Saturday, March 26, 2011

Somtimes you just never know.

Ever feel like everything in front of you is just perfect, but next thing you know, you find out something that shocks you. You just can't believe it's true, but sadly, it is. That's how I felt today. But let's rewind back to the beginning. So, I woke up at 8:40am. Hahaha, too forward dontchathink? Aha. Okay, so I went to Chinese School today and we had our dictation or reading the chapter without our pronounciations. I was SO FREAKING WORRIED! My leg was all twitchy until it was my turn. Even a little bit after too xD Anyways, I ended up reading it all under 2:00 minutes and I got 100%. Thank goodness she's lenient because I just couldn't pronounce that one word! D:< It's okay, I still passed :DDD Next, I go to my grandpa's house for lunch and watch Survivor with my sister. It's a pretty good show. Lots of sabatoge and backstabbing ;D I'm not like that, so don't worry hehe xD My uncle was there and we ended up going over to his house. First, we picked up Nana, and then headed over there. Man, it's literally been over 11 years since I last went to that house! That was like my second home when I was little. I barely remembered anything! Besides that one big window next to the door. Anyways, we headed to the house afterwards. Nylah and Julissa were there and we dressed up dolls. Yes, I'm not afraid to say that! I like spending time with my family, even if it is doing kids stuff. Sometimes, there are some things you need to do for the fun of it. Personally, I don't mind at all, but other people are probably like wtf? I don't care. I had fun. Lots of fun. I even completely forgot about bowling, so I think that's good haha. I don't even mind. I see my friends like every day, but family, not so much lately. It was nice just spending the whole day together. I got to play with Wunji and Rocket, the cutest dogs ever! You MUST see them aha. Playing with them makes me want a maltese even more D: Oh the torture of not having a dog :( Anyways, we went out to eat at Nena's Mexican Restaurant. Man, that was some GOOD food. I got an enchillada and man, I loveddddd it hahaha. And the view at the Waterfront is SOOOO nice, I didn't even feel like I was in town. I didn't know how nice it was there. It's even better looking than the mall we have. Now that says something. I always had a thing for old-fashioned places. It got me thinking, I would love to go out on a date there. Sit by the water at like 8pm with the light bulbs on outside and the lights in the trees. You can see them through the glass. You just had to be there! I called it KneeKnee's on accident LOL. Yeahhh, and where I was sitting, the wall around you from the side and the ceiling was like all glass, and the sun started coming out, and shined like directly above me. And only me. I found it a little odd. And the guy got "throw overboard". Hahaha, that was hilarious! Today was like a you had to be there moment. I would loveeeee to go there again. And it's pretty cheap. I think my food was like $6-$8 about. It was good. I want to go there now haha. So we went back and I had to do english 1A hw. Though, I only did the discussion. I'm still not done with the essay or ejournal. Okay I must do. But I must say, I had a hecka awesome day. I wouldn't change it for anything. Though, I did find out a part of my family is falling apart, but there's not much I can do about it. Also, my aunt is going to run in a marathon! She wants me and my sister to join, but I can barely run a mile! Hahaha. We'll see. That's a lot of training though. My dad doesn't want me to get a job. Says I should learn how to drive first which is true. Man, I think I'm only taking 2 classes this summer. I don't want to over do it. I still have time. I shouldn't push myself too much. I should at least have some fun right? Right haha. Also found out something else. Someone I'm not related to, but I've known for a long time, has cancer. I was devastated. I mean I didn't know her a lot, but she's such a nice lady. It's been a really long time since I seen her, but I just pray. She's having surgery on Monday, and I'm just wishing for the best. Then my cousin tells me that her friend died of cancer today. Cancer is just omggggg. I wanna just find a cure for it like NOW. It has taken so many lives. Also, a grandma from Chinese School died yesterday I think. It's just so sad. I don't think she died of cancer, but still, it's heartbreaking. Cancer has taken too many lives and I want to do something. This really makes me wanna raise more money for Relay for Life and actually go to the event. I will beg my parents if I really need to. Honestly, I really wanna go and stay the night. Another person requested some bracelets, so I'm really happy. I have a lot to do. Oh I finished the first bracelet! The only person that paid too haha. Well it's time I start that essay. The clock is ticking and I'm running out of time. Sometimes, you really just don't know what's going to happen. You have to hope for the best even if that's all you can do. If you can do more, don't be afraid to. I'm tired of sitting back and watching everything happen. I want to be a part of it and make things happen. I won't let opportunities pass me by anymore. I need some freedom. I want change. Thank you for a wonderful day. It's only Day 1 of break too :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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