Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nom nom nom.

Omg I want some bacon ranch fries from Charley's right now. Someone take me :D Even though I can't have them, I'll make myself some nachoes ;D So unhealthy today. I went to Debora's house for her birthday. Nicole was already there by the time I got there. We went to CVS and the bank. First people she gave a ride to once she turned 18 :D Something to be proud about lol. She bought the kettle corn I really liked :3 No matter how much I wanted it, I'm like no I won't buy them. Then she goes and buys them xD When we got back, we watched Our Idiot Brother and Crazy Stupid Love. Nicole and I finished the whole bowl of popcorn and there was alottttt. I know what I'm buying from the store next time ;D I swear, I'm craving so much food right now it's scary >.< Can't help it though. Kinda weird how I went from not being able to finish my food to wanting to eat food every 5 minutes. I swear, it's so odd. Anyways, Mary came over when we started Crazy Stupid Love. We had dinner and I must say was delicious. Then we just sat around talking at the dinner table. I felt like we were a family. Whenever I'm out eating with my friends, it always feels like that. We're all so close after all these years. Apparently, Nicole can read moles and that was just so random/funny. Then I found out that she's Italian. I never knew that. Debora was hinting that she liked a certain type of race cough cough. I know where she was going with that. Overall, I had a really fun day :D Still waiting for Mary to get on so I can open my gift. I think I know what it is, but I'm not sure. I did peek into the bag xD I know it's pink lol. Happy Birthday Debora & Carey :DDDDD You guys both turn 18 today. So old, so fast. I'm so excited for tomorrow though. Can't wait to see Carey and Jennifer :]

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