Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh if only you knew the half of it.

Sometimes, you just never know. We're not sure what the future has instored for us. It's always a surprise. Good or bad, it was meant to happen. Or is it? Today was what started off as a pretty good day, but everything just went downhill after I got home -___- Don't those days just suck? It was Param's birthday, so Happy Birthday Param!!! :DDDDD I really hope you like the video I made for you! It was made with lots of love haha. Anyways, another year older, yet you're still the same amazing person that I knew since I met you. I feel bad since I didn't go to your birthday celebration. I didn't want to spend money, yet I ended up going to Long John Silver's for the first time with Debora and Angelica. Mannn, the food was freaking good haha. You can tell I liked it. We all tried it for the first time. I would go again :D Hahaha. A friend broke my umbrella. Out of all days, it had to be today too. Ehh, it's okay though. At least it wasn't pouring or I'd be sick. Hopefully, I don't get sick. Last thing that I would want right now. PE was okay. I realllyyyyy suck at volleyball thats for sure haha. Oh, and I'm going to the Culture Club field trip. I can't wait :D Get to spend all day out of town with my friends and classmates. *woot woot* hahaha. I'm so excited. Acadec Cafe and Game Night was really fun. Super good food :D I got 2 quesadillas, 2 red velvet cupcakes, 2 eggrolls, and a cheesecake. Yes, I sound like a fatty but if you get out school at like 5, then you would understand. It's for a good cause too so why not support them in some way at least :D So once I got home, almost everything just went downhill for me. First, I learned community service that I was gonna do tomorrow is cancelled due to the rain. That means I gotta study for chinese school, which I was really happy that I wasn't gonna havta go this week cause there's like 27 words on dictation but turns out I do now. Last minute too. So that was mydaysuckedreason#1&2 haha. I needed community service hours and I just love helping out!  But, that's not gonna happen. After I started studying, I go to dry my hair and I go get my vocab words to study, and on my way out my room, my toes hit the bottom of my swivel chair and my toes started to hurt with a lotttttttttt of pain -___- That just killed me. There's mydaysuckedreason#3. Then I was coming back into my room and I poked myself in the eye. Mydaysuckedreason#4. It gets even better. Once I'm done drying my hair, I come to study some more. I move my feet around cause I couldn't sit still in my chair and my big toe is kinda infected (nothing serious) but it hurts when I put a small amount of pressure at one particular spot. As I move my feet around, my big toe slams against the bottom of my desk and what do you know, I sit there unable to move because my foot is in SO MUCH PAIN that I can't even move! Do you know how sad and painful that was for me? I was just sitting there, my sister asking why I can't move, and yeah. So much was running through my mind. I felt like someone just stabbed me 1000000 times. It's really THAT bad. Mydaysuckedreason#5. I'd have to say, that is the most painful reason of them all. Onto my last reason. I couldn't study at all. I was just so sleepy. So, I sat at my desk for 2 hours trying to study, yet I forgot like 6 words. Mydaysuckedreason#6. Mannn, life kinda sucks sometimes. But I will suck it up. Complaining solves nothing right? I'll forget this all in no time. Somethings did go right though. I get to go on the FARMs trip that I missed in February :DDD James isn't going so I get to take his place. Yeeeee, I get to go see a dairy :D I'm excited haha. I just want to escape from my life even for a few hours. That would be enough to make somethings okay. Even something as small as that :] Well if that's one bright side, theres gotta be more haha. Okay, maybe my day ended bad, but overall, it was decent. Hmmm, it's raining outside. Last night, I was thinking and I thought of a way that I could help raise money for Relay for Life. I can make friendship bracelets! Anyone can request the colors and pattern they want and I'll hopefully make it between 1-2 weeks. Each bracelet could be around $1 and all the profit made would go to Relay for Life. I knew making bracelets could help me do something for a good cause someday :DDD As long as Param is okay with it, then I'm ready for some requests haha. I'm really looking forward to this. Just hoping there isn't  too many requests where I can't handle it or not enough where I don't raise much money. I rather have the first option, but who knows. Easier the pattern, faster it will be done. I have hecka colors, so if this works out, then I won't have to worry about all the string that I have and may never use. I'm still following through with the senior gifts idea if I learn letter patterns in time. And if not, well the other part can still work :D I just want this one thing to go right. I want to help people who deserve more than they get. I want to make a difference in peoples lives'. All I can really do, but I'm trying so hard. The final thing that made my day is that I'm planning on making a 100 things I want to do before I die kinda thing. Though I want to give it a different name. Don't like the word 'die' too much. I'll hopefully find something. I want a list that will take me the rest of my life to finish. And I do plan on going through with it, so it's probably gonna be really long haha. I'm such a weird person, but I just want to live life to it's fullest. I don't want to miss out on great opportunities anymore. I want to live. Like in the song, Moment 4 Life~Nicki Minaj ft. Drake, it says, "Cause everybody dies but not everybody lives." I've been meaning to post that for a long time, but I keep getting lazy or a new song comes up. But it's true. Sooooo true. Forget the past. Don't worry about the future. The moment we have is right here, right now. If we don't live it up to the fullest and make the best memories, then what kind of life have you been living? Don't let the moment pass you by. I've learned from experience too many times. Good morning world & I will keep on praying that tomorrow will be a better day and not just for me, but for everyone and anyone :]]]]]]]]

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