Saturday, March 12, 2011

There's no way.

I won't be able to start my homework until I blog haha. This is about my day from yesterday. I'll talk about today too haha. The picture is from When I Grow Up (Occupation Day), since I didn't get to take pictures that day since my camera died xD Well, I wore my moms work clothes cause I doubt anyone could tell that I'm wearing a civil engineer clothes, which is like regular everyday clothes, so I needed something more obvious haha. Yeah, me and my amazing group of friends. Of course there's many more ;D Hahaha. Hmm so yesterday was the last day of spirit week. *sadening* <-- I think I spelled that wrong haha. Whatever. The talent show was really good :D I loved the acts. Some people did amazinggg. Haha. I liked them all though. Everyone did their best, so that's all that matters :D History was really rushed since we only had like 15 minutes of class. Rushed current events and what not haha. And this right here is a picture of my class :D Even though some
people are missing D:< But it's pretty close at least. Would be better if everyone was in it though. Still have two more spirit weeks though :D That's kind of saddening >.> But, our banner did win first :D I'm super happy cause I actually helped draw small parts and paint a little. All credits go to Angelica for designing and drawing, Debora for letting us borrow her place, Aman, Valerie and Kenneth for helping too. We all had a contribution and it feels great to know I helped, even if it was just a little ;D It only tooke one day to finish the banner too. Great accomplishmentssss haha. We did end up getting 2nd place. We were only 1% away. Kinda sad, but hey, I thought we were gonna place 3rd so I'm pretty happy haha. In the end, I never find winning as changing anything. Everyone's still happy no matter what. Just some are happier than others. Yesterday was also the first Luau Dance for our school :D It was super fun! Even if over half of my class didn't go xD But I really had a blast in the end. So many things happened last night that I really didn't even expect. I might as well list them all cause there were quite a few haha.
  ~Having red meat ;D
  ~Oksana going to the dance.
  ~We had our first picture 
    together with just us.
  ~Anthony asking me for a hug.
  ~My 6th slow dance.
  ~Austin knowing my cousin.
  ~Anna complimenting me.
  ~& having a blast at the
    dance even if half the
    dancefloor was empty :D
Yeah, so much happened! Hahaha. So on Thursday I was telling my mom when can we eat red meat, cause it's so freaking good, and she ended up buying some, so I was SUPER happy once I got home haha. You have like no idea. It was soooooo yummyyyy :33333 I'm eating some for dinner tonight too ;D Oksana said there was a good chance that she wasn't going to the dance, she's my dance buddy, so I was like whyyyy DDDD: Then, when I get to the dance, she was there! I was like youuuu cameeee :DDDD Hahaha. When I first went to the dance, John was there and wanted to take a picture of us since I just came and all. I brought my camera, for once, and got a picture too. I posted it up there ^^^. That's one of my best guy friends since freshmen year. He knows almost everything and anything about me. It's hard to believe after the 3 years we've known each other that that is our first picture together with just us haha. Well, I find it kind of hard to believe.
I think Oksana went to go get a drink so I came with her. Then Anthony comes out of no where and asks me the same question as always "Where were you" and I said I was busy or something. Then he asks for a hug and I'm like sure :D Haha. It was a pretty quick hug, but a hug is a hug :D I only hug people when they ask for one or if it's like a birthday or something. He never asked for a hug before so I was like kinda shocked haha. I didn't see it coming. I said I was going to leave the dance after another slow dance came on. It was When You Look Me in the Eyes~Jonas Brothers. My sixth slow dance with the same guy, you guessed it, Andrew haha. Oksana and I were dancing since I was gonna leave, and he cut in. Once I got home, I went online to study for SATs, although that didn't go as planned, Austin asked me if I was related to this guy, which was my cousin haha. Apparently, his brothers best friend is my cousin. It really is a small world as you said! Hahaha. So yeah, that was random xD I liked Anna's status from fb and it was if you like it, I'll write a letter to you and yeah, you get the point. So I liked it for the fun of it and she was so nice :D Well, I don't know her too well, but she's really sweet! Of course, I had a blast at the dance *woot woot* and I couldn't have asked for a better day :D Sats weren't too bad today. Even with only 6 hours of sleep, I survived. Hopefully, I don't need to take it again this year. 5 hours is enough testing in one day for me haha. And I bought stuff to make Valerie's gift. Can't wait :D We had to run to her locker from the Dericco Building to get her fee waiver. Yeah, that was a workout. It hurt more since I went to the dance yesterday. Delta is interesting with no one on campus at 6 in the morning haha. Anyways, I gotta eat my dinner. Hasta la vista :]]]]]

"Sit talking up all night, Saying things we haven't for a while, a while. Yeah. We're smiling but we're close to tears, Even after all these years, We just now got the feeling that we're meeting, for the first time." For the First Time~The Script

This is everything I felt last night, besides the tears. After all these years of knowing you, the lyrics I posted above already happened. The talking for hours at night until morning, and every now and then, saying things we haven't said to each other for a while. I'm always smiling with you around. Always. & it just so happens that yesterday at the dance, every moment I spent with you, I felt like we were meeting for the first time. Just don't give up on me when times are hard. Keep Smiling ♥

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