Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's funny trying to see people attempt at making me mad or pissed because they fail most the time. I don't know why, but people find it entertaining. But I'm the one laughing when they don't succeed. What's worse is when someone does tick me off though. You know what I don't like, so why push it? Well I don't know, I guess you find it funny, but it's not. I wish some people could be a little more mature. Don't cross the line, cause I lose my trust and faith in you.

On the other hand, I didn't finish my gift so I'm like blah. Will try to get it done by Wednesday, but I'll bring the rest of it tomorrow. I hope she likes it :D

Today was an okay day. But you had to kill it at the last minute. What kind of friend does that. The thing is, I never tell you when you annoy me. It's always the same routine. You make me tell you what happened, you say you're sorry, I shrug it off even though it hurts me inside and you don't know. Same dang thing. I'm sick of it you know. I know you don't mean to hurt me and think of it as a joke, but it's not. I wish you weren't always so, I don't know, joking. Sigh, things won't change.

The only good thing out of today was working on the bracelet and actually finishing my homework, blogging on here, reblogging on Tumblr, watching/learning about things on 9/11, and well talking to you. No matter how silly/serious our conversations are, you make me truly happy inside like no one else can. I have this urge to give you a hug at school, except you don't like hugs xD Maybe someday. But I'm hoping you don't like anyone else. Cause I have a feeling you do, but I have no idea who it is. I just need to vent and let it all out today. It's been such a long day. I don't need unhappy thoughts right now.

10 years ago on this day, something tragic happened that changed America forever. I was too young to remember, but not today. Not tomorrow. This day will be in my heart for the rest of my life and you guys shouldn't forget either. It affects everyone. And I'm not letting you bring me down cause of it. I wish I could see NYC tonight. Maybe in the new future. I wanna see everything at Ground 0. May those who risked and lost their lives rest in peace. I could never thank you all enough.

So with that said, I need some sleep. It's like wayyy past the time I should be sleeping. 10:48 and I should've went to bed at like 9:00 or 9:30 but yeah, people keeping me up and it's my fault. Well Colts didn't do well either, but soon. I'm not losing my hope or faith in them. Even if Collins isn't the best. Okay, I don't wanna be in a bad mood so good night world :]

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