Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ah man.

Words can't even begin to explain how grateful I am for those around me & how much they care. Today I went to Etech and my teacher said he had an appointment so he was going to be late a few minutes. I wait for a while with this other guy in my class, and this lady comes with a "Class Cancelled" sheet and I'm like great... 4 hours of nothing to do xD So I went to Locke Lounge and no one was there. I felt all alone. I looked around and I'm like wait, that's Kevin! Thank goodness xD He was sleeping so I tapped him on the shoulder, but he didn't wake up so I just let him be. I pulled out the chair and it made this really loud noise and he woke up. I felt bad >.< He told me he had class at 8 so there was like 10 minutes left. After he left, I moved back to the top and studied for Econ. Then James comes in, leaves, and comes back. Later, Erin comes in and started talking about how terrible her day was so far and I felt bad. I still kept studying. I didn't finish studying until 10:30 >.< Yeah 2.5 hours just reading 4 chapters. Anyways, after more people come in, I see Oksana come in and I'm literally :O with my jaw dropped. She has this jumbo cake and I'm like O.O Whyyyy hahaha. I don't like attention, don't even lying. I hate when I'm like the center of attention. I can't stand it. So Valerie and Oksana tell me to get in the picture and Valerie takes like 10 haha. I was blinded by the flash afterwards. The cake was SO FREAKING CUTE. I was like :DDDDDDDDDD x's 10000000000 haha. You have no idea and she even got her shirt messy and I'm like you should've just left it plain and she's all no it's your birthday and I'm like >.<, that excuse xD So I end up leaving to a last minute culture club meeting at 11:00. We talked about Culture Club's Potluck on Wednesday and the food we're planning on bringing. Didn't get much done though. When I went back, everyone was there. Got lots of Happy Birthdays, and then everyone starts singing and I'm like -__-" I was talking to Debora and everyone was looking at me and I'm like oh I feel so bad cause I should be looking at them. Halfway through the song after I finished talking to her, I did and said thanks to everyone. Kenneth was all into it with his hands in the air and everything xD I cut the cake and Oksana and Debora did the rest. I just put the forks on the plate and passed them out to people. But after the singing and just looking at the cake and everyone around me, I felt so loved and cared for that nothing else really mattered. At that moment, I just felt so content with life. It's that feeling that just comes over you at a time you don't expect at all which makes it even better. The cake was funfetti, with chocolate pudding in the middle, and whipped cream frosting I think. It was crazyyy goood :D So afterwards, I rushed to the office with Oksana to put the cake in the office so it doesn't melt. Went to all my classes and so glad they didn't sing happy birthday. Would've been awkward just sitting there like I was during lunch xD I think I did pretty well, and I mean confident well on my Econ test. Not a 100% but hopefully an A. After that terriblee D: stock report, my grade dropped and that's the last thing I need with 2 weeks left. We're probably having one more test, the project, maybe even homework, and the last 2 stock reports put in and that's it. I need to raise my grade like 3% to make sure. This is the ONE class I'm struggling with, I'm just so close. I've really been trying so hard lately. I'm not giving up, I need to show improvement. English I'm borderline but I have an A. After school, I went to my locker and Kevin was just hanging out on his own. I think he was getting ready to leave and he asks me what I wanted for my birthday and I said nothing, don't worry about it and he's all no and what not. So I made a compromise xD that we'll get each other Christmas gifts, I already was anyways lol. We agreed on that. Kevin is just one of those really chill and fun to be around friends. It's never a boring day unless he's passed out haha. I went to the office but everyone wasn't there so I went to the bathroom. Went back and I hear everyone coming close by xD I saw my duck part of the cake :D It was so cute. So we all went to the parking lot to get ready to go. We all met/remet Jessi's boyfriend again. They are just meant to be together. No doubt in my mind. But then Angela had to go because of SATs and I don't blame her. I would put that first too, and she's really nice to me. I wanted her to go to, but I don't want her future to be at risk because of me. That would just devastate me. So we all headed over to Carls Jr. while Debora and Dalia drop Angela off at the bus stop. We waited quite some time for them so we took random pictures. Then there's this lady who works there that was coming outside with another coworker. Valerie was setting up the camera and said "Look out" and she jumped back wondering if there was an animal that was going to attack or something when we were just taking a picture. She was also wondering why we were all smiling and she was all like D: Hahaha. It was so funny cause she came back not too long after and said oh time for round 2 LOL. She was so hilarious. After Debora and Dalia got there, Debora tells me that we're going in and everyones like aww plan is over haha. I HECKA fell for it too. I was kinda thinking in my head "Why Carls Jr.? We can go there any day, but I'm like whatever. I'm not complaining." Turns out they were tricking me in thinking we were going there haha. I'm SO gullible. Like Mary messing with me about her CSU apps at like 11:59 on Wednesday D: So not funny. I was worried for her like crazy! xD We went in, ordered our food, reminisced about the past, talked about our futures, Valerie calling guys at the restaurant cute, and so much more. It felt like we already graduated and we're all meeting up for dinner. That was just so surreal to me. The food was delicious. I swear I can hardly eat anymore. I use to be able to eat like a truck driver, no offense to them but I ate a lot before, and now I can hardly finish my food >.< Which is terrible cause I'm spending money on it. I ended up ordering Chocolate Cream Pie because it's my favorite xD Once we got it, Valerie started wiggling it and the waiter in black was basically all WTF hahaha. He was right behind her and she didn't know. Then later, the guy she thought was cute was behind her setting up the tables and she did the same thing. She didn't even realize it until we left. I hope everyone enjoyed the pie too, but I was stuffed. I only ate like half of it. We got our bills and went to pay. Then we took forever trying to split the money up and everything xD It was 7:27PM and we were all freaking out cause we were gonna be late. Mary, Valerie, and I left first to save seats and stuff, while Dalia and Debora came later. Param went home after dinner. So we got to the planetarium a little late but we still got to watch. The first show was more historical while the second one was when the guy told us about all the different constellations. I found that so captivating. I swear I could've fallen asleep if I wasn't forcing myself to stay awake. I totally want something like that in my house in the future. It was freaking amazinggggg :D We asked a few questions to the guy who worked there and went out to the hallway to take pictures and goof off xD We were so loud. OMG and then Valerie almost knocks off the bottom row of the dinosaurs mouth xD That picture was hilarioussssss. Totally a keeper xD Then we went outside to take pictures and we end up choosing the poop smelling tree one. It was all bad cause Dalia tried climbing the tree, Valerie touched the leaves and slipped, and Mary I think touched the leaves too. I just stood there and Debora tried setting the camera. We took a few pictures there, in Locke, in the parking lot, just everywhere. I swear, today was so memorable in every way possible. I was just blown away with everyone's efforts to making my day special. It couldn't have gone any better cause I didn't even expect most of it. I seriously didn't. My friends and family really made my day one to remember and I sure won't forget it. They really don't know how grateful I am to have all of them in my life. I'm truly honored to know each and every one of them. They all changed my life one way or another. Thank you all and there's quite a bit to read for once xD It's been a veryyyyyyy long time since I posted this much. This took me half an hour to blog about xD Blogging is very time consuming. Oh man, on the day I started my blog, I should reread everything from Day 1. That will take forever though xD I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Congrats to my friend Sierra for getting into UOP and a very good scholarship! You truly deserve the best :D Last note to my friends: Thank you guys for never giving up on me and staying by my side to motivate me and push me to my full potential. I really don't know what I would do without you guys in my life. Good night world & yesterday was A Wonderful Surprise :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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