Saturday, March 19, 2011


It was amazing in every way. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Thank you.

11:11 Thank you for everything that has happened today. It was a huge turn around from yesterday. I wish that tomorrow will be a good day (better weather) and hopefully my bracelet idea will go through and I can start working on them :D

That's honestly all that I want right now. For the weather to die down, and to get my idea approved. Also, another great night like tonight would be appreciated, but I don't want to be greedy. Today was great. Talked to three very important people in my life that can make my day absolutely wonderful. I mean that SOOOOO much. Thank you guys! I would post some funny IMs, but I should get off before a blackout occurs. If I have time tomorrow, then I might. I burnt my finger (happens a lot) from a hot egg roll -___- My finger feels better now though. Thank you thank you thank you to you three! One, I haven't seen for about 3 months, another person who I can talk to about anything and everything with & watch guys ask girls to prom in the sweetest ways, and to a guy who can probably never be serious and will open his window on a SUPER windy and rainy night like tonight (that's a joke ;D). You guys have really made me so happy that I can never thank you all enough for everything you have done for me. Good night world & I hope you're all safe and sound right now :]]]]]]]]]

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