Sunday, December 18, 2011

Yesterday/this morning.

I didn't get a chance to blog this morning since I got home pretty late, so I wrote it all down to blog about it later, which is now.

It's 2:35 AM. Woke up to a phone call saying that she's alright. I worried my butt off, afraid something happened to her. I was scared. Really scared. I'm glad she's okay, but there's so much I still want to know. So many things are still wrong with the picture. I went to my grandpa's house for the day cause my sister was gone. Ended up watching Elf, well 40 minutes after the movie, but it was hilarious. My uncle's and cousin came over to help remove the old refrigerator and replace it with the new one. My cousin took me over to their house since I wasn't doing much anyways. Was kinda awkward on the car ride, not even gonna lie, but it was nice finally talking to him. I hardly see him anyways, occasionally at school, but he's always out with his friends and what not. People change. I watched my cousin (his sister) and her cousin for the day while my aunt went to work. We had homemade beef tamales and man it was like heaven in my mouth haha xD Very good. We spent the whole day watching movies. We were potato couches or bums as we called it. We watched Shaolin Soccer, two Charlie Brown movies (one about Christmas & the other about Thanksgiving), Winnie the Pooh (finding Christopher Robin and a Christmas one), Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Hello Kitty movies, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and Shaolin Soccer again and we all passed out during the last one. I fell asleep during parts of Hello Kitty and almost the whole Shaolin Soccer. I think we all did. We had In N Out for dinner and my dad and sister came over. My dad ended up talking to my uncle and aunt until 1:50AM which is why I got home so late. We'll probably have dim sum on Sunday, which I'm getting for right now. I felt so lazy cause it's like day 1 of break, but I get to do my two job shadows, which makes me happy. I'm excited to get new Vans this week and we're probably going to Bass Pro Shop knowing my dad xD But family bonding is what I need right now. Soon enough I'll be heading off to college, and I need to spend time with my family or else I know I'll regret it. I'm always in my room "doing homework" and always on the computer. I need to remember that my family won't always be there for me once I leave. I have to treasure all the time I have with them now. Back to my note haha, man I'm tired. I'm falling asleep as I right this. Good night world & have a great week :]

I'm sorry, I really am...

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