Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wherever you are...

Dear Santa,
Thank you for everything. This year has been a wild roller coaster, but it’s been worth it. Anyways, I take each day as a learning experience and I learn quite a bit. Honestly, there’s only one thing I’m asking for this year and that is a better year for my family and friends. All of my family and friends. These last few months have been filled with problems from deaths to another experience that I choose not to talk about. I just want things to be alright and stable like it used to be. I know life is filled with unexpected events, but I only want things to be okay. I’m tired of arguments and fights. I don’t want to struggle nor see others struggle. I want to be happy.  Even if you can’t grant my wish, at least make things alright for my parents. I only ask for this little thing and nothing more. Thank you.
Love, Amy

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