Tuesday, December 27, 2011

10 things about myself.

1. I'm scared for college. I'm tired of not being good enough and all I want is to be accepted to where I want to go. I don’t know how I’m going to pay for college and it scares me. I don’t want my parents to have to worry about it, but it seems like there’s nothing else I can do.
2.  I have so many hobbies that I end up forgetting about. I can’t stop myself from starting something new.
3.  I want to grow up and open a bakery. I’ve always loved cupcakes and cakes.
4. I’ve thought about suicide once in my life. I’m still surprised that I ever thought about killing myself now that I think back to it. I’m such a happy person, but it was a bad time in my life that I overcame. 
5.  My cousin’s grandfather passed away not too long ago and that was my first loss so close to family. 
6.  It’s hard for me to really open up when I’m in pain. I hate having others see me hurting, but I don’t know how to cope when something bad happens.
7.   I’m a huge Colts fan.
8.  I want to travel the world someday to places like Paris, New York, China, Bora Bora, London, and so much more.
9.  I’m willing to help anyone who needs it. I love community service because I get the chance to help people out. I feel bad if I don’t help someone because what if I needed help and no one was there for me? I’d be devastated, so I help anyone that I can because it makes me happy.
10.  I’m thankful for everything I’ve been given and the people that I’ve known and currently know. I’ve been truly blessed and I don’t ask for much because of it.

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