Saturday, September 10, 2011

So much to say.

I know I haven't posted much this week and it's my fault but I was packed with homework like crazy. I'm surprised I even made it through the week. But here I am. Blogging time :D

Wednesday 9/7/11: I had my calculus test and well I didn't finish my homework that morning. I found out I did the wrong problems for my english homework so had to rush that. Thank goodness Mary told me or else I would've been like DDD: I think I did ehhh on the test, but i don't know. Just gotta wait and it's too late to drop the class without a W. At least 7.1 is making much more sense for me right now. I'm just going to hope for the best. I had my current event, and even though I didn't practice it at all, I think I did okay. I did stumble on my words a few times, but communications is helping me SO MUCH. I'm not all shaking and my hands aren't all sweaty. I just needed to practice, but it went well. And some people talked so I wasn't all D: Lol. Positive thoughts really help! :D I'm usually negative, so hey, things turned out great. Good thing to have those tips from our book. Went to Culture Club and everyone in my class took a group picture. I think other people got it too, but it was mostly my class. I finally felt like I was treasurer for the club. Writing receipts for people was fun xD And thanks to Debora for the Tutti Fruitti though it melted cause I'm a slow eater. There was SO MUCH chocolate haha. I don't eat it that much so it was like danggg haha. Afterwards, we had our board meeting which was interesting. Congrats to the new reps though. Anyways, once we were done, I was gonna go to the parking lot. Kenneth drove his car up and took Ali, Anthony, Kenia, Dalia and me to the parking lot. I was gonna walk but he kept on insisting. It was funny cause Dalia sat in the trunk with it open and Kenneth was afraid a cop would just come out of no where, but it didn't. There were people smoking weed next to Kenia's car so thats why he gave her a ride. But yeah, it was really funny, especially Dalia. That just made my day right there. Then I had to finish up all my notes for communication studies which I didn't I only finished 4 chapters and had 3 more to go. Went to school early the next day with Mary to finish our notes. Not procrastinating on that ever again!!

Thursday 9/8/11: Well I went to school like an hour and a half early to work on my notes. I really thought I wasn't going to finish but I did 10 minutes into class. He didn't even check the assignment, but I finalized my speech topic. Turned in my binder and got a 25/25 and 94/100. Which isn't bad in my opinion. Anyways, worked on homework during free period and TA, and in Avid we had a guest speaker from Grand Canyon University. Then afterschool, went ot Rubio's for the fundraiser. Omg it was so random cause as Mary, Dalia, Angelica and I were heading to the parking lot, I see Sierra and her mom. I'm like no wayyyy! Hahaha I didn't expect seeing them. So Sierra came with us to eat and we just all chillaxed and caught up with each other. Then Jessi came, but she had to go early and Sierra left with her cause the College Night already started. I don't know, but we lost track of time with all the fun going on haha. We took pictures and got back to school around 6:00PM. The gym was like dyinggggg hot. But it was fun looking at different colleges that I might want to apply and ask questions. Somehow me and Angelica split up from Dalia and Mary and just went wandering around. Then I see Daniel and David and say hi to them. Also ran into people I knew in middle school who probably forgot me, but I still remember them. So yeah after that, we ran into Gabe, Kenneth and Debora and we all wandered around to look at colleges. After that, we left to Kenneth's car and Angelica went home. He gave us all a ride to Debora's car and he left to Rubio's. The three of us went to the forum for the financial aid and UC requirement.s Gabe described how his dad's mustache looked and hair color hahaha. It was so random. So me and Debora went to the financial aid and we chatted. I told her about why I was once depressed. Then she thought she forgot her phone in the bathroom and we ran there and it turns out to be in her bag xD We were both hecka freaking out but it was funny xD We finally got in and Valerie was there with her parents. I had to leave early cause they started late and went to Debora to get my stuff. I felt bad for making her leave early too >.< I hate it when I'm the reason someone has to leave and stuff. I felt terrible. But once I got home I was exhausted, and it was like 9:00 by the time I got to do homework. Then I have to sleep between 9:00-9:30 or else I won't wake up the next morning. Then I go to check my e-mail and it turns out my Etech class got cancelled so I got to stay up late and was like :DDDDDDD. Today couldn't get any better. And well it did cause I stayed up talking to you till like 12:00. I still think you wait for me to sleep and I feel terrible about that too. Just go to sleep next time, don't worry about me. But you know I sleep a lot xD Anyways, it was one of my best days of senior year so far.

Friday 9/9/11: I had to finish my notes for our econ test so went to school early for that. Then went to a Culture Club meeting and we got into partners and worked on the dance for Wednesday. It's gonna be interesting thats for sure xD I thought it was fun so I hope other people aren't afraid to dance at the meeting. Well it's not even hard. People just got to give it a try. Then I have to sell candy too so I wonder how that will go. Oh and I need to bring some envelopes. This club stuff is just so much fun for me. If only board meetings could be on a different day, but it's not horrible. I'm really loving that I feel like I'm a part of something big. It makes me feel needed. Anyways, we talked about the most randomest things in Econ. Mr V. asked what if I worked at Hot Topic or Victoria's Secret and we were all laughing. This was related to the current event which was if people should be hired even though they haven't worked for like many months. But yeah, apparently guys do work at Victoria's Secret, except they're gay xD Class brought many good laughs that's for sure. We didn't have our test but watched some videos on 9/11 which was sad. Lit on film we watched parts of both True Grit which was fun in my opinion. I'm really enjoying the class. But for english I present this Thursday and I'm nervous that I'll get docked points, but I'm having happy thoughts so I don't freak myself out. I just hope the story makes sense. That's like the main thing and that I can find a cartoon or painting to use. Anyways, went to the mall afterschool to get Jade a birthday gift. I ended up getting her a card, teddy bear, and a necklace. I hope she likes it. I just have to remember to bring it xD Came home and next thing you know there's GIANT raindrops on the floor and there's thunder and lightning while it's like 100 degrees outside. It was crazyyy. So I don't know what happened last night, but I completely just opened up out of no where. I told Mary like everything basically and you told me things I didn't know either. It felt great. Like this big relief for me and I don't know it's hard to explain, but I felt happy. Not only because you trust me, but I wasn't hiding anything. I just let it all out. And then I talked to James and you showed me this video of a camel and man I'm like scarred for life because of it now >.< Thanks so much James. And I also talked to him and man it was random when you IMed me right after my dad told me to sleep. I was like dang, I can't talk but we still did. You still care too much. We need to hang out more or at least talk now. It's a new year, so new things gotta happen. It's time I stepped it up a little. Went to sleep at like 1 xD

Saturday 9/10/11 <-- LOL I realized that from a Tumblr post xD Hahaha: Well I woke up at 9 cause my dad told me to go check the stove. Then next thing you know, it was 11:50AM and I was like danggg. Slept for 11 hours. For the past weekends I only get like 8/9 hours of sleep. I'm happy haha. Watching Step-Up 2 right now and it's pretty good. Well I been on for like 2 hours trying to blog. It's time to eat a drumstick :D It's wayyy too hot right now. Gotta do my homework soon too cause I didn't do it yesterday. Man, they aren't showing the Colts game tomorrow >.> Well, I'll blog more later :D

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