Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today in one word would be CRAZY. Okay so I got to Family Fun Day at the Park kind of early (not really). Seeing the cemetery made me really sad. I mean I only go like once a year, not to the one I saw, but it was so big. I was like :O OMG it's THAT big? Like literally, it's at least 5 blocks long! I'm not even exaggerating this either. So I got to the booth and Valerie, Debora, Dalia, and Oksana were already there. I felt late >.< But Angelica didn't come yet. So at first I just stood around cause I wasn't sure what to do and there wasn't much room for me to help out at. But I saw there were other schools there too. So that kinda sucked >.> Anyways, I went over to help Debora and watched to see what the activity was this year. There were bottles and you pour different colors sand to make it all pretty looking. I made one later, but they ran out of hearts cause I gave mines to a little kid. Oh well, it means WAY more to them than me :) I worked for 4.5 hours and the time just flew by. It sucked trying to go get more colors. I swear after like 10 times walking back and forth I was sweating quite a bit xD But I really enjoyed myself. I just wished I had a little more help cause there were SO MANY kids by me >.< But I multitasked as much as I could, if not overdoing it. I loved it all. But one person really made me happy. I'm guessing his mom was with him and he looked pretty old, but looks can be deceiving. Anyways, his mom told me to make it for him. At first I made him a sun with different colors in it. What was cool is that he held a conversation with me. Most kids would be all into it, but since he was watching me, he was in awe. He thought it was the fun dip stuff and I was like omg it looks like it! Hahaha. After that one, he said he wanted another one with all blue sand. I used the Saturn/planet bottle and filled it up. I really think he enjoyed it, but I think I loved helping him even more. I don't know, something about him just made me really happy. I was comfortable and I had a blast. Out of I don't know how many kids, but I remember him the most. Then I saw him later and was like :D I helped him! Haha. Angelica eventually came and we helped for another few hours. After we ended up wandering, but not far. We left to Haggin Museum and wandered. That place is really nice. I loved looking at all the different paintings, but some were just like wow. Really interesting. Some were too graphic though >.< However, I had so many flashbacks like the tractors. I remember those the most. Then I saw dead ducks, mannequins, and giant guns and got so freaked out. I was kinda emotional today >.< Next we went to the mall for some food. It was like 3:00PM already and I didn't eat anything besides breakfast at 8:50AM. I don't know, but community service really got my mind off food. I didn't even hear my stomach growl until we got to Haggin. Apparently, the Batmobile was in the Target parking lot, and Debora actually entered to the other mall so we could take pictures of it xD It was really funny haha. And I was the one hiding from the cops xD Don't ask. You don't wanna know. Lastly, we went to Oksana's house and watched so much tv. First we watched New Girl (very funny and cute), Glee (:DDDDDDDDDD finally saw it!!), Tangled (so funny), and I watched some soccer xD Valerie almost fell several times too xD Thought of ideas for the dance too. My feet are KILLING me though. I can't even stand without them hurting. It's so bad. And when I sat down while trying to help the kids, it didn't work out and then Valerie took the chair >.< Overall, I had a great day and I'm sure I left stuff out. Will post later if I remember. Great, great day. Apparently I can go to Kickback tomorrow, but I have no ride. Best of luck to all the classes. Ahh man. I saw something I didn't wanna see. Well if I'm jealous, I guess it shows I'm falling hard. Not talking about that anymore. I'm excited for everything. Omg SAT's next week and I gotta start studying. So much to do, so much to do. Good night world & have a great Sunday :]]]]]]]]]

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