Friday, December 16, 2011


So today was so much fun. I love the last day because I get to give out gifts to my friends and I love to see their facial expressions once they open them. Nothing compares to seeing how happy they are after I give them a gift. It's just smiles and happiness all around. Even giving a person just candy cane made them really happy. I have James a candy cane earlier and he was like I can be a walrus now and I just cracked up laughing. Then Kevin couldn't stop petting/touching his polar bear that I got him. He didn't let anyone touch it at all. Mary could not stop saying OMG the whole time after I gave her the swan. I swear, the smallest things make people so happy. It just makes my life complete knowing the ones I care most about are happy. That is the true meaning of the holidays. Being with the people you love and having a great time. Then we went out to Hometown Buffet for dinner cause BJ's was packed. We all sang to Debora as an early birthday celebration and I had a great time. I felt so happy leaving cause everyone was in a great mood. High fiving people and giving them hugs made me even happier. This moment right now is what I'd love to feel everyday, and I'm thankful for all the wonderful people in my life :]]]]]]]]]]]

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