Thursday, March 31, 2011


11:11 I wish for tomorrow to be amazing. Just amazing.... :]

I'm not too shocked.

I got a 1540 on my SATs. I'm a little sad cause I did bad on the reading section. Like really bad. Good thing I did better in math cause that saved me, but still. I'm so retaking it, and gonna take the ACTs as well this summer. Time to watch some movies. I'm super excited it's Friday tomorrow :]]]]]]]]]]]]

I'm a little shocked.

11:11 I wish that I get at least 1700 on the SATs (I shouldn't be having expectations).

So, uh, today was different. Well, it ended differently. SAT scores should be out, but they aren't. Not stressing about that, yet. I was about to be asked to prom, but I'm not going. I feel bad now D: I was a little surprised because I didn't expect it, but you were right -____- Oddly haha. Still, I think I just made your break even worse after this. If only I could make it up to you. This is gonna bother me now >.< I'm sorry.

Good night world & it made me happy, even though things have changed :]

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Noooooooo D:

Danggggg it! Why did you have to break my radio antenna? I'm sad now :( I tried switching them, but yours wouldn't come off! D: You suck man! :P

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I feel so out of it.

11:11 Thank you for a great day and I wish that Friday will be awesome :D

I'm so tired D: Today was a fun day though! Went to Wells Fargo, Kohls, Joann's, Ross, Target, the asian bank (I forgot the name), and Prudential. I got new socks, a shirt, and more string :D I really need it aha. So far I'm on my 4th bracelet, but I'm surviving. Sorta. I don't know how I will finish all these. I think I need a miracle, but I'm trying to balance out my time more. I had like 10.5 hours of sleep last night and I'm just exhausted right now. Chipotle for dinner :DDD I love their chicken :3 It was just so yummy. A little spicy but sooooo good ;D I can't wait for Friday! I saw Saaya and Gabe at Target, but I don't know if they saw me. It's okay haha. Anyways, I'm supppeerrr tired right now. Good night world & get some sleep :]]]]]]]]]]]

P.S. I'm proud of myself for going on about an hour each day. Huge improvement :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

"But since I came here Felt the joy and the fear Finding myself making every possible mistake."

Mannn, I loveeeeeeeeee this song ;D I heard it from a movie, which I heard from a commercial before haha. Anyways, I don't know why, but it puts me in a really good mood! This is my cheer me up when I need it song haha :D Yayyyyy. I been trying to find one, but this one is perfect :] Also got more requests. 2/23 done. I actually have 24, but one isn't for the fundraising I guess I'll call it haha.

11:11 I wish for a good week and to finish half the bracelets by the end of the week (Sunday not Saturday haha).

Yes, that is my plan! Hahaha. I'ma go get more string tomorrow too. I need more blue haha. Everyone's always saying how some event won't be as fun when I say I'm not gonna go. It's sweet, but still, I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun. I been a little antisocial lately. Maybe schoolwork has been getting to me. I'm trying to have more fun now it's break and all. But it seems like everything I do, even on break, I still think about school. It's horrible D: I need to just get away. Can't wait for that field trip!!! I volunteered at my elementary/middle school today and it was a lot of fun. I got to see my old teachers and it was like awww. Nothing has really changed. I just feel older haha. And sad that I'm growing up so fast. Well you gotta do what you gotta do right? I feel like when I blog, I'm really talking to someone. Rather than just typing and having whoever read it, I feel like I'm writing to a particular person even though I'm not. Maybe I'm just weird haha. Who knows? But I do know that I had a really fun day today with Jessi. We hardly hang out since she can drive now. It's nice that we're still close. We even went to Wendy's. That was fun. I had a great day. Break has just started, but it does/doesn't even feel like it. I think I'm overthinking it haha. I still had a fun time. I love going back every year. But things change a lot. Good night world & I hope you guys have a fun time tomorrow for me :]]]]]]]]]]]

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's time.

I'm not going to overwork myself anymore. I'm sick and tired of procrastinating and not getting work done. Sometimes I do too much too. I'm spending more time doing fun stuff now. Which is why I will only take 2 summer classes and maybe find a sport to keep me busy and in shape. I'm considering that marathon right now, though it will take A LOT of work for me. We'll see. But it's time that I had a little more fun in my life instead of studystudystudy all the time. I need a stess reliever.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Somtimes you just never know.

Ever feel like everything in front of you is just perfect, but next thing you know, you find out something that shocks you. You just can't believe it's true, but sadly, it is. That's how I felt today. But let's rewind back to the beginning. So, I woke up at 8:40am. Hahaha, too forward dontchathink? Aha. Okay, so I went to Chinese School today and we had our dictation or reading the chapter without our pronounciations. I was SO FREAKING WORRIED! My leg was all twitchy until it was my turn. Even a little bit after too xD Anyways, I ended up reading it all under 2:00 minutes and I got 100%. Thank goodness she's lenient because I just couldn't pronounce that one word! D:< It's okay, I still passed :DDD Next, I go to my grandpa's house for lunch and watch Survivor with my sister. It's a pretty good show. Lots of sabatoge and backstabbing ;D I'm not like that, so don't worry hehe xD My uncle was there and we ended up going over to his house. First, we picked up Nana, and then headed over there. Man, it's literally been over 11 years since I last went to that house! That was like my second home when I was little. I barely remembered anything! Besides that one big window next to the door. Anyways, we headed to the house afterwards. Nylah and Julissa were there and we dressed up dolls. Yes, I'm not afraid to say that! I like spending time with my family, even if it is doing kids stuff. Sometimes, there are some things you need to do for the fun of it. Personally, I don't mind at all, but other people are probably like wtf? I don't care. I had fun. Lots of fun. I even completely forgot about bowling, so I think that's good haha. I don't even mind. I see my friends like every day, but family, not so much lately. It was nice just spending the whole day together. I got to play with Wunji and Rocket, the cutest dogs ever! You MUST see them aha. Playing with them makes me want a maltese even more D: Oh the torture of not having a dog :( Anyways, we went out to eat at Nena's Mexican Restaurant. Man, that was some GOOD food. I got an enchillada and man, I loveddddd it hahaha. And the view at the Waterfront is SOOOO nice, I didn't even feel like I was in town. I didn't know how nice it was there. It's even better looking than the mall we have. Now that says something. I always had a thing for old-fashioned places. It got me thinking, I would love to go out on a date there. Sit by the water at like 8pm with the light bulbs on outside and the lights in the trees. You can see them through the glass. You just had to be there! I called it KneeKnee's on accident LOL. Yeahhh, and where I was sitting, the wall around you from the side and the ceiling was like all glass, and the sun started coming out, and shined like directly above me. And only me. I found it a little odd. And the guy got "throw overboard". Hahaha, that was hilarious! Today was like a you had to be there moment. I would loveeeee to go there again. And it's pretty cheap. I think my food was like $6-$8 about. It was good. I want to go there now haha. So we went back and I had to do english 1A hw. Though, I only did the discussion. I'm still not done with the essay or ejournal. Okay I must do. But I must say, I had a hecka awesome day. I wouldn't change it for anything. Though, I did find out a part of my family is falling apart, but there's not much I can do about it. Also, my aunt is going to run in a marathon! She wants me and my sister to join, but I can barely run a mile! Hahaha. We'll see. That's a lot of training though. My dad doesn't want me to get a job. Says I should learn how to drive first which is true. Man, I think I'm only taking 2 classes this summer. I don't want to over do it. I still have time. I shouldn't push myself too much. I should at least have some fun right? Right haha. Also found out something else. Someone I'm not related to, but I've known for a long time, has cancer. I was devastated. I mean I didn't know her a lot, but she's such a nice lady. It's been a really long time since I seen her, but I just pray. She's having surgery on Monday, and I'm just wishing for the best. Then my cousin tells me that her friend died of cancer today. Cancer is just omggggg. I wanna just find a cure for it like NOW. It has taken so many lives. Also, a grandma from Chinese School died yesterday I think. It's just so sad. I don't think she died of cancer, but still, it's heartbreaking. Cancer has taken too many lives and I want to do something. This really makes me wanna raise more money for Relay for Life and actually go to the event. I will beg my parents if I really need to. Honestly, I really wanna go and stay the night. Another person requested some bracelets, so I'm really happy. I have a lot to do. Oh I finished the first bracelet! The only person that paid too haha. Well it's time I start that essay. The clock is ticking and I'm running out of time. Sometimes, you really just don't know what's going to happen. You have to hope for the best even if that's all you can do. If you can do more, don't be afraid to. I'm tired of sitting back and watching everything happen. I want to be a part of it and make things happen. I won't let opportunities pass me by anymore. I need some freedom. I want change. Thank you for a wonderful day. It's only Day 1 of break too :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Friday, March 25, 2011


11:11 I wish that I will finish my english hw on time and I will finish the bracelet I'm working on right now and start a new one.

Good night world :]

Spring Break :D

Boy: I was bullied in school today.
Other Boy: By who?
Boy: Sally Van Buren.

Hahahaha. That was funny ;D I was watching Disney again haha. Yeahhh, finally spring break! I'm almost done with the first bracelet :D Yeeeee hahaha. Got one week. Didn't finish my english 1A hw, which is due tomorrow. I only did like half of an assignment and I have 3 all together -_____- One is a response essay, so I'm like screwed. I won't be home early tomorrow either, so I gotta work fast! Well wish me luck and I hope everyone has a great break or week. Good night world :]]]]]]]]]]]

Thursday, March 24, 2011


11:11 I wish that I can finish all the bracelets and hopefully everyone will have a great Spring Break. I just want things to go smoothly.

I didn't sleep as you can tell haha. Well I will now. Good night everyone :]]]]]]]]

Lalala Blahblahblah Gahgahgah Yahyahyah ;D

"Awww you won prom queen. Did you go to an all boys school?"

I was watching Suite Life on Deck and London said that haha. I'm still watching it haha. It's super funny ;D It's the prom one so I'm like awwww. It's so cute. Except the part were it's cancelled so it's like secret prom haha. It's getting good too :D Awww, a happy ending! I knew it haha. I bet they're still gonna face consequences LOL. We'll see. Omg, he tricked Zack back! Aha. Disney is still funny. Well some shows. I still like it ;D Hahaha. Well, I think I had enough for one day. Good night world & one more day till Spring Break! :D (well for me haha) Have a great Friday everyone! :]]]]]]]]]]]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The little things we do can change many lives.

11:11 Thank you for all the requests. It really just warms me to know that this is going to a cause that deserves it. I wish I could do this more often. Anyways, back to my wish aha. I wish that there will be many requests (though there is a lot now) and hopefully my arms don't get tired of doing this haha. It really means a lot to me because so many people have told me that they're proud of me and I'm doing a good thing for a cause. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be doing this. Honestly, I should be saying thank you.

It really does mean so much to me that people are doing this. I will get more donations from this then just asking people so it's a good sign. The little things a person can do will change many lives. Even something like a hobby of mines has turned out to help the lives of others. I'm so glad that I get the chance to do this. I'm proud of doing more of what is expected of me. I'm stepping up and making a difference. That's one of the most important things I wanted to do in my life. I'm glad that I'm doing it now. And hopefully a lot more in the future. I really hope everyone raises enough to reach the goal. I feel so accomplished already. I won't let you guys down. I will make all these bracelets myself and hopefully, you guys appreciate them too. Thank you all for giving me a chance to do this. It's time I stopped hiding and started making changes. It's time I break out of my shell. I'm so tired probably cause of that 3 hour nap I took yesterday. I had enough for one day. Still have to do my english hw D: Hopefully that doesn't take too long. I already started on the bracelets too. I should see how long it takes me for each bracelet. Hmm, maybe. Also have the EAP tomorrow. Well, I need some rest. I'm so exhausted. It's good cause I need to sleep early more often now. Good night world & you can make a difference in anyones life, even if it's just one person. Believe that you can and you will :]]]]]]]]]]]

*Random fact: I was high, not off of drugs, but high off of happiness? I don't know, it's hard to explain. I couldn't stop laughing and acting weird. Maybe I'm slowly showing my true self. Or I just went wack for that hour. Whatever it is, you think I'm a huge weirdo now aha. You should be use to it by now xD I had fun while it lasted ;D

"Oh in a future day there may be ways but I must say The skies have never looked so clear."

Double rainbow hahaha :D Oh yeahh. & It's rare. Now there's this really bright one. It's like brighter than the one in the picture haha. It's so pretty :D More people have requested bracelets, so I'm like yay! Some people request more than one, so that makes me really happy. I hope they like how it comes out in the end. I will work hard! So far, there's been like 13 I need to make. So many, but I can't wait! :D Wow, just saw another double rainbow, again! Haha. What's up with that? It's cool though. 4 rainbows in one day :D Time to get started on homework so I can hopefully finish this bracelet and get a start with the other ones. Woot woot. I'm honored to be helping a good cause. I really am :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Going to a dairy was SO MUCH FUN!!! Not what I expected besides seeing cows and smelling the smell haha. But, I had a blast! Lots of dogs. And cows. I like it when they moo haha. It's cool. One was giving birth when we were there. That was the first dairy. We went to two. I didn't even know till like 12! Hahaha. Also went to a organic dairy. So many cows! They're everywhere. They go to the bathroom quite often haha. Just saying. But witnessing it isn't as bad as it sounds. No joke.

11:11 I wish that all the bracelets come out like they should and that it will be a good week. Thank you. (I think the thank you's are catchy now ;D)

Mile on Thursday. I want to try running on the treadmill so I hope it rains. The news says it will so I'm hoping :D I hear its faster ;D Haha. I guess we'll see. Hecka people requested bracelets and I'll start as soon as I'm done with this one. Yippee :D Haha. I feel like a little kid in a candy store. Oh the amazingness of it all. Good night world & you can make a difference. Don't let anyone say you can't do something or change yourself for the better (I was watching Biggest Loser earlier) :]]]]]]]]]]]

Monday, March 21, 2011

I swear I almost cried like 4 times today.

So, my teacher said that the FARMS trip won't be cancelled under any weather issues, and I hope that's true! Hahaha. I really wanna go tomorrow :D I'm super excited haha. Also, I will be posting about the bracelet idea to help Relay for Life and I just can't wait for that! :DDDDD I'm so giddy right now haha. It's a different side of me thats for sure xD Today, I almost cried like 4 times within an hour. Pretty crazy huh? It's cause at first, my dad was talking to me about college and all that, and it really touched me. Now I know why he never over-spoils me. It's not cause he doesn't want to, but he can't. I understand because even though it's nice to have all those "nice" things, it doesn't always mean I need it. If I'm not gonna use it, then what's the point right? Well, thank you dad. I love you so much. Because of you, I will work hard, go to college, and do something with my life. We don't have these conversations often, so that's why I'm so taken back by it. I really needed that motivation. I won't let you down. And no matter what, I WILL pay you back for everything, even though you told me my future job will be supporting me. Well dad, I'm not gonna be greedy or shut you out of my life. To mom too. You will get what you deserve from me, and I will do everything in my power to do so. Count on it. I even got all teary in the the car, but still, I didn't want to cry in front of you. I didn't want to make you feel like you did something wrong, even though you did everything right. Thank you for raising me. I'm just unbelieveably grateful to the extreme. I will push myself to be the best I can be all because you taught me to be someone. You always tell me to do something with my life and work hard to get there. The second time I almost cried was during dinner. I was going to get some food and my grandparents come up and start cutting my meat and putting food into my bowl. I just wanted to cry right then and there. I couldn't help it. I felt so much love at that moment that I was just stunned. I get handed so many things in life, but this is just wow to me. Third and fourth thing, I don't remember, but it was related to my family as well. Man, I was just on the verge of crying today! Who knew cause I sure didn't. I'm just SOOOO blessed for my family. Everyone should be :]

11:11 I wish for tomorrow to be a great day and the bracelet idea to be a hit :D Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for everything. I truly, wholeheartedly, mean that in the best way possible. (I really don't know who I'm thanking most the time, but this is for the people that make my world go round. You guys make me happy and just complete me. Someday, I will repay you guys. Someday...)

No matter how many times I say thank you, it doesn't mean much. Honestly, I mean that 110%. I'm not even kidding. The moon is superrrrrr bright today :D Just took a picture and will post tomorrow, hopefully. I don't remember the last time I took one. Well, better weather is yet to come with Spring finally here. However, it's still raining. I guess we'll see. Today, on my way to school, I saw the wienermobile! I thought I was going crazy, but my dad saw it too! Hahaha. That made my day. Then, during lunch, Valerie was testing Jessi for her test and said the guy Travis Hirschi's name wrong, and that was SOOOO FUNNY!!! I'm not gonna put what she said cause its childish, but man, I did not stop laughing for like 5 minutes. My jaw even started hurting. That was a lot of laughter hahaha. I had half a burrito not too long ago and it had chile in it. I can stand spicy food, so I took out all the chile, but man, it was HECKA SPICY. Well for me. My lips were burning and I had like 2 glasses of milk aha. It was that bad. But hey, it was a good burrito. Mom and Dad, Grandpa and Grandma, Grandfather and Grandmother, and the rest of my family, I love you guys SOOOO much, and if it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Like I said, I will repay you all somehow. I will find a way and I will NEVER forget you in my life. Thank you for showing me how important life is. Without you guys, I'd be nothing. And I mean nothing. Good night world & appreciate your family and friends because they do so much for you. You have no idea how much too. This is for everyone and anyone who has ever loved someone in their life :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Somethings just can't get anymore perfect.

11:11 I wish that this week will be good and hopefully the FARMS trip won't get cancelled (though at this rate, it seems like it might). Thank you for letting me be able to make the bracelets! (I will count how many I made at the end of all this :D I hope it turns out to be a huge hit). I also wished for something else, but I forgot -___- I would so forget too.

Well I need to finish reading for Anthro tomorrow and get some sleep. Good morning world! I swear, it was only 11:00 like 5 minutes ago in my mind >.> How sad. Just glad I get to start off the week on a bright note, besides the gloomy weather. It will all be okay as long as it wasn't like Saturday night. That was horrible. And no, I do not work at Krispy Kreme's even though I've been thinking about getting a job. Oh well. Have a great Monday everyone! One more week until Spring Break. YESSS!!! :]]]]]]]]

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I can make the bracelets!!! YESSS. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU times 10000000000. EEEEEEPPPPPPP. I can't wait :D I'm so happy right now ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Saturday, March 19, 2011


It was amazing in every way. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Thank you.

11:11 Thank you for everything that has happened today. It was a huge turn around from yesterday. I wish that tomorrow will be a good day (better weather) and hopefully my bracelet idea will go through and I can start working on them :D

That's honestly all that I want right now. For the weather to die down, and to get my idea approved. Also, another great night like tonight would be appreciated, but I don't want to be greedy. Today was great. Talked to three very important people in my life that can make my day absolutely wonderful. I mean that SOOOOO much. Thank you guys! I would post some funny IMs, but I should get off before a blackout occurs. If I have time tomorrow, then I might. I burnt my finger (happens a lot) from a hot egg roll -___- My finger feels better now though. Thank you thank you thank you to you three! One, I haven't seen for about 3 months, another person who I can talk to about anything and everything with & watch guys ask girls to prom in the sweetest ways, and to a guy who can probably never be serious and will open his window on a SUPER windy and rainy night like tonight (that's a joke ;D). You guys have really made me so happy that I can never thank you all enough for everything you have done for me. Good night world & I hope you're all safe and sound right now :]]]]]]]]]

Oh if only you knew the half of it.

Sometimes, you just never know. We're not sure what the future has instored for us. It's always a surprise. Good or bad, it was meant to happen. Or is it? Today was what started off as a pretty good day, but everything just went downhill after I got home -___- Don't those days just suck? It was Param's birthday, so Happy Birthday Param!!! :DDDDD I really hope you like the video I made for you! It was made with lots of love haha. Anyways, another year older, yet you're still the same amazing person that I knew since I met you. I feel bad since I didn't go to your birthday celebration. I didn't want to spend money, yet I ended up going to Long John Silver's for the first time with Debora and Angelica. Mannn, the food was freaking good haha. You can tell I liked it. We all tried it for the first time. I would go again :D Hahaha. A friend broke my umbrella. Out of all days, it had to be today too. Ehh, it's okay though. At least it wasn't pouring or I'd be sick. Hopefully, I don't get sick. Last thing that I would want right now. PE was okay. I realllyyyyy suck at volleyball thats for sure haha. Oh, and I'm going to the Culture Club field trip. I can't wait :D Get to spend all day out of town with my friends and classmates. *woot woot* hahaha. I'm so excited. Acadec Cafe and Game Night was really fun. Super good food :D I got 2 quesadillas, 2 red velvet cupcakes, 2 eggrolls, and a cheesecake. Yes, I sound like a fatty but if you get out school at like 5, then you would understand. It's for a good cause too so why not support them in some way at least :D So once I got home, almost everything just went downhill for me. First, I learned community service that I was gonna do tomorrow is cancelled due to the rain. That means I gotta study for chinese school, which I was really happy that I wasn't gonna havta go this week cause there's like 27 words on dictation but turns out I do now. Last minute too. So that was mydaysuckedreason#1&2 haha. I needed community service hours and I just love helping out!  But, that's not gonna happen. After I started studying, I go to dry my hair and I go get my vocab words to study, and on my way out my room, my toes hit the bottom of my swivel chair and my toes started to hurt with a lotttttttttt of pain -___- That just killed me. There's mydaysuckedreason#3. Then I was coming back into my room and I poked myself in the eye. Mydaysuckedreason#4. It gets even better. Once I'm done drying my hair, I come to study some more. I move my feet around cause I couldn't sit still in my chair and my big toe is kinda infected (nothing serious) but it hurts when I put a small amount of pressure at one particular spot. As I move my feet around, my big toe slams against the bottom of my desk and what do you know, I sit there unable to move because my foot is in SO MUCH PAIN that I can't even move! Do you know how sad and painful that was for me? I was just sitting there, my sister asking why I can't move, and yeah. So much was running through my mind. I felt like someone just stabbed me 1000000 times. It's really THAT bad. Mydaysuckedreason#5. I'd have to say, that is the most painful reason of them all. Onto my last reason. I couldn't study at all. I was just so sleepy. So, I sat at my desk for 2 hours trying to study, yet I forgot like 6 words. Mydaysuckedreason#6. Mannn, life kinda sucks sometimes. But I will suck it up. Complaining solves nothing right? I'll forget this all in no time. Somethings did go right though. I get to go on the FARMs trip that I missed in February :DDD James isn't going so I get to take his place. Yeeeee, I get to go see a dairy :D I'm excited haha. I just want to escape from my life even for a few hours. That would be enough to make somethings okay. Even something as small as that :] Well if that's one bright side, theres gotta be more haha. Okay, maybe my day ended bad, but overall, it was decent. Hmmm, it's raining outside. Last night, I was thinking and I thought of a way that I could help raise money for Relay for Life. I can make friendship bracelets! Anyone can request the colors and pattern they want and I'll hopefully make it between 1-2 weeks. Each bracelet could be around $1 and all the profit made would go to Relay for Life. I knew making bracelets could help me do something for a good cause someday :DDD As long as Param is okay with it, then I'm ready for some requests haha. I'm really looking forward to this. Just hoping there isn't  too many requests where I can't handle it or not enough where I don't raise much money. I rather have the first option, but who knows. Easier the pattern, faster it will be done. I have hecka colors, so if this works out, then I won't have to worry about all the string that I have and may never use. I'm still following through with the senior gifts idea if I learn letter patterns in time. And if not, well the other part can still work :D I just want this one thing to go right. I want to help people who deserve more than they get. I want to make a difference in peoples lives'. All I can really do, but I'm trying so hard. The final thing that made my day is that I'm planning on making a 100 things I want to do before I die kinda thing. Though I want to give it a different name. Don't like the word 'die' too much. I'll hopefully find something. I want a list that will take me the rest of my life to finish. And I do plan on going through with it, so it's probably gonna be really long haha. I'm such a weird person, but I just want to live life to it's fullest. I don't want to miss out on great opportunities anymore. I want to live. Like in the song, Moment 4 Life~Nicki Minaj ft. Drake, it says, "Cause everybody dies but not everybody lives." I've been meaning to post that for a long time, but I keep getting lazy or a new song comes up. But it's true. Sooooo true. Forget the past. Don't worry about the future. The moment we have is right here, right now. If we don't live it up to the fullest and make the best memories, then what kind of life have you been living? Don't let the moment pass you by. I've learned from experience too many times. Good morning world & I will keep on praying that tomorrow will be a better day and not just for me, but for everyone and anyone :]]]]]]]]

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What a day.

Today was a pretty good day. It's been quite interesting actually. History test was ehhh. I didn't do that good. Man. Hopefully my grade doesn't drop too much. Oh, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! :DDD I went all greeeen haha. Green shoes, green socks, green shirt, somewhat green jacket, green bracelet, and green necklace with a 4-leaf clover :D I remember I use to look for those. I always got 3 leafs >.< Well I'm tired. Man, seeing that video really got to me... I wish for the best in Japan. I really do. Watched Criminal Minds for the first time today. It was interesting but good. I like it though. Man I was shocked after finding out you two were dating. Me and Mary were like zomg for a longgg time haha. Finished your video :D Can't wait for you to see it tomorrow! Good night world & may everyone have a good day, especially you :]]]]]]]

11:11 I wish for eternal happiness. Even though it won't come true, something is better than nothing right? I just want a happy life :]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Oh written in the stars A million miles away A message to the main Seasons come and go But I will never change And I'm on my way."

Written in the Stars~Tinie Tempah

Amy:] (11:30:50 PM): dont secretly play omgpop or something
***** (11:30:54 PM): LOL
Amy:] (11:30:56 PM): only freaks play at 11:30 :PP
***** (11:30:56 PM): shhh
***** (11:31:06 PM): YOU WOULD KNOWWWWW
Amy:] (11:31:14 PM): ONE TIME MAN
Amy:] (11:31:18 PM): cause of you too!
*seconds later*
Amy:] (11:31:36 PM): I gave it up for lent ;D
***** (11:31:48 PM): LOL
***** (11:31:50 PM): OMGPOP?!
***** (11:31:51 PM): HAHAH
***** (11:31:52 PM): REALLY?!
Amy:] (11:32:01 PM): hahaha yp
Amy:] (11:32:03 PM): yup*
Amy:] (11:32:10 PM): omgpop/cupcake corner, soda and tumblr
Amy:] (11:32:34 PM): then ima give up coffee for a year once im done with the ones I have at home xD
***** (11:35:02 PM): XD
***** (11:35:07 PM): YOU TRIPPINGGGGGG

Man, you're always so funny haha. That just made my day right there. The first time I heard the song was in Kenneth's car. I meant to look it up, but I kept on forgetting the lyrics and never remembered till I heard it on the radio today >.< I forgot and remembered it like 2 or 3 times haha. I really like it though. Radio is just amazinggg. Like 5 songs played this week and I've gotten addicted to them all. Wow haha. Lalalala, I'm in a really good mood right now :D Me and my Gleek buddy have a picture planned in mind with a "L" Bwahaha. I can't wait. Me and my Twin are planning to take our "twin" picture. So much to look forward to. Also, summer school is only 6 weeks. Yeeee. I can finish my IGETC this summer. I'm excited except it's gonna be 7 hours at school all day. I think I can handle it. Hopefully. Don't want so much that I can't handle it all. Got my Calc test back. I got a 42/50, which is a B, and now my grade is a 89% in the class! Oh yeahhh haha. Too bad I have a 80% in Anthro. I think I have a 90% in English 1A. Not too sure after I got my grades for my last few assignments. I guess we'll see. I just want a summer that I'll never forget, in the best way possible of course. Good night world "& I'm on my wayyyyy" :]]]]]]]]]]]]

"I'm a space bound rocketship and your heart's the moon And I'm aiming right at you, right at you."

Space Bound~Eminem

I just heard this song a few minutes ago. First thing, I knew I loved it. Usually if a song is really really good, I like it the first time I hear it. Exactly what happened with this song. I just love the lyrics. Eminem is really deep. He's one of the best rappers out there. Yes, I like rap. It's not horrible. Just gotta listen to the songs. Most are pretty good though. Man, this song makes me wanna stargaze right now...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This girl I call Yummy.

I told you to read my blog. I didn't expect this: you to reply to some parts of it! Haha. In return, I will reply back to you :D Hahaha. She is the dash and I'm the hearts :]]

"I felt like I haven't sat down with anyone and just talked about anything for such a long time."
-Dude me neither today was fun ^^
♥ Lots of fun for me! Something we need to do more often :D

"Psh, you think pizza goldfishes don't look tasty. You don't know what your missing! I saved you some during Key Club, but you wouldn't eat it D:"
-They dont look tasty, they remind me of a deformed version of like cheetos/hot cheetos and fish. and they smell >.<
♥ They are soooo good! Stop judging them! Fish?? o.o Haha, after reading the word smell, it reminded of you saying I eat smelly food. I dont fully disagree with you xD

"I ended up giving them to Kevin and he liked it. Ha :P "
-I kissed a girl and i liked it bahahaha thats what this reminds me of!
♥ Wow, you would haha

"Then, a ladybug landed on your side mirror and we were trying to take pictures of it. Then I saw it's eyes and I gagged. I'm not even kidding. It was gross. Reminded me of looking at a fly. Gahhhh, disgusting just talking about it."
-Yes, it was cahutttteeeeee[; and oh i was rotfloling BAHAHAH! it was funny hahahahaha. i pracrtically teared up, i wish you couldve seen what i did
♥ Cute?!?! That was grosss looking at it. Gahh, it's stuck in my head D: The torture! I saw you wiping your eyes but that was it xD

"You said it was humid and the guy in the car next to us started talking to us for like 5 minutes xDDDD That was so random! Hahaha. At least it wasn't weird. We just didn't understand what he was saying half the time haha."
- i know! goes to show he heard everything! Evenn your gaggin moments ^^ and i would say over 5 minutes man! and yeah i understood, i just didnt know what the things were ie that travis thing he mentioned.
♥ Maybe it was over 5 minutes haha. I don't know. It seemed like a while. I remember him saying "Stay in school" and something about social security LOL

"As we were arguing about goldfishes, he walked by and we were all going crazy xD "
- i think we were going crazy cos of the conversation not him lol
♥ Ummm, that's what I was talking about. I did not mean going crazy about him haha

"It's like we don't have to say anything to each other, but we know what we're both referring to. Yeah, that was interesting."
-very interesting it was. and i know what is it called, telepathy?
♥ Haha, I think so.

" No idea why he looked back xD"
-ah mustve thought we were too loud?? ARG! i really wanna know.
♥ But we weren't, were we? o.o

" So, you got locked in your cry. Bwahahaha."
-typo! CRY=CAR?
♥ Haha, you would point that out! "So, you got locked in your cry car. Bwahahaha."

"That was hilarious! So you tried opening it from the inside and it didn't work. Then you tried it from the outside, still didn't work. I walked outside and tried to open it, but nothing. Sooooo, I said lets both try opening it at the same time and it worked! I was like YESSSS hahaha. Oh yeah, got the door to open xD That was funny too."
-seriously, i needa get it fixed >.< what if i get stuck in there when im alone? the emergency brake thing is going to hurt my butt.
♥ You can call me and I'll fix it again xD If only the window would've went down xD My leg wouldn't havta be flying out the door haha.

" I tried napping, and I got really tired hahaha. "
♥ Not your fault I stayed up untill 1:20 last night xD

"We had a lot to talk about too, well I did haha. Yeah, it's great to have someone to talk to. Especially when you need someone to listen. This is just an idea of our friendship."
-i agree 100% minues the part where it was only you, i like talking too yknow haha
♥ Well I know you talked, but you were doing hw so I talked more xD

"It gets pretty crazy every now and then, but it's great to have a friend I can count on."
-ferreals, thats how i picture the word when i say thos words. [;
♥ Haha, like how I put Horrah instead of horray ;D

" Gleek hahaha :D"
-just like oksana
♥ Omg, she's the first person I IMed on AIM after I logged on. Yes, we talked about Glee :D

"haha. I get less than 3 hugs in a month xD "
-I keep forgetting to tell oksana or someone to hug you. you see, ima fail hugger and its not all that comfy for me so yeahhhh.
♥ Haha, don't worry. I'm happy with the few hugs that I do get from people :D Thank you though.

Friends are just amazing in every way. Moments like these are to be remembered forever♥ I love this blog with a passion haha :]]]]]]]]

"Ooh you know we need ya, right here is where we need ya."

Mannnn, it's been so freaking long! This song came out in like 2004. That's hecka long ago. I remember this was one of my favorite songs. I like all types of music haha :DD Anyways, one day my cousins were coming and the day before, I was watching MTV. The music video came on for this song, and I was thinking, "Oh I hope they play this tomorrow when they come." Of course, that wasn't gonna happen since they play any song they choose, and not what time I wished they would play haha. I was silly back then haha. But even though it didn't play when they came, this song reminds me of that day. This song was perfect for that day that they came. Even if it was years ago, it's been so long since I last heard this song. It has many memories for me. I loved this song so much. Mannn, things haven't changed much haha. I still love it as much as I did 7 years ago. If only music today was more like this. People so change over time. Yesterday, I saw your facebook, and dang, I didn't even recognize you! You were my best friend in 5th grade before you moved. I told you like everything. Too bad you have to move. We don't talk now, but you're so grown up now. I hope things are great for you. Today was freaking hilarious in TA. I left with Debora and we sat in her car. She did homework and I ate food and it was fun. I felt like I haven't sat down with anyone and just talked about anything for such a long time. So, we were talking about pizza goldfishes (YES you are gonna try one :P), the cool ladybug haha, the random guy sitting in the next car talking to us, when he walked by xD, and trying to open your door when it wouldn't open haha. Today was a good day! Even if it was a little blah every now and then. Psh, you think pizza goldfishes don't look tasty. You don't know what your missing! I saved you some during Key Club, but you wouldn't eat it D: I ended up giving them to Kevin and he liked it. Ha :P Then, a ladybug landed on your side mirror and we were trying to take pictures of it. Then I saw it's eyes and I gagged. I'm not even kidding. It was gross. Reminded me of looking at a fly. Gahhhh, disgusting just talking about it. Then, the person that parked next to you left, and this man and lady pulls in. You said it was humid and the guy in the car next to us started talking to us for like 5 minutes xDDDD That was so random! Hahaha. At least it wasn't weird. We just didn't understand what he was saying half the time haha. As we were arguing about goldfishes, he walked by and we were all going crazy xD That was funny hahaha. It's like we don't have to say anything to each other, but we know what we're both referring to. Yeah, that was interesting. No idea why he looked back xD So, you got locked in your cry car. Bwahahaha. That was hilarious! So you tried opening it from the inside and it didn't work. Then you tried it from the outside, still didn't work. I walked outside and tried to open it, but nothing. Sooooo, I said lets both try opening it at the same time and it worked! I was like YESSSS hahaha. Oh yeah, got the door to open xD That was funny too. I tried napping, and I got really tired hahaha. We had a lot to talk about too, well I did haha. Yeah, it's great to have someone to talk to. Especially when you need someone to listen. This is just an idea of our friendship. It gets pretty crazy every now and then, but it's great to have a friend I can count on. I was watching Glee and it was AMAZINGGGGG. I love that show. I think I'm a Gleek hahaha :D So as I was watching tv, a few funny quotes got my attention. In Glee, the guy was like, "This song is called Big Ass... Heart." Hahahaha. I started cracking up. Also, in a commercial there was a guy who said, "Oh, I look ugly," and the girl says, "That's me." AHAHAHAHA. Mann, that was so hilarious. Today was a interesting day that's for sure! Also, Valerie loved her gift :333 SOOOO glad she liked it. I stayed up till 1 this morning and first thing I did when I got up was to try and finish it. Also added a few more details in Locke Lounge, but I finished! Hoorah :D I felt so special even though it was yoru birthday! Hahaha. You gave me like 3 hugs and I was like awww haha. I get less than 3 hugs in a month xD I'm just glad you liked it :D I couldn't have asked for a better person to get to know and share my stories with :D You really are a great person. I'm lucky to be your twin ;D Well, I want to work on some Calculus homework so I don't slack off like I did for the last chapter. Good night everyone :]]]]]]]

Happy Birthday Valerie!!! :DDDDD

Valerie Valerie Valerie. I have so much to say about you. Well first off, Happy Birthday! I wish you the best birthday. You've been my twin for so long since we have matching skirts. You're Mary-Kate and I'm Ashley. I remember I made this for you last year. The picture on the left was from the Pow Wow we went to for extra credit. Very fun day. The picture on the right is from Prom :D Yeah, I didn't have a date, so who else should I ask? My twin of course haha. We ended up going together. I had a wonderful time. You've been such a great friend and I couldn't ask for more. You're so crazy, energetic, friendly, open, and much more. No one can ever take your place. I wish you the best birthday ever! That's the least you deserve. You're amazing in every way and I hope you never change your fun loving self. Since I forgot this in the last post, I'll put it now.

11:11 I wish to finish Valerie's gift and for her to have a really really good birthday :]

Love<333, Amy :]]]]]]]

Monday, March 14, 2011

I've met some life changing people.

While working on Valerie's birthday gift and looking up all sorts of songs, I really thought about the people I know. All these memories I had with friends, just, well, everything. When you think about it, you start to realize how much you need them, how important they are to you, and how they changed your life. They have done so much for you. Yet, you don't realize it all the time. If you just sit down and think about all the people you've met or known, and how they changed or influenced you in some way, you'd be surprised at how many people you come up with. It's pretty amazing. I'm so thankful for all the people I got to know, still talk to, and will someday meet. Somehow, you've changed or shaped me in some way to be the person I am today. I'm very grateful for everything you guys do for me.
                                           Thank you thank you thank you!!! :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

"Wake you up in the middle of the night to say I will never walk away again."

This is a very catchy song :D I loveeeee it. Two Door Cinema Club is playing next month. Mannnn, I wanna go!!! DDDD: The Downtown Fiction is playing at the end of the month too D: Whyyy? I wanna see one! Too bad tickets are $50+. That's crazy haha. Also, Taylor Swift is performing sometime in Sac, but tickets are already sold out -___- I SOOOO wanna see one of her concerts. It's a MUST for me. I would love to see them all. Too bad I can't >.> Good night world & have a great Monday :]]]]]]

*This part from a tv show that was hilarious.
Girl: Well you don't have a $40 manicure. *shows him her manicure*
Boy: Don't I? *shows her his manicure*
Hahahahahahahahaha. Cracks me up everytime.

Gahhh, why can't summer come any faster. I wanna get out of here!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I like how you have no clue.

It's quite funny actually. Maybe just to me haha. It's funny when you tell or show someone something, even though you mean to do it on purpose. Like there's a reason why you tell them they look nice or show them a song. I showed you my current favorite song because it reminds me of you. The times we shared. The times we will spend together. But before it reminded me of you, I just automatically loved the song. I heard it for the first time one night around 1 in the morning. Something about it was just so pleasing to my ears. That sounds weird xD It's hard to explain, but I can really relate to it. It's a great feeling. And you don't know, but as long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters. Thank you for being there for me. You don't even know what's going on around me, yet you make all the craziness go away. You bring happiness to me. You don't do anything, yet you do everything at the same time. I'm glad to have met a wonderful person like you. I'm very grateful :]]

You will only read this once from me.

I will not write something like this ever again. Unless that's how I feel.

I'm tired of you're crap. So freaking tired of it. It's annoying. Getting on my nerves even. What is funny about playing with someones feelings? You tell me. What is so funny about it? I don't see it. And guess what. Nothing is funny about it. NOTHING. Pull this again, and I'm gone for good. You're messing with the wrong person. The one person I really want to talk to right now might not even be on. I really hope you are once I'm finished with my homework cause I really need someone to talk to.

You have a problem.

It's too bad that you don't realize it. Maybe you do, but you need to change. You're not worth the fight. You never are. I don't know why I even bother wasting my time...

I hate it when a day seems okay, which soon gets bad, and then even worse. Why?

There's no way.

I won't be able to start my homework until I blog haha. This is about my day from yesterday. I'll talk about today too haha. The picture is from When I Grow Up (Occupation Day), since I didn't get to take pictures that day since my camera died xD Well, I wore my moms work clothes cause I doubt anyone could tell that I'm wearing a civil engineer clothes, which is like regular everyday clothes, so I needed something more obvious haha. Yeah, me and my amazing group of friends. Of course there's many more ;D Hahaha. Hmm so yesterday was the last day of spirit week. *sadening* <-- I think I spelled that wrong haha. Whatever. The talent show was really good :D I loved the acts. Some people did amazinggg. Haha. I liked them all though. Everyone did their best, so that's all that matters :D History was really rushed since we only had like 15 minutes of class. Rushed current events and what not haha. And this right here is a picture of my class :D Even though some
people are missing D:< But it's pretty close at least. Would be better if everyone was in it though. Still have two more spirit weeks though :D That's kind of saddening >.> But, our banner did win first :D I'm super happy cause I actually helped draw small parts and paint a little. All credits go to Angelica for designing and drawing, Debora for letting us borrow her place, Aman, Valerie and Kenneth for helping too. We all had a contribution and it feels great to know I helped, even if it was just a little ;D It only tooke one day to finish the banner too. Great accomplishmentssss haha. We did end up getting 2nd place. We were only 1% away. Kinda sad, but hey, I thought we were gonna place 3rd so I'm pretty happy haha. In the end, I never find winning as changing anything. Everyone's still happy no matter what. Just some are happier than others. Yesterday was also the first Luau Dance for our school :D It was super fun! Even if over half of my class didn't go xD But I really had a blast in the end. So many things happened last night that I really didn't even expect. I might as well list them all cause there were quite a few haha.
  ~Having red meat ;D
  ~Oksana going to the dance.
  ~We had our first picture 
    together with just us.
  ~Anthony asking me for a hug.
  ~My 6th slow dance.
  ~Austin knowing my cousin.
  ~Anna complimenting me.
  ~& having a blast at the
    dance even if half the
    dancefloor was empty :D
Yeah, so much happened! Hahaha. So on Thursday I was telling my mom when can we eat red meat, cause it's so freaking good, and she ended up buying some, so I was SUPER happy once I got home haha. You have like no idea. It was soooooo yummyyyy :33333 I'm eating some for dinner tonight too ;D Oksana said there was a good chance that she wasn't going to the dance, she's my dance buddy, so I was like whyyyy DDDD: Then, when I get to the dance, she was there! I was like youuuu cameeee :DDDD Hahaha. When I first went to the dance, John was there and wanted to take a picture of us since I just came and all. I brought my camera, for once, and got a picture too. I posted it up there ^^^. That's one of my best guy friends since freshmen year. He knows almost everything and anything about me. It's hard to believe after the 3 years we've known each other that that is our first picture together with just us haha. Well, I find it kind of hard to believe.
I think Oksana went to go get a drink so I came with her. Then Anthony comes out of no where and asks me the same question as always "Where were you" and I said I was busy or something. Then he asks for a hug and I'm like sure :D Haha. It was a pretty quick hug, but a hug is a hug :D I only hug people when they ask for one or if it's like a birthday or something. He never asked for a hug before so I was like kinda shocked haha. I didn't see it coming. I said I was going to leave the dance after another slow dance came on. It was When You Look Me in the Eyes~Jonas Brothers. My sixth slow dance with the same guy, you guessed it, Andrew haha. Oksana and I were dancing since I was gonna leave, and he cut in. Once I got home, I went online to study for SATs, although that didn't go as planned, Austin asked me if I was related to this guy, which was my cousin haha. Apparently, his brothers best friend is my cousin. It really is a small world as you said! Hahaha. So yeah, that was random xD I liked Anna's status from fb and it was if you like it, I'll write a letter to you and yeah, you get the point. So I liked it for the fun of it and she was so nice :D Well, I don't know her too well, but she's really sweet! Of course, I had a blast at the dance *woot woot* and I couldn't have asked for a better day :D Sats weren't too bad today. Even with only 6 hours of sleep, I survived. Hopefully, I don't need to take it again this year. 5 hours is enough testing in one day for me haha. And I bought stuff to make Valerie's gift. Can't wait :D We had to run to her locker from the Dericco Building to get her fee waiver. Yeah, that was a workout. It hurt more since I went to the dance yesterday. Delta is interesting with no one on campus at 6 in the morning haha. Anyways, I gotta eat my dinner. Hasta la vista :]]]]]

"Sit talking up all night, Saying things we haven't for a while, a while. Yeah. We're smiling but we're close to tears, Even after all these years, We just now got the feeling that we're meeting, for the first time." For the First Time~The Script

This is everything I felt last night, besides the tears. After all these years of knowing you, the lyrics I posted above already happened. The talking for hours at night until morning, and every now and then, saying things we haven't said to each other for a while. I'm always smiling with you around. Always. & it just so happens that yesterday at the dance, every moment I spent with you, I felt like we were meeting for the first time. Just don't give up on me when times are hard. Keep Smiling ♥

Darn, not enough time.

Okay I have SOOOOOOO much to say, but I REALLYYYYYYYY need sleep for tomorrow. Which will come in 3 minutes. Anyways, SATs tomorrow and I went to the dance, so not a good outcome tomorrow. I'm really rushing this. I'm typing like a maniac. Anyways, I'm getting less than 6 hours and I need AT LEAST 7 to be awake yet a little tired. I'm screwed already. Hopefully the no middle name on my ID card doesn't change anything. I hope they let me in still.

11:11 Thank you for making my wish come true and giving me an amazing day. I wish for SATs to not be too bad and that I won't fall asleep during the test. *At the moment, I always wished I wished to not be late and get to take the SATs. Dang, I didn't think about that earlier >.>

Anyways, today was just PERFECTTTTTTTTT. Hahaha. Minus the SATs being tomorrow. Many reasons why which I will definitely list tomorrow. So much went on today haha. So many unexpected things :D But here are a few: my 6th slow dance ;D, a surprise hug :D, and acting all ninja for Debora xD. You'll havta read my blog tomorrow to find out, though I have so much to do tomorrow. Mannnnn. Okay, well "all good things come to an end." That's one of Nelly Furtado's song. Forgot the name. Well, till tomorrow. Wish me lots of luck! I will need it. Good morning world & good luck to everyone who's going to take their SATs!!! :]]]]]] 

Just added a picture from today which was Class Color Day (red). We won 2nd place :D My legs are killing me. Ok I really gotta sleep. Good morning again & Happy Birthday to people I don't know in the world whose birthday is today haha :]

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sometimes, it's really hard to be happy.

That's the sad truth. It really can be difficult. No matter how wonderful your life is, it's hard. It gets hard. Yesterday there was an earthquake in Japan, which triggered a tsunami as well. Even though today was a great day, perfectly amazing actually, I still can't be happy. Not 100%. Knowing that halfway around the world, something so devastating just happened, I can't be fully happy. It's hard to take it knowing people are suffering so bad, while I'm sitting here praying for them. I wish I could do something to help. I really do. Watching the news, it's heartbreaking for me since that's all they talk about. A part of me just dies inside. It's just that sad for me. I hope things get better soon and nothing bad happens. Good people don't deserve the bad things that happen to them. If only people could control what happens with nature, then things would be different. Very different. Too bad that's not how things go. Too bad people have to suffer. My best wishes go out to Japan and everyone that is suffering right now. I can't possibly understand how bad it is for you guys. I'm sorry.

I just want to forget about the world.

Sometimes, I like to just stare outside a window. Do nothing but look. That's it. I like watching the world pass by. I like sitting down and staring as the clouds move. It's very soothing. Not sure how haha. But it is. Watching the world pass by as I do nothing while people all around the world are probably busy off with their lives. I think I spend my time wisely, most the time... ;D I want to drift away and just forget about the world.

11:11 I wish for an amazing day tomorrow and for SATs to not be too bad.

I'm lame.

I should sleep. It's 12:38. From now on, I'm turning off my computer before turning off my light. I'm too addicted. How did it end up like this? I'm withdrawing. I don't care. I will. For lent, I decided to give something up for the fun of it. No I'm not Catholic, but it should benefit me in the end so why not :D I decided to give up soda, omgpop/cupcake corner, and tumblr. I may not drink soda a lot, but lately I been craving it way too much. I go on omgpop like once a week or more, and cupcake corner everyday. I must withdraw. Tumblr is a everyday thing as well. But, this blog is much better even though tumblr has taught me something new each day. I really do learn a lot. So, hopefully I can go through with my first time trying lent. I think I will give up coffee for a whole year very soon. Not sure how soon, but once I finish whatever we have left at home, byebye coffee =] I need to keep focused and I'll be okay. Hopefully. As long as I don't forget that I'm doing this xD Too bad calculus is cancelled for tomorrow. I still have class from 9-10 D: Whatever. No picture today for spirit week cause my batteries died on me. Sorry. Tomorrow, I might have some if I have time to post. It's gonna be a longgggg day tomorrow. Just saying. Good morning world & I plan on not saying that for a very, very long time. TGIF :]

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I feel like I'm throwing my life away.

I'm not as focused in school like I use to. I feel like I lost that determination. I need to push myself. If I don't, I'm just throwing my life away. I have to find that drive again.

"Call cause I care but I ain't getting no reply."

11:11 I wish to do well on my test tomorrow, I really really really really really really do.

Haven't been on all day until now cause I been doing homework. Not even kidding. That and watching American Idol ;D So I have a Calculus test tomorrow. I'm so NOT ready for it. Got back my anthro test today and got 69/95 which sucks. Now I have an 81% in the class. My grade dropped 5% >.> Today was Typical Teens and my class was Goths. Me+makeup=weird. Haha. It just felt weird. And there was just so much eyeliner I was like D: It wasn't too bad though. In TA, went to the mall with Debora and James. It was fun :D I tried the cheese and bacon fries and they were okay. I like the ranch and bacon better ;D I also got me book :DDDDD Yesssss. Haha sequels are freaking awesome =] Yeah, also just looked around at stores. I like that necklace and bracelet from Tilly's. They have nice jewelry haha. I want the necklace, and Debora, you better not get it! >:D Though, I'm not sure if I can even get it myself xD We'll see haha. Guy at Hot Topic stared. I had that much eyeliner on xD I got so many stares all day. So awkward. I can go collage shopping for your bday gift this weekend :D Man, you don't know how excited I am! With the dance, SATs, and maybe movies, this is gonna be funfunfun! Haha. You again. Using me again. How messed up. You log off right after saying thanks. That's it. Our conversations are a waste to me sometimes. I think your a nice person and all, but try holding up a conversation for once. It's pathetic how you think you can just use me like that. Just pathetic. We had a good conversation today. I really miss times like that. I chose the song for a reason. At first I thought the lyrics were "caught cause I care..." but apparently thats not the case haha. I feel like I care too much. I'm stuck showing my feelings, when I get nothing in return. Such a waste. Too bad that I can't help it. Well, I'm really tired. I just need to rest. Goodmorningworld :]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Garlic Bread.

Why is it so freaking good? Too bad it causes bad breath >.> But that's why I only eat it at home ;D I hate how you always put the blame on me. You never even consider that it may actually be your fault. That just ticks me off. Think before you speak because I can't tell if you're joking or not. You should know me better by now. I will take things seriously unless you show your joking like putting haha or something. But I don't care what you think. I can do whatever I want even if I hurt your feelings. It's not like you haven't hurt mines. But I will be the bigger person cause you'll just whine and complain like always. Karma is gonna get you back. You can count on that. It sucks how much you changed over the past months. I miss the old you... Amazingggggg day today!!! I loveeeeee spirit week. And it's only Tuesday =]

11:11 I wish to have a fun day tomorrow... and for everyone else too.

Good night world :]

Codename: Kids Next Door.

Today was Cartoon Day. I think we totally pulled it off :D Hahaha. I really liked today. It was better than I expected it to be. That --> mostly made my day though haha. It's one of those days that are just so awesome nothing can change it haha. So I'm planning Valerie's gift right now. Instead of a scrapbook, I think I will collage photos. Almost like scrapbooking, but on a huge poster and I will decorate it with all her favorite things. I should also put her name in like big giant letters at the top. Man, I can't wait to start her gift! Haha. I love getting super creative and start making stuff. Especially for other people :D Must finish this practice test. Good night world & let whatever happen, happen :]]]]]]]

Only looking back.

I was sitting in my dad's truck on the way home. The sun was just starting to set so I put my sun visor down. Man, it ticked me off knowing I forgot it was called a sun visor. Oh well. That's not the point. I just sit there looking at the sun visor. Usually there's a flap that covers the mirror, but the truck doesn't have that flap, so you can just see the mirror. Most people would just put the flap down and continue staring at the road ahead of them. However, I didn't. For some reason, I couldn't stop looking at the mirror. I looked at everything that was behind me. Things that we just passed. I was only looking back. But I couldn't stop. I saw all these cars turning into the shopping center and the first thing that came to my mind was, "Where are you going? Who are you? What are you going to do?" Honestly, I could probably care less, but I really thought about it. Just looking back made me really think. It made me wonder what the person or people were gonna do. I don't know why. But I was curious. The closer to home we got, thee more I wish someone would just pop up behind us. I stared at the stop sign backwards, hoping something would just show up in the mirror besides the empty road. Nothing showed up. For some reason, I was wishing something would come out of no where. But, that didn't happen. All I did was keep on looking back, wishing that something, anything, would come to sight, even though I already knew nothing would...
I'm a little ticked off. My sisters report card just came in. My parents do understand that some of her teachers are pretty hard. So hard that the best she can do is get a C in the class. Her report card has gotten better and her grades weren't too bad. She got 3 A's, 2 B-'s, 1 C+, and a P. I got 2 A's, 1 A-, 1 B, and a P. And you know what my dad says? He says, "Oh she's doing a lot better. That's good." Well if you read my post from before, my parents complained at how I got one B. Yeah I said ONE B. So my sister has 2 B's and a C's and she gets a good job? WHAT THE HECK. I'm just so gahhhhhhh right now. I know she has improved her grades dramastically, but I get lectured for ONE B? Sometimes, I feel like being the first child sucks. I'm always yelled out. I'm always expected to do better than what I've already done. I'm not ever good enough. I'm just so sick and tired of this bull.

It's been a roller coaster of emotions.

Happy. Spirited. Crazy. Excited. Ectastic. Happy. Sad. Accomplished. Excited. Nervous. Scared. Crying. Angry. Super Happy. Impatient. Happy. A Coincidence. :]
So much can happen in one day. It's quite amazing though. Today was 80's Day :D As you can see, I got all dressed up :D It was super fun! Haha. I was literally a walking rainbow. Had my anthropology test. I didn't do as good as I did on the last test. I only got a 86% last time -__- I just hope I at least got a B. Finding out on Wednesday. In Calculus, we moved on to the next section. I BSed my index card xD Ran out of time. Oh well. Then we all went to Locke Lounge as usual. Everyone in their 80's look was very interesting haha. I was pretty happy. We were all so spirited. I saw my cousin as I was waiting for class to start. Then, I saw him and told Debora. We went crazy. In Avid, I was excited. Not sure why, but spirit week puts you in that mood haha. Then, during TA, I ran a few errands to the office. I was ectastic because once I finished, Debora and I went to Krispy Kreme's :D It was actually my first time going there. It reopened not too long ago too. But I love their doughnuts. I ate them before, but never had a chance to go myself. I got their original glazed donut. I was very happy after that :]]]]]]]]] They were only 99 cents each! I wish I got two xD They are just that good haha. On the car ride back, Sunset~Marques Houston went on and we took turns singing haha. So much fun :D When we got back, we hung out with Angela, James, and Martin. It was funny as always. History came along. We had a test. The time I didn't study, we actually have one -___- Super lame. So, Clarence Darrow was the name I forgot on the test. That made me sad. But honestly, I did a lot better than I expected. I only guessed on 3 and know I already got 2 wrong xD After going home, I did my index card for Calculus and I felt accomplished. I was proud I finished. While I was finishing my card, Apologize~One Republic came on the radio. Everytime I hear that song, I think of you. Also, I started reading the english story, but didn't finish. I only did homework so I could watch Pretty Little Liars. Man, I was so excited for this weeks episode. And I got to say, it was pretty darn good too. But some parts got me kinda nervous. I was on the edge of my seat and squeezing a pillow. I was really scared. There was a part when a character was crying. Soon enough, water filled my eyes. I didn't expect to start crying, but I did. Two warm tears fell down my face. The show was interesting. After that, I went online. My cousin had a HUGE problem. That made me so freaking angry. That person needs a freaking slap in the face. Don't you spread rumors about my cousin and think you can get away with it. Especially since you hurt her so bad you made her cry. Do you know how much it hurts me to see her in pain? She's like a sister to me. No one messes with her. If she goes through any more pain, I will find that person myself. You can't even tell your mom because she's stressing about work lately. You care too much about others to deserve that pain. You don't need anymore drama in your life. I love you so much. If you EVER need someone, I'm always going to be here, by your side, 24/7. I'm just glad you know that. But what made me super happy was that we were cracking up about the funniest things. We laughed about "poop", punching the shim, and Nigahiga videos. I watched Movie in Minutes: Never Say Never 3 times after today xD Also watched the Valentine's Day one. I didn't know Rustin Hieber stood for Ryan Higa. I'm WAY too slow sometimes. Good thing my sister pointed it out. But I'm glad we had our laughs. Though I wish you didn't have to cry. It just kills me inside to know that I can't do much but give you advice. Just remember to stand up for yourself. Doesn't matter how many rumors are spread, as long as you guys know what's really going on, then forget what other people think. You're much stronger than that. I got so impatient trying to show you the video since my internet was lagging BADLY. It wouldn't load at all. I literally tried 10+ times, but nothing. Eventually, it finally loaded :D Got on my nerves though. But I was happy when it finally did because we had many great laughs. A coincidence. As we were leaving to Krispy Kreme's earlier, Bruno Mars~The Lazy Song came on. About an hour ago on the radio, same song came on haha. I always end up having a coincidence everyday xD Somedays more than others. It just ends up happening sometime along my day. And that was it. It was a really great day even with the crazy 1000000+ emotions I went through. Today was like a roller coaster ride for me, but it happens every now and then (hardly) ;D Good morning world & have a totallyawesomepossum Tuesday :]]]]]]]]]]]

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spirit Weeeeeek has finally came.

Tomorrow we are having our Spring Spirit Week. First is Blast to the Past and my class got 80's. Can't wait! I'm so excited and ready for this week to begin already.

11:11 I wish for a fun and stressless week for everyone as well as me.

Yeeeeee, can't wait :D Time to go all out! Hahaha :]


Spent the whole day doing nothing haha. I finished my index card for Anthropology. It took me 2 hours! If you saw how small I wrote, you'd understand. Maybe I'll put a picture of it later. Then I did my Chinese School homework. Dusted around, moved laundry, ate nachos, polished my nails, and finished Dinner with Schmucks. Just relaxing for the rest of the day. Oh, it's been a good day. Can't wait for this week to really get started! :]

Whaddup with all these 'dawgs'?

Hahaha, someone's scholarship title was like "Sweet Diggity Dawg". Well this time, I'm actually referring to real dogs, but I thought dawg would be funnier haha. So, everyone is talking or showing their dog today. I'm not even kidding. Aman, Debora, Angelica, Valerie, Kenneth R, and Jade all had a picture of their dog or talked about it today. Dogs these days haha. Me and Kenneth M are the only ones without a dog. Well Valerie had one, but I never had one >.> I still plan on getting one when I'm older though :D So yeah, lots of dogs.

11:11 I wish that tomorrow will be a fun day and that I would finish my English 1A homework on time (which I did) and that this week will be relaxing and fun.

Today was so much fun! I need to get out more haha. This morning, I had Chinese School as always. Some people from our class were gone because of choir or something. We were missing like 4 or 5 people I think. Anyways, we usually have dictation every week, but since no one really wanted to take the test, we didn't. The main reason why is every week our teacher is late, she has to pay everyone in our class $1, so if we don't have dictation, then she doesn't have to pay us. If we're late, then we only need to pay her. So, it's pretty simple. She's been late a lot lately, so that's why we got off the hook, again :D Good for us haha. Debora was suppose to call me between 10:30-10:45 and let me know who was picking me up. Angelica was suppose to pick me up, but since her car was full, Kenneth had to pick me up. It was very fun on the ride there. Lots to chat about. I've been in Mary, Kenia, Dalia, and Debora's car so far. So, now it's like 5 haha. We got there without getting lost, good thing I remembered where her house was at haha. It's 12:34 ;D Angelica, Aman, Valerie, and Debora were there when we got there. They already finished tracing the banner so all that was left was painting it. We had ice cream and listened to all sorts of music. We helped Aman find a new voicemail too. That was way too funny. After we had ice cream with whipped cream and strawberries (me dislike them even though I brought them haha), we worked on the banner some more. Aman and Kenneth left later, and the rest of us had food Debora's mom made for us. There was tortilla, mexican rice, beef, chicken, and beans. It was soooooo yummmyyyy :D I really liked it. Made me full for sure haha. After that, my arm was so tired from painting, so I polished my nails xD They worked on the banner and Valerie was taking pictures every now and then. We finished the banner though. It took 1 day too :D Valerie's mom then came to pick us up. It was a nice drive through the cities though. Especially since I don't out of town much. Well, at night. So, I went back to Chinese School and it was dinner when I went back. Soon enough performance started and me and Carmen had too much fun haha. We kept drawing on the board and messing around, but it was funny :D I didn't place top 3 >.< I got 4th. Freaking 4th! Again!!! It's so sad -__-" I was probably .5 away from 3rd place. Gahhhhh! Well, enough about that. I'm really aiming for 3rd this semester! So, I rushed home and worked on my English 1A homework. I submitted my paper at 11:58 when it was due at 11:59. I was 10 seconds away from the assignment closing on me xD I got reallyyyyy lucky :D I finished my English 1A homework, but I still have to study for my Anthro test and start my Calculus homework and practice test. So. Much. Work. I hope I have time to relax tomorrow. Also hoping this week won't be stressful. I guess I'll find out very soon. But today was an amazing day. It went better than what I expected. Well, I wasn't expecting much, so it was perfect. But one little thing >.> Still, I couldn't have asked for a better day. Hanging out with friends, a girls day out, and just having fun and laughing like there's no tomorrow. That's what every weekend should be about. No homework. Good night world & have a supertastic Sunday :]]]]]] 

Friday, March 4, 2011


Not done with my 3-5 page paper. Yeah, I'm only on page one >.> It's due tomorrow. Man why did tomorrow have to be the day where I have like a bajillion things to do? So lame. I will try to finish all I can tonight. Hopefully a page, but I really need to sleep. I should really write it out and type it tomorrow night. Gahhh.

11:11 I wished for tomorrow to be perfect just the way I had it planned.

Better wish than not at all. I know it may not happen, but why not haha. I'm really hoping I can get a ride tomorrow. I'm praying. Praying that something good can work.

Good night world & put a smile on your face :]

P.S. I like leaving first even though the other person said bye first ;D

You made my day.

I don't care how much pain I have to suffer today. Knowing you didn't change just made my whole day. I love how nothing can break our friendship :]

I've been a bad friend.

I never saw this coming. Not at all. All this time I was blaming you, but you had your reasons. You had time alone for yourself, and I took it the wrong way. Now I blame myself. One week. Well five days, we didn't talk. That gap. Between all that, so much happened. SOO much. I can't even explain it all. I didn't know all that was happening to you. I was stupid. I should've talked to you instead of holding back and being sad. I was wrong. If only I sent you an IM. Things would've been different. You may blame yourself for being alone, but I, I judged you wrong. I'm the bad friend. All this time I was mistaken. I thought you forgot about me. But truth is, you had your own problems. You had your own reasons. If I knew your side of the story, then I would've understand instead of feeling like you were pushing me away. I'm sorry for being a bad friend lately. I'm sorry for judging you poorly. I should've known better. I was being silly. But why do I have a feeling that you had to do with all this? It doesn't even matter though. It's as if nothing even happened between us this past week :]