Sunday, September 25, 2011

I had a dream about you.

Not sure if I wanna tell you in case you might be like o.O And it was a few days ago but it kept slipping off my mind. We were in Mr. K's class and for some reason everyones desks were paired with someone else's and I guess those were our partners. You ended up being my partner. I was getting up to do something and you asked me for white out so I gave it to you. I left and came back and you were trying to use it backwards xD So it didn't work and you gave up. Then I told you that you were using it the wrong way and then you tried it and it worked. That was it, but it was the last dream I had before I woke up. I wish the dream continued cause I wonder what would've happened xD And I don't dream much when it's a school night, so I don't know why I dreamt that. But most the time, I don't know why I dream things. Good night world :]

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