Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A short one.

Gonna summarize real fast about my day so I can sleep. Went to the park, witnessed a car accident (nothing big) but the car left, almost cried >.<, stressed over nosy people (gahhh), and just blah right now. Finished the letter for homework and it made me really happy. I was so close to telling you in Avid today about what's going on, but you told me to tell you later. So I was like yeah sure and of course I couldn't tell you later cause other people tagged along. But yeah, I was on the verge of crying in class. Ahh man the tears were building up, but I wasn't willing to let myself cry. I just have to stay strong through this. I only thought about telling one of two people, but seems like I can't even tell either one. Something always happens or gets in the way. But I'm only gonna say it once, that's for sure. Keeping it in will only hurt me more, but I have to say it face to face. This problem that changed my whole life is a secret I can't even say and it's slowly eating me up. I just wish I could tell someone, but it's just not that simple. Life never is... I only want to tell one person and even that is too much to ask for. Someone needs to save me from everything cause nothing seems right anymore. I only want someone to sit there and listen with no one else around. That's it. Good night world :]

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