Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This girl I call Yummy.

I told you to read my blog. I didn't expect this: you to reply to some parts of it! Haha. In return, I will reply back to you :D Hahaha. She is the dash and I'm the hearts :]]

"I felt like I haven't sat down with anyone and just talked about anything for such a long time."
-Dude me neither today was fun ^^
♥ Lots of fun for me! Something we need to do more often :D

"Psh, you think pizza goldfishes don't look tasty. You don't know what your missing! I saved you some during Key Club, but you wouldn't eat it D:"
-They dont look tasty, they remind me of a deformed version of like cheetos/hot cheetos and fish. and they smell >.<
♥ They are soooo good! Stop judging them! Fish?? o.o Haha, after reading the word smell, it reminded of you saying I eat smelly food. I dont fully disagree with you xD

"I ended up giving them to Kevin and he liked it. Ha :P "
-I kissed a girl and i liked it bahahaha thats what this reminds me of!
♥ Wow, you would haha

"Then, a ladybug landed on your side mirror and we were trying to take pictures of it. Then I saw it's eyes and I gagged. I'm not even kidding. It was gross. Reminded me of looking at a fly. Gahhhh, disgusting just talking about it."
-Yes, it was cahutttteeeeee[; and oh i was rotfloling BAHAHAH! it was funny hahahahaha. i pracrtically teared up, i wish you couldve seen what i did
♥ Cute?!?! That was grosss looking at it. Gahh, it's stuck in my head D: The torture! I saw you wiping your eyes but that was it xD

"You said it was humid and the guy in the car next to us started talking to us for like 5 minutes xDDDD That was so random! Hahaha. At least it wasn't weird. We just didn't understand what he was saying half the time haha."
- i know! goes to show he heard everything! Evenn your gaggin moments ^^ and i would say over 5 minutes man! and yeah i understood, i just didnt know what the things were ie that travis thing he mentioned.
♥ Maybe it was over 5 minutes haha. I don't know. It seemed like a while. I remember him saying "Stay in school" and something about social security LOL

"As we were arguing about goldfishes, he walked by and we were all going crazy xD "
- i think we were going crazy cos of the conversation not him lol
♥ Ummm, that's what I was talking about. I did not mean going crazy about him haha

"It's like we don't have to say anything to each other, but we know what we're both referring to. Yeah, that was interesting."
-very interesting it was. and i know what is it called, telepathy?
♥ Haha, I think so.

" No idea why he looked back xD"
-ah mustve thought we were too loud?? ARG! i really wanna know.
♥ But we weren't, were we? o.o

" So, you got locked in your cry. Bwahahaha."
-typo! CRY=CAR?
♥ Haha, you would point that out! "So, you got locked in your cry car. Bwahahaha."

"That was hilarious! So you tried opening it from the inside and it didn't work. Then you tried it from the outside, still didn't work. I walked outside and tried to open it, but nothing. Sooooo, I said lets both try opening it at the same time and it worked! I was like YESSSS hahaha. Oh yeah, got the door to open xD That was funny too."
-seriously, i needa get it fixed >.< what if i get stuck in there when im alone? the emergency brake thing is going to hurt my butt.
♥ You can call me and I'll fix it again xD If only the window would've went down xD My leg wouldn't havta be flying out the door haha.

" I tried napping, and I got really tired hahaha. "
♥ Not your fault I stayed up untill 1:20 last night xD

"We had a lot to talk about too, well I did haha. Yeah, it's great to have someone to talk to. Especially when you need someone to listen. This is just an idea of our friendship."
-i agree 100% minues the part where it was only you, i like talking too yknow haha
♥ Well I know you talked, but you were doing hw so I talked more xD

"It gets pretty crazy every now and then, but it's great to have a friend I can count on."
-ferreals, thats how i picture the word when i say thos words. [;
♥ Haha, like how I put Horrah instead of horray ;D

" Gleek hahaha :D"
-just like oksana
♥ Omg, she's the first person I IMed on AIM after I logged on. Yes, we talked about Glee :D

"haha. I get less than 3 hugs in a month xD "
-I keep forgetting to tell oksana or someone to hug you. you see, ima fail hugger and its not all that comfy for me so yeahhhh.
♥ Haha, don't worry. I'm happy with the few hugs that I do get from people :D Thank you though.

Friends are just amazing in every way. Moments like these are to be remembered forever♥ I love this blog with a passion haha :]]]]]]]]

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