Friday, March 11, 2011

I just want to forget about the world.

Sometimes, I like to just stare outside a window. Do nothing but look. That's it. I like watching the world pass by. I like sitting down and staring as the clouds move. It's very soothing. Not sure how haha. But it is. Watching the world pass by as I do nothing while people all around the world are probably busy off with their lives. I think I spend my time wisely, most the time... ;D I want to drift away and just forget about the world.

11:11 I wish for an amazing day tomorrow and for SATs to not be too bad.

I'm lame.

I should sleep. It's 12:38. From now on, I'm turning off my computer before turning off my light. I'm too addicted. How did it end up like this? I'm withdrawing. I don't care. I will. For lent, I decided to give something up for the fun of it. No I'm not Catholic, but it should benefit me in the end so why not :D I decided to give up soda, omgpop/cupcake corner, and tumblr. I may not drink soda a lot, but lately I been craving it way too much. I go on omgpop like once a week or more, and cupcake corner everyday. I must withdraw. Tumblr is a everyday thing as well. But, this blog is much better even though tumblr has taught me something new each day. I really do learn a lot. So, hopefully I can go through with my first time trying lent. I think I will give up coffee for a whole year very soon. Not sure how soon, but once I finish whatever we have left at home, byebye coffee =] I need to keep focused and I'll be okay. Hopefully. As long as I don't forget that I'm doing this xD Too bad calculus is cancelled for tomorrow. I still have class from 9-10 D: Whatever. No picture today for spirit week cause my batteries died on me. Sorry. Tomorrow, I might have some if I have time to post. It's gonna be a longgggg day tomorrow. Just saying. Good morning world & I plan on not saying that for a very, very long time. TGIF :]

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