. Time to get off the computer. *shock* I know haha. I'm getting off for once xD People can change. You just gotta believe that they can :]
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Gah-made up word I use instead of bleh haha.
I missed 11:11 by one minute. So GAH lol. It's ok. As long as I don't miss 11/11/11 11:11, then it is all good :) So yeah today was full of laughs. And I mean full. Even though it was just like 15 minutes of crazy laughing. Still laughter aha. Today was a pretty good day. 2 more problems left of history! Omg im so proud of myself haha. I'm sooooooo close that I want to finish it tonight! I'm eager to do homework for once xD So, an old friend added me today on fb. It's funny cause I was just thinking about him a few days ago. We weren't super close, but I got to know him in algebra class 7th grade. Good guy. Seems like things are kinda rough for him so I wish him the best. Reminds me of this embarrassing time in 7th grade. I don't even wanna say it. So something went into my eye and yeah he laughed cause he saw the whole thing. It was during the flag salute too. I remember he was laughing like crazy and I was so disgusted by what it was. I don't even wanna say it. He still looks the same, though his hair is longer. It's good catching up with old friends. I didn't expect it to happen, so it makes it all better. I think that made my day just thinking about it haha. Yeah, I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I can't think of it. Hmmmm, well I was gonna listen to music to help me sleep again. Hopefully that works tonight. I always wonder why you never ask me personal questions. Well not really personal, but like "hows your day?" and what not. Things like that. Oh I remember. I had like a 2 hour conversation with someone else haha. It honestly felt a lot longer than that. Seems like I'm getting to know you better and that's good. You got crazy ideas like duct taping my door hahaha. I kept laughing at that. You're so weird at times too, but your a good guy, most the time xD I just realized this post is like about "good guys" hahaha. Time to sleep. Or attempt to. Good night world :]
Truth is,
People say this all the time: "what would I do without you." Truth is, you would live. You may say otherwise, but you would live on. I help people every now and then if they need it. That's it. I do small things for people. I don't mind. It's not a big deal for me. But when people do say that, it makes me happy to know that they need me. I'm modest, so I would say that you'll live. You would though even if I wasn't here. I'm sure you can find someone else to help you. The little things I do are appreciated and I thank the people that realize it. It really means a lot to me. Some people don't understand why. I would stop helping myself to help someone else. That is just the kind of person I am. I can change it, but will I? Of course not. I like helping people. Actually, no. I loveeeee helping people. It makes me feel good about myself. It's good to know that I'm needed. Thank you guys :]
Music music music music & more music.
So last night was another sleepless night. But I did someting different. I listened to music for like an hour and got tired after that. Since I have nothing better to do, or anything that I really want to yet, I will post every song I listened to haha. Sounds fun huh? xD Probably not, but for the heck of it I will. Shouldn't be more than 20 songs. I was suppose to stop after 5, but then I didn't feel like sleeping, so I lost track after a while. I'll write exactly what I thought about when I was listening to that exact song. Hopefully I remember them. Let's begin at 11:10PM.
Song #1: Only One~Yellowcard
I love everything about this song. I wish I had someone in my life when I hear this song. When the clock changed to 11:11, my wish was that whoever my future love would be, I dedicate this song to them. It's a great song if you never heard of it before. I personally like the acoustic version more. Depends on whatever floats your boat I guess.
Song #2: Ever The Same~Rob Thomas
Everytime I hear this song I think back to the days when me and my sister would play badminton in the backyard. This song would be on replay as well as Teddy Geiger, For You I Will. Another song I will talk about later. But this is a great song with meaningful lyrics.
Song #3: Innocent~Taylor Swift
I remember watching everything that happened. When Kanye West went up there on stage and did what he did. At first, I wasn't too shocked. Then the whole world started making it a huge deal. I finally saw what they meant. Yes. What he did was wrong, but he learned from his mistakes. We all do. Oh and just to warn whoever is reading this, there are many more Taylor Swift songs after this. About half of my music player is filled with her songs xD
Song #4: I Wanna Know~Joe
There isn't much for me to say about this song. Just one of those old songs that I have lying around that I listen to every now and then.
Song #5: Mean~Taylor Swift
Your name popped in my head when this song came on. You did many things to me. But you broke my heart. Your just a bully you know that? You probably do, but I wish I stood up to you. Well the past is the past, but "why you gotta be so mean."
Song #6: Superstar~Taylor Swift
I love this song. Just singing along with it makes me happy. Though I don't have a superstar that I really look up to, besides Taylor Swift, I still love it. I love all her songs aha. But yeah, it puts a smile to my face.
*From here I pretty much was so tired I forgot the order aha, so I will just post songs I remember listening to.
Song #7: Somebody to Love~Justin Bieber
You probably think I'm crazy huh? Don't even lie aha. Honestly I don't care. If I like this song, tell me all you want how he sings like a girl. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Really people? Just GROW UP. It's a freaking song. Stop picking on the poor guy. It's so annoying. Once one person says something, everyones gotta follow? BS. I don't say anything, but doesn't mean I don't have an opinion. So I like this song for the lyrics. I just want somebody to love.
Song #8: If This Was A Movie~Taylor Swift
This song. Obviously its about a break up and her wanting him back. I really like this song like all her other songs lol. Anyways, its sweet. It's always sad losing someone you love, so maybe that's why I don't want to put my heart on the line.
Song #9: When Will It Be Me~Yasmeen
This song tells my feelings sometimes. Except I haven't had someone in my life yet. But I do wonder. When will it be me? Hasn't happened so I have no idea.
Song #10: For You I Will~Teddy Geiger
My oh my. I LOVE this song aha. It speaks the truth. You love someone and your ready to tell them how you feel. You would do anything for this person. The video is very cute as well :D Just saying lol. But this song is just so down to earth. For you I will =)
Song #11: Breathe~Taylor Swift
Even though I was listening to my music on random, for my last song I didn't. I felt the need to listen to this song, but I wasn't sure why. While listening to it, it hit me. This song makes me feel at peace inside. This song is about loving someone. No matter how much you need them, they're gone and it's too late. Sometimes I just need to breathe.
& that's it for the songs I listened to. Well the ones that I remembered. I love how half of all the songs were Taylor Swift aha. Shows how big of a fan I am. I really do love her music. I would love to see her in concert one day. On my Life's To Do List lol. And since she's such a great person, I put in a secret message like she always does in her CDs except mines is in bold letters & a different color. Anyways, yeah that's all for now :]
*Secret Message: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Monday, January 10, 2011
"Every step I take Every move I make Every single day Every time I pray I'll be missing you."
It was 2:30 and KWIN was on. This song came up. It was super catchy and I liked it. I listen to it now and it makes me sad. So, I dedicate this song to everyone and anyone who has lost someone in their lives. This song has a whole lot of meaning to it. If only they still had songs like these nowadays. Honestly, the 90s had some really good music. Some are even better than what we have today. I love old music. Today was a super long but fun day :D Went all around town with family aha. So Centromart was stop number 1. Also went to the gas station and back. I wanted to run around in the store, but I got too lazy to get out the car xD Then, I went to my grandpas' & grandfathers' houses. Watched tv for a little while. After that, we went to Walmart, Best Buy, and Target. With all shopping done, we went back to my grandfathers to give him the heater and dvd player we got for him. Then we got burritos and tacos from a taco truck. Yummmm. Those burritos are like the 2nd best to me haha. The beef is just way too goooooooood :D Spent like 4 hours out of the house, which was good. I need to get out more. And my mom won't let me go bowling tomorrow >.> Oh well. More time at home talking to people. Only one more week left till break is over. I say that in every post even though it's a little over a week haha. Didn't get to do history hw xD but I can still start the tripod! :D Keeping my hopes up. Now this song is going to be stuck in my head lol. I can't get over what happened in the car. We started talking about phones and my dad was telling us how he had one of those JUMBO cell phones. Like the size of your shoe xD See them in movies sometimes. Anyways, yeah so he had one and we just talked about this story my aunt told us. When she first met my dad, he had like a leather jacket, that jumbo phone, and his red car. She thought he was a gangster HAHAHAHA. I still can't believe that. I miss that red car xD But still, I find that HILARIOUS. My dad+gangster=o.O hahaha. Exactly what I thought when she told me. Ahhh, them good days with story telling. I just love having flashbacks. I won't get over the phone thing though. Good times, good times. Off to do whatever now :] *R.I.P. Big
"You're better than the best I'm lucky just to linger in your light."
This song is amazing in every way possible aha. There's always someone that brings a smile to our faces :) I have many of those people. It's great to know that there's always someone there for me even if I don't know it. But this song just makes you wanna sway back and forth and sing the lyrics in a car driving down the highway. Well I wouldn't mind doing that haha. But this song makes me smile. So I didn't even realize that I didn't post yesterday xD I was busy all day doing the same thing as any other day lol. I hope my parents let me go bowling tomorrow. I still haven't asked xD It's going to be hecka late notice aha. So I'm hoping they still let me go xD I haven't seen people over break at all and it's good to get out every now and then if you have nothing to do. Goal for today: finish history homework & start the lego tripod. I hope I finish in time before we start school again xD I'm sooooooooooo lazy lol. People don't believe me when I say that. But who isn't lazy? Exactly. Everyone is. They just don't admit it. The sun is shining so bright today. I can tell because my solar bobble head thingy is making that noise. Couldn't sleep much again. I feel like my sleeping habits are getting worse and worse. Tonight is the new Pretty Little Liars episode :D I can't wait to see what happens. Every episode makes you on the edge of your seat. Hopefully this time I don't need to hide behind a pillow haha. Yes, I'm a big baby xD That is why I don't like watching scary movies, even though I do sometimes haha. Well I will go start off my day doing something xD I'm not sure what yet aha :]
Saturday, January 8, 2011
What a day.
Colts lost D: 17-16. At least it was a good game. Nothing went how I wanted it to today, but at least tomorrow will be a better day. Hoping to do my history homework tomorrow. Emphasis on the word hoping lol. I need to sleep early since my dad works early tomorrow. Only a week left of break. How sad. At least I get to see friends :D And I'm really looking forward to Tuesday. Oh and college classes are always interesting. I JUST thought my neighbors stopped karaoking, but I was wrong xD Its so loud I'm surprised anyone can sleep with it on. It's like there is no one living around them even though there is. Well time to sleep. Ready for whatever tomorrow brings & I hope that it's going to be finishing my history homework haha. I will push myself :D The picture has the roses I got from today. Super pretty :D Have them in my room, but I need a better place to put them. Good night world :]
Woohoo, Colts vs. Jets game right now. 0-0. Waiting for that first touchdown. First day back at Chinese School after two weeks of break. I studied and we didn't even have a test on that chapter >.< At least it was easy. So today we went to S-mart, both Targets, and Michaels. Got lettuce at S-mart and then saw Mrs. Strong, my 7th&8th grade teacher. I haven't seen her since October at the Commodore Carnival. It's been a while since I went back to visit. I should over spring break or something. Well it was nice seeing her after so long. Then we went to one Target, but they didn't have enough flowers, so we ended up going to the other Target. Didn't have the cd by OneRepublic that I was looking for at the first one, but they had it at the second on >.< My mom wouldn't let me get it since my sister got Now 35 or 36. I can't remember. But it does have good songs on it at least :D Hmmm, I really hope I place this year so I can get some gift card, but I haven't decided where yet. Then at Michael's I got two pink roses :], rubber ducks (in the picture), and a rose vase. Roses to decorate my room, though I'm not sure where to put them yet, the rubber ducks: Bobert(white) & Katie(pink), and the vase to put some origami stars in. Now I got 7 rubber ducks :]]]]]]]]] Game is still 0-0. I hope Colts make a touchdown soon. Already second quarter. I just realized I been a Colts fan for 5 years xD Time sure goes by really really fast or I just haven't noticed. I'd love to go watch a game one day. I should add that to my Life's To Do List lol. That's not a bad idea xD Oh and my new way of saying hi to someone is 'ello haha. Now for bye, I'm sticking with byebye or good night depending on the time. We'll see how that works out lol. Back to the game. ColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColtsColts:]
Friday, January 7, 2011
"Can we bring yesterday back around?"
It has been soooooo long since I heard this song xD I really like it though. Video is cute :D So yeah I been thinking after I heard this song. I don't think I'm ready to like someone. I think I got too use to not liking anyone that I rather just wait till I'm in college. Quite a long time isn't it? Well I don't know whats gonna come my way but I guess I'll see. Long days. One more week of break left. So short. I have a lot left to do. Practice piano, do history homework, make a lego tripod, start the book I read, and I dont know what else. Oh yeah, get gifts ready. So much xD I'ma go back to listening to music now ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
"I said it's too late to apologize."
This song has many many memories. I've slowed danced to this about 3 times already. But its the lyrics that I love. Sometimes it is just too late for you to do anything. You can't change the past, but only the future. So today we went shopping. We as in my sister, mom and I. Went to Kohls, Ross, Joanns, and Bed Bath & Beyond. At Kohls, I got a ladybug for Dalia's birthday, which is isn't too far from now. Liked this jacket at Ross, but it was $24.99, so I didn't get it. It's okay though. Then at Joanns, my mom got me a duck :D The one on the left in the picture is mines :]]]]]] My sister took the other one -_____-" At least I got it :3 Its all red since its like a Valentines Day duck, but its not yellow :D No offense to the yellow ones of course. I want a variety. Now I got 5 ducks :D So hard to find the ones like my mom found today xD But its soooooooo cute :3 I didn't know what to name it so I asked a friend and he said Ken so I named it Ken lol. I suck at choosing names xD So now theres Paul, Dave, Ken, A Buff Duck (hahaha), and Ulee. I had the people who bought me one name it, so the only one I actually named was Paul haha. All guy names xD So, yeah I had my friend name it since I didn't think my mom could think of an American name for him. All I need is a pink duck named Amy and a green duck named Adam 062810♥ Haha, that was a very good day :] Hmm, I should find Mary a zebra after that lol. Well, back to fooling around and being bored with nothing to do. And now its dinner :]
Yesterday was a good day.
I didn't have enough time to blog about yesterday so I will do that today :D So since my parents both had day offs, we went out of town :D Bass Pro Shop, JCPenney, Vans Outlet, Walmart, and McDonalds. Manteca was our first stop in all of this. Went to the Bass Pro Shop for what seemed to be hours but they played Taylor Swift so I was happy :3 Also, I got 2 of those souvenir pennies from there. Now I gots 10 :D I always like getting them whenever I go places. Good memories from them. Then afterward, we went to JCPenney, which was like 5 minutes from there haha. I got a new cardigan :D The Vans Outlet was literally less than a block away so we went there too. I got new blue shoes :]]]]]] Then we went back to Stockton and went to Walmart. Seems like theres nothing for me to buy. I think it's cause we're on break xD And our last destination: McDonalds. We got the 50 pieces of chicken nuggest for $9.99. Thats a good deal aha. Super good. Once we got home, my sister and mom made cookies :3 Homemade cookies are THE BEST haha. I <3333333333333 them so much. That was tasty xD Still got a lot too :D 11:11 just passed xD So yeah, off to another, hopefully, good day :]
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My mom tells me to study so I can take my permit test. I tell my dad I want to go next week. He says to wait till I have more time -___-" So much for that xD At least I dont have to worry about driving. I dont even want to start yet. I rather wait till I'm 18 and just skip the classes. Thats like $200 >.< More time to study or slack off though xD Its great to have friends who can help :D Finished the drama! :D I'm glad about that. Since it seems like people I'm talking to are busy, I think I will start another one :D Fated to Love You I think was the title. So my dad just told me to take my permit test over the summer. I'm in no rush so it doesn't matter. I don't think I'm ready either. I shouldn't push myself if I'm not. Since thats not going to happen, I will just relax the rest of my break. That sounds really good to me :]
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I couldn't sleep and I had to finish the episode I was on, so thats why I'm blogging real quick. This drama only made me think of one thing: love. What is love? I'm not too sure myself. All I know is that I want somebody to love. Someone who won't turn their back on me. Who would stay up with me all night just talking. Who I can rely on. Who I can trust. I want someone that I can believe in 110%. We all want someone like that don't we? I want someone to love me for who I am. Listen to all my problems and let me pour my heart out to him. I need that someone. That someone who knows every little thing about me. My likes, dislikes, everything. It may take a lifetime to find that someone, or even a few hours. So if you find him or her, don't let them go. Either way, I hope I can find him, because we all deserve that special someone ♥ &there are 11 rainbow roses just because a dozen just won't do :]
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Love is a crazy thing.
No lyrics, no song, no picture. I feel like typing today xD And including a link :D Piggy Bunny Yeah I know I posted this before, but my friend sent me a link, and it's just too cute :3 Costs a lot though >.> Anyways, this drama is soooooo good. So much unexpected things pop up. It's crazy. I put up the title from what I learned from this drama. When you love someone, you don't know what to expect. You would do anything just to talk to that person, be with them, have them by your side. Love makes people do crazy things doesn't it? I never been in love, but liking someone is like halfway there. You're head over heels for them. Just one more episode after this one and I'm done. Seemed like I been watching it for only a week. Each day seems to pass by slower and slower. I just got sidetracked watching the drama. So today was a pretty long day. From waking up late, to listening to music, playing games for hours, chatting, and watching dramas. Went from tired to being super confused. Seems like a long day. Well maybe not the same thing will happen tomorrow :D Yay, if I get a chance to get out of town xD I told my mom that we should go to Elk Grove so I could get the cd xD She said its up to my dad. I have a feeling we won't, but its all good. I'm so okay with everything I find it odd myself x] Sometimes when things are bad, it always sucks when it gets worse doesnt it? It seems like it happens a lot in these dramas. I feel sleepy again >.< My sleeping patterns aren't off, or I don't think they are. I should really stay away from the computer. I always say that, but I still go on xD Oh happy endings make me happy lol. How odd does that sound? xD You know what I really wonder, how many people actually read my blog. I haven't told anyone but one person the link, so I wonder. Anyways, I want to finish up this episode before I sleep. Good night world & to you :]
"I've found time can heal most anything."
Fifteen~Taylor Swift
I put up this song since I'm listening to it right now xD I remember when I was fifteen listening to this song. I felt as if it helped me make it through the hard times of school. But time does heal almost anything. Even from pain. What I find funny is that the first guy to break my heart was the same guy to heal it. He probably has no idea. And guess how I found out about Taylor Swift. You're right if you guessed him. Teardrops on my Guitar was your profile song and I still haven't forgotten till this day. Since then, her music has brought me to a good mood whenever I'm feeling down. You made me suffer through a lot of pain, but if it wasn't for you, I would've never gotten over the heartbreak you gave me. So, I may have liked and disliked you, but now, your just another person from the past. I'm really tired today. I don't know why. I got 10+ hours of sleep. Maybe cause I been staring at the computer screen all day. Even with the occasional chores didn't help. Now I just feel like sleeping. Spent almost all day playing games xD That's what break is about aha. Doing nothing all day. So, I put up the picture cause I'm cold right now xD I decided why not snow since its winter and all. I haven't even watched my drama today. Shocking huh? Welp, time for dinner :]
"This has gotta be the good life."
Good Life~One Republic
Today has been a really good day. Well it ended off on a good note :D So a friend of mines showed me this song. Same friend who showed me TDCC. This song made me think about my life and how lucky I am. My parents have given me everything I could ever want and more. I admit, they spoil me. I'm just not appreciative of it all and I'm sorry. My friends have been there from me since day one and I never get to say enough thank yous to show how grateful I really am. The people I have met once and may never see again. You gave me seconds, minutes, and even hours just to get to know you. You may not know it, but you've somehow changed me as well. I been influenced by people my whole life and I'm thankful for it. I'm thankful for so much. And I know that I am living a good life. Omg, the drama has gotten so good even my sister is hooked :D I've convinced 3 people to watch a drama *woot woot* haha. That's pretty good :) And two are guys lol. Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens. Four episodes left and I should be done by later on today after I sleep lol. Oh and I tried comparing lotto tickets because I thought one was the one my mom got and the other was the winner numbers. Yeah, I'm very slow today because the one I thought with winner numbers was actually the ticket my mom and dad got today xD Me+today=super slow. I think that nasal shot got me tired because I feel so sleepy. Or because my mom woke me up at 10 this morning. Who knows? Gahh, I keep saying that >.< I notice how after you talk to someone for awhile, you start to say what they do. It is quite interesting. Well, I couldn't think of a picture so I thought of the sunset and that picture popped up on google so I decided to put it up. I always wanted to spend time with a guy at the beach. I hardly ever go to the beach, but when I do with family, it's not as nice as it is in pictures. It's usually kinda dark and cloudy xD But anyways, it's a very nice picture. Good morning world & to that guy once again. You seem to be surprising me very much lately :]
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
"Without a word love appears, Without a word its gone."
Without Words~Jang Geun Suk
You're Beautiful is such a cute drama :D The song is from the drama and I put up the translated lyrics to it. I want to learn it on piano sometime soon. I just need to find the music sheet. But it's such a cute song :3 The Piggy Bunny on the right is a teddy bear he gave her since she lost the pin it's wearing. Also the nickname he ends up giving her. Makes more sense if you watched it lol. It has it's ups and downs, but the storyline is really good :D I would recommend this drama to anyone who is willing to watch one. I'm surprised that this is only like my fifth drama aha. I hope I don't get too addicted. Back to watching it now :]
"I've found a reason to show, a side of me you didn't know."
There is a lot for me to say about this person. He's changed me and I barely realized it. So that is why I put this song. I'm showing a side of me you probably didn't know, and along the way, I have surprised myself as well. You showed me how much I really missed watching football, how good indie music is, how blogging is a way to express all the things I wouldn't tell someone in person, and more. Haha, oh football. I only watch the Superbowl games and that's it. Nothing else. Now I'm watching every Colts game that I can and even a Jets game here and there. I miss how crazy I get when my team gets a touchdown. And you helped me by telling me to watch a game. Since then, I haven't been the same. Two Door Cinema Club. The first band you showed me. I love their song "What You Know." See, this is why I'm open to all types of music because they are all so good. But now, I'm a huge TDCC fan and I'm even willing to get their cd, which I hardly ever do. Another thing I've realized: Blogging is like the first thing I think about in the mornings. When I wake up, I think, "what should I blog about today?" Haha, kinda cheesy, but it's becoming a habit and a great way for me to express my feelings. You've shown me so much about myself that I probably would've never known about. The picture above is a piano made of legos. I remember showing you the picture since you're a lego fanatic. You said it was fake because legos aren't smooth. You were right about the smooth part. So I kept looking it up on google just to prove to you that it is real. And it is :) We talk every day, and when I say every day, I literally mean every day. I'm surprised anyone wants to talk to me that much lol. But it's always nice having someone to talk to. I feel like I can tell you anything even if you do confuse me a lot. You have always been there for me and it means so much. You probably don't know it, but it's okay. "And the reason is you" football buddy :]
Monday, January 3, 2011
"Good night Amy."
You've been saying that to me every night and I wonder why. I wonder because you get off, but right before you leave hours later, you come back on just to say that. I don't have a clue. Others say it is because you care. But do you really? Todays been a fun day. Shopping, playing games, and just chatting. Hardly ever go shopping. Oh and shots tomorrow. Haha playing games against him is always fun. Its funny how I take it so seriously. I hope shes feeling better since she got sick again. Eat pocky! Haha. I should save one just for you since we're hanging out soon :D Well, I can't wait until then. It's going to feel like freshmen year, us three again. Oh how I miss those days. Good night world & to the guy who's been saying good night to me a lot lately :]
"You'll always be in my heart."
Don't Forget About Us~Mariah Carey
This song brings back so many memories. I decided to go through my youtube favorites from the past since I hardly listen to it, so why not now? So, what's so important about this song? It was my first slow dance. Something most girls usually don't really forget about. This was freshmen year at my schools spring dance. It was lots of fun with the theme being Beauty or Geek. Interesting costumes that day lol. Anyways, this has been the first and only guy I've slow danced with, which makes it memorable. Since then, we've danced at most dances xD It's sweet of him. We're just friends and that's good, but I remembered I liked him when this happened. Now I just look back to that day. I was so nervous since it was my first dance and all. But what could I really expect lol. Anyways, I hope he doesn't "forget about us" because I know I won't. I been writing a lot about "lovey dovey" stuff lately. I guess blogging just brings back many memories. Hopefully I don't write too much about it xD So the picture was just cute so I decided to put it up lol. I just love black and white photos and I don't know why. I got like two in my room. Isn't much, but it's nice looking at them. Got back from shopping today. Went to the mall, SF supermarket, and Costco. Got some clothes and a book :D Except I got it at Costco so I hope its good cause the last time I did that, the book was ehh. Even got my mom to get me a hot dog at Costco haha. I love those xD It's like $1.50 for a hot dog and soda and it sure keeps me full. Super good too lol. It didn't rain like I wanted to, but its all good :] Apparently I'm going to get a shot tomorrow. Better than the seven I had to get last winter break. Six on my arms and one nasal xD That wasn't too much fun lol. Two more weeks left of break, and I did nothing efficient. I should schedule my DMV appointment soon, but I have no idea how early I should do that before the date. Well google, here I come! haha. About a hour and a half till the show starts. I'm so excited haha. I been waiting months for this show to come back. I still need to read the last book, but it's in hardcover, so im gonna wait for the library to get it or I'll wait till I get in paperback. Looking forward to March 8, 2011 cause that's when Evercrossed comes out. It's a sequel to Kissed by an Angel, which my friend got for me my last last birthday. Such a sad but good book. Well I can't spend my giftcard until then xD Thats going to be a long time lol. Time to watch You're Beautiful :]
"they make u feel like ur the only gurl theyll ever like or something but once its over its donee"
You told me those exact words and it was stuck in my head all night. You are right though, don't get me wrong, but is every guy like that? I've liked many guys in the past, but it seems true. I don't know whether or not to believe if he's different from the rest. I really thought about it, and I don't think I'm ready. Since it hasn't happened before, I don't know what to expect. And maybe that's why I don't know if I want to risk it. If I did like you, would you be another one of those guys like she said. Or will you prove me wrong? The thing is, I don't know. I'm not sure at all. All I know is that I deserve better than that. So whatever happens happens. I'm not going to say that I like you because I always thought of you as a friend. But now, when I do think about it, you and I are alike in many ways. I just never really got the chance to know you before. But I know what you're like. I know your past and I don't want to be another one of those girls so that's why I'm not going to do anything. I'm just going to think of you as a friend because that is all we can be. I don't want to break your heart, but I don't want to break mines either. We are getting close, but I don't want to lose our friendship. I may be wrong about this whole thing. And if I am, well no more guessing for me because all my expectations end up being a complete failure xD But if I'm right, then I don't know. I'll just see how it all plays out. I did say I would take a chance this year, but I don't want to regret anything. I woke up this morning trying to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. So I stared at my clock. Watching the seconds tick, but hardly noticing that the minutes are passing. I wanted to lie there forever. Not having to worry about anything. But we all know that doesn't ever last. I'm glad I still have two weeks of doing nothing left :D Sucks for everyone who has to go back to school though. But I feel like I deserve the time off, not that I'm going to do much anyways. And apparently we're going out today >.< Wow, I was planning on staying home all day watching the marathon in my blanket lol. Well plans never seem to work out for me. Something ends up going wrong xD I hope it rains later on. Its nice when I hear the rain drops against my window, lightly though. When its pounding, that's the worst. Hmmm, I'm not sure if I should try getting a book. Last time all the books I liked were hardcover so thats like $20 to spend. I rather wait 6 months later when the paperback comes out for like half price haha. I'm not cheap, but I'm efficient :D That's good at some points lol. Maybe I have a coupon. I should go check xD Oh I have one for borders. Yay, I should ask. I did NO reading this break which is horrible because last summer I read like 13 books xD I think I'm getting too lazy. Well since we're going out, no computer for a while :D I feel like my eyesight is getting bad after being on so much even though my eyesight is pretty good >.< I find it shocking how I never been to an eye doctor. Quite odd. Well I'm glad for my eyesight since it helps in many situations xD Though lately my hearing has been off. I woke up and the first thing thought of was what to blog about haha. Yeah, I'm really into blogging as you can tell how many posts I have and it hasn't even been 5 days I think. I think it's good though. It gives me something to do when I'm bored and if there's no one to tell. It's 11:11 make a wish :D Okay, haha. That's starting to become a habit again ;D Time to go get ready or just go on other stuff lol :]
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