Saturday, December 24, 2011

Yap yap.

Haha the way I read yap yap is probably different from the way you are reading it. It's hard to explain, but yeah haha. I read it as yahp yahp lol xD Hopefully I didn't confuse you. Anyways, Olive Garden has pretty good food. Very expensive that's for sure. It was nice seeing Jennifer and Carey. Also met some new faces, but it was fun catching up. Mostly talked to Jennifer the whole time, which is okay. There was like 16 of us there xD We were quite loud too. I really hope she liked her gift though. Well both of them actually. I felt so bad when I didn't recognize Ashleigh. I really don't remember her >.< Chicken Alfredo was pretty good. I wonder what that cheese ravioli tasted like though ;D Overall I had a blast and can't wait for next Thursday. My dad was super pissed when the lady didn't show up with the reel after an hour. I was so bored. I was gonna go inside to use the restroom but didn't even end up going. I got too lazy xD and there were people creeping around in the parking lot >.> At least he finally got it but that lady needs to be more courteous to others. You don't just let someone wait for an hour, never pick up your phone, try to cheat them, leave and never come back, and all that other stuff. It's pretty messed up, but as long as my dads happy. The wait wasn't bad since I hardly talk to my dad anymore. There's never really much to say with my parents which is terrible, but I was never close to them. They don't know much about school, friends, and basically my life. They may know food that I like/dislike, but it doesn't go much further from there. I wish I could have a mom where I tell everything about like drama at school or even guys. I wish I could tell my dad ANYTHING at all and have him actually care. Once I tell him something, he forgets or shrugs it off. I wish they were more involved with my life, but it could also be that I never tell them anything. If only I could go back when we were close. Oh man I'm gonna start getting emotional soon, but I think back to the days I was just a little girl and I just miss it all. I wish I could go back. Even though I can't, I'm gonna make my time last while they're still with me. Whether I leave for college or not, I don't want to regret anything. Today was another day where I'm really grateful for my friends. The ones I never see of course and the ones I talk to everyday. The <3's really made me smile, the trolling made me laugh like crazy, the hugs made me feel loved, the awkward/interesting talk made me sad/happy, but the most important of all, the people made me truly lucky and thankful. I don't know why I've been so thankful lately. It might be because of the holidays, but I truly am thankful each and every day. Good night world & Merry Christmas Eve :]]]]]]]]]]]]

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