Monday, September 26, 2011


Today I felt kind of out of it. I had no idea why and I tried to be happy. I forgot about it most the time, but once free period and TA came along, I was just blah. I felt better later, but I don't know, something is still bothering me. Maybe things will change soon. Oh and my nightmare today. So there was a park, levee and some houses. It was very dark and foggy outside. I was with my sister and she ran straight ahead onto the levee so I follow her. Next thing you know, I see this girl and I guess we start talking. I forgot her name like 5 seconds after I got up >.> But anyways, I see her and we just started talking a little bit. Then baseballs come out of no where. Like when people practice hitting them. Except I couldn't see where and it was really randomly shot towards me and the girl. It was like an open field kind of, but I couldn't se past the fog. I look for a little bit thinking it wasn't trying to hit us, until I realized it was hitting her. For some reason, I felt the need to protect her and then I picked her up and kept on running. I don't know why but it was just freaking me out. The levee was like a levee road, but there was a wall of vines once you go further down. It just creeped me out, but I forgot about it. Reminds me a little of Harry Potter 4 the movie when they're in the maze.

I'm going to post random little things I guess I learned or felt on the date of the title xD I don't know, it's like blogging, but more simple. Kind of like a journal entry so here it goes.

Things will never be the same between us and I accept that. However, I feel like you don't think anything's wrong and everything's perfectly fine when that's a big fat lie. I kind of hope you don't ask me to do anything anymore, but I have the strongest feeling you will. And I don't like rejecting people, but should I if I don't feel the same? I moved on, and I hope you did too. But something in the back of my mind tells me that you haven't. And I don't like breaking hearts. Although I'm pretty sure you don't like me, but still. We're at least friends, I guess.

That's enough for the day. Good night world :]

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