Thursday, December 29, 2011


So todayyy, where do I begin? Haha. My sister and I went to the bowling alley, but no one was there yet so we waited. Then someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. Lucas tricked me haha. Sierra and Maryann was with him too and we all talked. Then Jennifer and Tony comes and we all talk some more. And then Carey and Ashleigh arrive and we all get ready to bowl. Sierra and Maryann like their gifts, so I'm happy about that. We were all pretty bad at bowling, not even gonna lie, during both rounds xD I got a 60 something and a 90. I'm happy hahaha. Carey got like 15 on the first one halfway through the game and Sierra called her the winner. Tony was suppose to be Tony the Tiger, but he didn't like it, Lucas was Caveman, Jennifer was Baby, Brandy was Brandy, Maryann was Marybelle I think, Sierra was Smokeysomething, Carey was Big Daddy, Ashleigh was Big Mommy, and I was sexy Amy. Yeah don't ask. I didn't choose the name >.> I bet Carey gave Jennifer the idea. I was suppose to be just Amy but nooo, I had to have a different name. It was funny cheering each other on :D Then next to us, this boy had the rails up and he throws the ball over it and into the gutter. Then this lady threw the ball and the guard was down for the pins so it flew back to the front xD Also, this lady just randomly stands next to Carey cause the first team's game was over and it was very awkward. Yeah, we all failed at the granny shot cause we all either missed the pins or got a gutter. After, we went to both malls. Let's just say parking was veryyy interesting. Sierra almost hit 3 pedestrians cause she was looking for parking spots. There were none, but we eventually found one. Good thing we warned her or else who knows what could've happened. They didn't even stop walking. And she drives a huge truck. That didn't help. Then Ashleigh wanted to jack the giant yellow school bus xD We got food, shopped, walked around to random stores. I got a new book :D, Toffee-ettes from See's Candies (so yummy :3) & a tasty free sample, Charley's Subs bacon and ranch fries (oh yes and I devoured in 5 minutes xD), and soda. They didn't have any nice headbands at Forever 21. Oh well, I got everything else that I wanted and got to spend it with wonderful people. We even took pictures with the iPad at Best Buy. Saw cute asian guys too ;D I had a blast today. I wish Debora could've came, but I hope she's feeling better now. There's always next time. I can't wait when we take our gown photos. So exciting :D Overall, I had a beyond wonderful day and I hope there's many more to come. Maybe over spring break we can go ice skating or something. It was seriously a Commodore reunion since we all went there. I still feel bad that I don't remember Ashleigh though >.< I hope everyone had fun too :]

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