Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The little things we do can change many lives.

11:11 Thank you for all the requests. It really just warms me to know that this is going to a cause that deserves it. I wish I could do this more often. Anyways, back to my wish aha. I wish that there will be many requests (though there is a lot now) and hopefully my arms don't get tired of doing this haha. It really means a lot to me because so many people have told me that they're proud of me and I'm doing a good thing for a cause. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be doing this. Honestly, I should be saying thank you.

It really does mean so much to me that people are doing this. I will get more donations from this then just asking people so it's a good sign. The little things a person can do will change many lives. Even something like a hobby of mines has turned out to help the lives of others. I'm so glad that I get the chance to do this. I'm proud of doing more of what is expected of me. I'm stepping up and making a difference. That's one of the most important things I wanted to do in my life. I'm glad that I'm doing it now. And hopefully a lot more in the future. I really hope everyone raises enough to reach the goal. I feel so accomplished already. I won't let you guys down. I will make all these bracelets myself and hopefully, you guys appreciate them too. Thank you all for giving me a chance to do this. It's time I stopped hiding and started making changes. It's time I break out of my shell. I'm so tired probably cause of that 3 hour nap I took yesterday. I had enough for one day. Still have to do my english hw D: Hopefully that doesn't take too long. I already started on the bracelets too. I should see how long it takes me for each bracelet. Hmm, maybe. Also have the EAP tomorrow. Well, I need some rest. I'm so exhausted. It's good cause I need to sleep early more often now. Good night world & you can make a difference in anyones life, even if it's just one person. Believe that you can and you will :]]]]]]]]]]]

*Random fact: I was high, not off of drugs, but high off of happiness? I don't know, it's hard to explain. I couldn't stop laughing and acting weird. Maybe I'm slowly showing my true self. Or I just went wack for that hour. Whatever it is, you think I'm a huge weirdo now aha. You should be use to it by now xD I had fun while it lasted ;D

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