Sunday, September 18, 2011


Haha new word I just made up xD

This was my Summer List:

1. Get a haircut
2. Finish Shining Inheritance
3. Go kayaking
4. Star neckalce
5. Bracelet with my name & another design
6. Decorate/bake cupcakes
7. Experiment around
8. Permit before summer school/summer?
9. Camping?
10. LA
11. Find myself
I did 5 things from the list which isn't bad :D
This is my 11 things to go in 2011:
1. Ride a ferris wheel :D
2. Go kayaking
3. Make 200 cranes
4. Get a different haircut
5. Experiment around
6. Take 2 pictures with a duck ^_^
7. Get something Colts related ;D
8. Ride a bike
9. Learn to make 2 new bracelet designs (not counting the relay for life ones)
10. Finish Shining Inheritance xD
Wow I did a lot more than I expected. Okay, well what's left that I can possibly do for sure would be the Colts related thingy. But if I could really do one, then it would be 1 or 2. Maybe 2 cause I haven't done that before. We'll see :D
My Senior Bucket List:

1. Stargaze with someone or with a group of people :D
2. Say no to someone if it's a favor that I don't want to do.
3. Go to a concert.
4. Learn how to make a 3D Panda and firework origami.
5. Take 500 pictures with my camera for my Senior Album xD (Random number haha) I'm at 128/500.
6. Read 8 books of my choice (Must start reading again!)
7. Do something really random or different.
8. Apply for 20 scholarships (something has to be academic lol) 1/20 done.
9. Buy someone a singing card :D
10. Make 7 bracelets on my list of bracelets I wanna make for myself (PacMan doesn't count)
11. *Pending*
12. Be with the people who make me happy and make endless memories :]
Random Fact Number Sixteen: I always wanted to have a tickle fight with someone, well maybe with my future bf xD
Random Fact Number Seventeen: I'm going to be more out there. Like talkative wise. I'm going to participate more and not hold back. Take a leadership role :D
I wanna go to DCON this year :D Or MCNC. If only more people instead of 2 per class could go. Oh well, better than nothing. But I really wanna go to DCON for sure. Enough lists and what not. I'm super tired and should go to sleep. Good night world & have a great Sunday!!! :]]]]]]]]]

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