Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I hate it when people can't straight up face the truth. They think that ignoring the problem will make it magically go away, but it just makes you a coward because you can't go and face the fact that you're wrong. I just can't stand it at all. Hiding will do you no good. It only makes you the wimp.

Today I woke up around 11:45 ;D I was so tired last night and it was only like 12:00. So I wake up and my dad says we're going to B&N cause my sister needs a book for school. I said I didn't want to go cause I wanted to stay home but he said I had to cause I was going to the dentist to get my cavity filled. I was like D: cause I thought I was going on Friday. So he dropped us off at the mall and we just wandered for an hour or so. Then we went to the American Tire Company since my dad's car got a nail stuck in one of the tires. After that, we went to the dentist and it was packed. I was secretly happy and we scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. We went to McDonalds since I got hungry. After that, we headed home and I thought we were done for the day. Then my dad randomly decides to go to Manteca so we did. I got two new pairs of shoes at Vans :DDD Finally lol. We also went to Bass Pro Shop and Best Buy for a while too. I checked my grades and got a 88.95% in Econ. So close D: Just gotta study for the tests next semester cause I only studied for the last one >.< It's my fault I didn't work hard enough, but for my last semester, I'm gonna make it count. So maybe I'll go watch New Moon later. Good night world :]

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