Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011


So this morning I was freaking out like crazy cause of my tests. I went to school a little early to study. I ended up reading for econ until class started. The intro was good :D So were those cookies haha. The speeches were entertaining. Apparently, "going green" means eating more vegetables hahaha. That was hilarious. But then moment of truth came for my calc test, and at this rate, looks like I'm dropping. But I don't know when >.> Ahh, that makes me sad. Anyways, I went to class like 20 minutes late cause of the test. Good thing Mrs. Langone let us stay 10 minutes longer. Econ test was just bad and I studied. Uhh, I need to study like better. But I felt more confused >.> Lit on film we watched more of the movie. Almost at the end now. But I saw you after school ;D Anyways, I'm getting ready to pass out. Have to be up early tomorrow >.< Good night world & have a great Friday :]]]]]]]


I love leaving messages in your ask box just so I can talk to you ;D

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wish me luck.

11:11 I wish the best for everyone, and for Jay cause he wished for me :)

Haha thank you Jay cause you really didn't have to and even if you didn't, thanks anyways. Said good night like 10 times haha. Also, thanks to Bren for helping me even though I'm freaking out over here making all these small mistakes. Will write down the formulas and study before I sleep. I find that that really helps. But the small things you did for me, just makes me all :DDD I’m having a deja vu moment. Awkward haha. It’s like I posted something like this before a math test about me not studying that much. Weird. Oh well, wish me luck please. I’ma have to wake up early tomorrow. Rare, but I need to pass these tests! Good night world :]

P.S. Really looking forward to 3:15 tomorrow. I will finally feel relaxed after a long day of what hopefully won't be BLAHness. Yeah, a new word haha. Anyways, Good night world & I hope things are going much better for you. I really need a C on this test >.<


This is way too cute :D I saw this on Aileen's facebook and was like :O no way haha. I also saw a Despicable Me minion on Tumblr. Ahh I would totally get one if it was cheaper >.< But I don't wanna spend money, but it is cute lol. I still gotta make that domo bracelet. SO MUCH TO DO D: Anyways, you offered to throw away my trash today which was nice of you. But I threw it away haha. Even talking to you for 2 minutes was great for me lol. Culture Club was hecka fun. Must upload pictures sometime this week. Omg so much stuff to do. I still have to study for calc and econ right now. Still stuck on the homework >.> I should get off soon. One more thing, Avid was hilarious today. So Mrs. Giannone and Tony switched positions. So Mrs. Giannone sat in Tony's seat and pretended to be him and it was heckaaaaa funny. She did that hand quieting thing Tony does and started talking to everyone. It was freaking hilarious. And then Tony tried explaining the A-G stuff on the screen and well they switched back LOL. It was so funny. Ahh man, good day. But gotta study and then SAT this Saturday. I'M SO NERVOUS D: Good night world & wish me luck :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I love it when I log onto AIM the next day or later on, and I see a message from the night before or from that day saying "good night" from you. It makes me all happy :3 Before I would just log off and that would be it, but you've done that everytime now. I notice all these small things >.< Anyways, today I didn't do much. Felt more like I did nothing honestly. At least I get a break tomorrow, but my next calculus test is on Thursday and I haven't done the homework yet. Ahh, so much to doooo. I still need to fix my outline, study for SAT's (biggg one), and all this other work due this week. I can't ever have a break. And I mean hardly ever. Sunday is gonna be a break though and I'm super excited. Oh and remembered Cat's Cradle randomly today. Forgot how, but yeah I'm playing it for fun but getting the trick stuck and can't get my sister's hand out everytime I try >.> Also, Happy Birthday Kenneth! Everyone's so old now haha. Cap and gown forms already. I'm feeling olddd >.< Ahh man, I really need to sleep. Good night world :]

Monday, September 26, 2011

So much for sleeping earlier xD

I have the worst timing ever. I always say I'm going to do something, and well I don't always do that. Just explained to my mom about the whole AA stuff, and well I don't think she gets it. She said to me, "Oh great, you got the lowest degree. Now work your way up to the top." That's exactly what I wanted to hear mom, exactly what I wanted to hear -________- I know she wants the best for me, but still. She's not even a little supportive. *Sigh* I can never please my parents. And I mean never. Which kills my mood even more. And don't even tell me "cause they're Asian parents." I'm so tired of hearing that you know. I just wish they could be a little bit more happy for me. Oh well, someday they'll be proud. And until then, I'm stuck being all BLAH about school. At least I'm doing better this semester, but better isn't ever going to be enough. I finally finished English and hopefully I can sleep after that frap. Good night world :]

P.S. I think I realized what's bothering me after writing all that & that is: EVERYTHING.


Today I felt kind of out of it. I had no idea why and I tried to be happy. I forgot about it most the time, but once free period and TA came along, I was just blah. I felt better later, but I don't know, something is still bothering me. Maybe things will change soon. Oh and my nightmare today. So there was a park, levee and some houses. It was very dark and foggy outside. I was with my sister and she ran straight ahead onto the levee so I follow her. Next thing you know, I see this girl and I guess we start talking. I forgot her name like 5 seconds after I got up >.> But anyways, I see her and we just started talking a little bit. Then baseballs come out of no where. Like when people practice hitting them. Except I couldn't see where and it was really randomly shot towards me and the girl. It was like an open field kind of, but I couldn't se past the fog. I look for a little bit thinking it wasn't trying to hit us, until I realized it was hitting her. For some reason, I felt the need to protect her and then I picked her up and kept on running. I don't know why but it was just freaking me out. The levee was like a levee road, but there was a wall of vines once you go further down. It just creeped me out, but I forgot about it. Reminds me a little of Harry Potter 4 the movie when they're in the maze.

I'm going to post random little things I guess I learned or felt on the date of the title xD I don't know, it's like blogging, but more simple. Kind of like a journal entry so here it goes.

Things will never be the same between us and I accept that. However, I feel like you don't think anything's wrong and everything's perfectly fine when that's a big fat lie. I kind of hope you don't ask me to do anything anymore, but I have the strongest feeling you will. And I don't like rejecting people, but should I if I don't feel the same? I moved on, and I hope you did too. But something in the back of my mind tells me that you haven't. And I don't like breaking hearts. Although I'm pretty sure you don't like me, but still. We're at least friends, I guess.

That's enough for the day. Good night world :]

Cats Who Love You.

Today was a pretty good day. Even though I felt kinda blah. But of course, people cheer me up without even knowing it xD Went to Starbucks with Kevin, Kenneth and Nicole and on our way back the song by Pitbull “Got to Love You” came on and apparently Nicole thought it said “Cats Who Love You” hahaha. That was hilarious. But my caramel frap was sooooo yummy. I hardly drink coffee now, but that was good. Hopefully I can sleep tonight. Couldn’t do english hw at all, so I gotta finish that now. Avid was funny as usual xD I had a nightmare this morning though which freaking me out. Good night world & have a great Tuesday!! :]]]

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I had a dream about you.

Not sure if I wanna tell you in case you might be like o.O And it was a few days ago but it kept slipping off my mind. We were in Mr. K's class and for some reason everyones desks were paired with someone else's and I guess those were our partners. You ended up being my partner. I was getting up to do something and you asked me for white out so I gave it to you. I left and came back and you were trying to use it backwards xD So it didn't work and you gave up. Then I told you that you were using it the wrong way and then you tried it and it worked. That was it, but it was the last dream I had before I woke up. I wish the dream continued cause I wonder what would've happened xD And I don't dream much when it's a school night, so I don't know why I dreamt that. But most the time, I don't know why I dream things. Good night world :]


So today was pretty chill. I did like nothing haha. Woke up at 10:35 went back to sleep and woke up again at 11:11. Funny timing xD Got up and went online and watched television until my mom came home. Then waited for my dad to come home and went to my uncle's house. Played Wii with the cousins. Super Mario Brothers I think. Then I threw a dart and failed haha. Afterwards, we went out to eat dinner since my grandma's birthday is on Tuesday :D I smelled really bad, but the game was on and I was so into it. I was literally clapping and saying random stuff like a weird person. I bet my family thought something was wrong with me xD I get sooooo into those games. The lobster noodles were so freaking good. I'm definitely eating that more often :3 Went home and on the car ride back Chasing Cars~Snow Patrol came on. I was already staring at the stars for the longest time, but when the song came on, I just couldn't stop. It was a good night cause of that. But once I got home, I finished watching the game and Colts barely lost 23-20 >.> Whyyy D: I was like all happy and that kinda killed my day right there. Next week, hopefully they win soon. I'm really praying that Manning comes back or it's just gonna be a really rough season, not that it isn't already. I hope kickback was fun for the people who went. Have a great week everyone! :]

Dear Future Boyfriend,

I've gone through so much and I want to tell you everything and anything. I want us to be open with each other, watch the Colts play, sing songs & take pictures together, do random things, make funny videos, cuddle and watch movies all day, stargaze, have cute dates & tickle fights, play video games, go to concerts & carnivals, and laugh at stupid things. You don't need to buy me gifts or impress me at all. Be who you are and I'll love you for that. But most of all, I just want us to be happy. I can't wait to meet you and I hope you are the one.



P.S. I got this idea from Tumblr. So cute reading other people's posts. Hopefully I will have a boyfriend haha.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today in one word would be CRAZY. Okay so I got to Family Fun Day at the Park kind of early (not really). Seeing the cemetery made me really sad. I mean I only go like once a year, not to the one I saw, but it was so big. I was like :O OMG it's THAT big? Like literally, it's at least 5 blocks long! I'm not even exaggerating this either. So I got to the booth and Valerie, Debora, Dalia, and Oksana were already there. I felt late >.< But Angelica didn't come yet. So at first I just stood around cause I wasn't sure what to do and there wasn't much room for me to help out at. But I saw there were other schools there too. So that kinda sucked >.> Anyways, I went over to help Debora and watched to see what the activity was this year. There were bottles and you pour different colors sand to make it all pretty looking. I made one later, but they ran out of hearts cause I gave mines to a little kid. Oh well, it means WAY more to them than me :) I worked for 4.5 hours and the time just flew by. It sucked trying to go get more colors. I swear after like 10 times walking back and forth I was sweating quite a bit xD But I really enjoyed myself. I just wished I had a little more help cause there were SO MANY kids by me >.< But I multitasked as much as I could, if not overdoing it. I loved it all. But one person really made me happy. I'm guessing his mom was with him and he looked pretty old, but looks can be deceiving. Anyways, his mom told me to make it for him. At first I made him a sun with different colors in it. What was cool is that he held a conversation with me. Most kids would be all into it, but since he was watching me, he was in awe. He thought it was the fun dip stuff and I was like omg it looks like it! Hahaha. After that one, he said he wanted another one with all blue sand. I used the Saturn/planet bottle and filled it up. I really think he enjoyed it, but I think I loved helping him even more. I don't know, something about him just made me really happy. I was comfortable and I had a blast. Out of I don't know how many kids, but I remember him the most. Then I saw him later and was like :D I helped him! Haha. Angelica eventually came and we helped for another few hours. After we ended up wandering, but not far. We left to Haggin Museum and wandered. That place is really nice. I loved looking at all the different paintings, but some were just like wow. Really interesting. Some were too graphic though >.< However, I had so many flashbacks like the tractors. I remember those the most. Then I saw dead ducks, mannequins, and giant guns and got so freaked out. I was kinda emotional today >.< Next we went to the mall for some food. It was like 3:00PM already and I didn't eat anything besides breakfast at 8:50AM. I don't know, but community service really got my mind off food. I didn't even hear my stomach growl until we got to Haggin. Apparently, the Batmobile was in the Target parking lot, and Debora actually entered to the other mall so we could take pictures of it xD It was really funny haha. And I was the one hiding from the cops xD Don't ask. You don't wanna know. Lastly, we went to Oksana's house and watched so much tv. First we watched New Girl (very funny and cute), Glee (:DDDDDDDDDD finally saw it!!), Tangled (so funny), and I watched some soccer xD Valerie almost fell several times too xD Thought of ideas for the dance too. My feet are KILLING me though. I can't even stand without them hurting. It's so bad. And when I sat down while trying to help the kids, it didn't work out and then Valerie took the chair >.< Overall, I had a great day and I'm sure I left stuff out. Will post later if I remember. Great, great day. Apparently I can go to Kickback tomorrow, but I have no ride. Best of luck to all the classes. Ahh man. I saw something I didn't wanna see. Well if I'm jealous, I guess it shows I'm falling hard. Not talking about that anymore. I'm excited for everything. Omg SAT's next week and I gotta start studying. So much to do, so much to do. Good night world & have a great Sunday :]]]]]]]]]

I forgot something xD

I don't have enough time to blog twice, so I'm blogging on tumblr and then putting it on here >.< Also, you might be seeing those sayings sometimes if I get bored and decide to make one lol. I feel the need to blog everyday now about anything just so I can look back and be like "wow I was really stupid." Hahaha I'm just kidding, but it's nice to look back at great times. Even bad times (referring to Tumblr). We also went to Home Depot which was hilarious. My sister "stole" those numbered buttons on those high tech doors where you need a number code to open. She didn't really steal them, but I like messing with her. Also she was doing her tae kwon do and then Kung Fu Fighting started playing xD So random. Being stared at by strangers is so awkward at night. In the day, you can stare back (jk xD) but it's more weird at night. Oh well, not gonna see him again, hopefully. I hope everyone has fun at Kickback too! Good night world :]

Today was good.

Nothing is what it seems. Today was one of those days haha. Okay I bombed my quiz in English >.> That was like the only bad part. But I finished Lilies of the Field yesterday in an hour. I should read Cuckoo's Nest too. But after school was when it all went down haha. (Down in a good way xD) Went over to Nemo's house to visit my aunt cause she's been having major back pain D: She can walk now, which is great! But I really hope she gets better soon. Wunji literally ran over my stomach which hurt xD She loves licking people. She even licked my jacket several times xD I miss Wunji and Rocket so much :3 Then we played this game trying to make each other laugh and I tied my hair hecka random like in a beard and on the top of my head, but Joseph wouldn't laugh >.> I tried haha. But I can be SO WEIRD. You guys really have no idea haha. BOB JACKSON LOLOLOL. Oh man crazy day tonight. But it's great to see everyone again after so much has happened. Super excited for tomorrow! Good night world & have a great weekend :]]]]]

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Kim was talking about Despicable Me in Comm Studies today xD But I got this from Tumblr cause I'm in a really good mood. Click on the picture :D It's even cooler haha. I don't know, but everything just feels in place. Everything feels so right. And this doesn't happen often, so I'm happy. Excited for Saturday :D Hopefully the plan falls through. Good night world & have a great Friday :]]]]]]]]


Random Fact Number Eighteen: I always wanted to match shirts with a guy. I don't know why but I find it cool haha. Not just any t-shirt, but one that only the two people have. I'm weird, I know :D


I forgot to add The Duck Queen to yesterday's list hahaha. Anyways, it was a good day. Didn't do much at all, but yeah. It was fun. I was gonna say something, but I forgot xD Maybe I'll remember later...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Crazy stuff today xD

-Culture Club: awkward moments for some people who I won't name xD
-"Big Head" hahaha
-You talked to me :3

So much stuff haha. Not really xD But anyways, Good night world & have a great Thursday!! :]]]]]

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I didn't write about what happened Monday. So in English we had to write about 1 of the 3 topics. It was up to us to choose: Nature, Pets or Memories. So I chose memories cause they had the most meaning for me. Anyways, as I started writing, I kept getting teary. I thought of the past, present, future and wrote about it all. Once I stopped the tears, they would come again. Like a neverending cycle. I was hoping Mr. K wouldn't say times up and turn in your paper. There was so much left to write and I never wanted to stop. But I wanted to at the same time so I wouldn't cry. I was so close to crying I almost asked to go to the restroom, but I didn't. I held back and tried to stay strong. But it was so hard for me to. And that hurts me the most. Memories I can never relive again because once they happen, they're gone. And all you have left is the thought of what happened. This kills me the most. Good night world and cherish the present and whatever comes your way :]


It's so cute :D I love ducks haha. I don't know what to title this so I just put a question mark. Man, I'm so tired and the book is finally making sense. Only works when I'm really focused or at home reading. So tired. I'ma finish reading this and sleep. I'm so out of it right now >.< Good night world & have a great Wednesday :]]


Well I just finished my outline D: Man I hope I get at least 70%, but if I don't, well I understand. I slacked and waited last minute. But I'm done, even though I admit I BSed some of it >.< Ahh I feel bad. You scarred me AGAIN. Omg don't know what to do now. Still gotta do my studying for my quiz. Blah need some sleep to shrug it off. When my head is like pounding like this, sleep is perfect. Good night world :]]]]]]]

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ah man.

That's like all that I'm thinking about right now >.< 'I can't get you off my mind.' 'Oh look what you've done.' Hahaha if you guys listen to the songs I post (if I posted the second one), you would get it xD Good night world :]]]]]]]


Hahaha, man I haven't been so happy in a long time. Helped Gabe look for pictures for his presentation and found a really funny one xD And yes, that is the picture we couldn't stop laughing about haha. Then I get lots of notifications on Yahoo and Facebook from Bacon and Paulina commenting on my photo which seemed neverending. Then Kenneth and James spammed me AIM. And then I got even more spam on Facebook and Tumblr from James. Thank you for the recipe though xD Looking forward to tomorrow :D I spent the whole day talking to him and I feel like I'm falling even harder >.< I can't stop either. The way you talk about the most random things and how you didn't even know a snickerdoodle was a cookie was so funny. I realized I only talk to guys on AIM which is different xD Well besides my cousin, but no one else haha. Ahh, but man today was great. Thank you guys ^_^ Especially you. I need to sleep cause I'm like 1 hour behind already. Great weekend overall. Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]]]]

Don't regret anything because at one point, it was what you wanted.


If only you knew that I was referring to you xD But I wouldn't mind gaming all day haha.


Haha new word I just made up xD

This was my Summer List:

1. Get a haircut
2. Finish Shining Inheritance
3. Go kayaking
4. Star neckalce
5. Bracelet with my name & another design
6. Decorate/bake cupcakes
7. Experiment around
8. Permit before summer school/summer?
9. Camping?
10. LA
11. Find myself
I did 5 things from the list which isn't bad :D
This is my 11 things to go in 2011:
1. Ride a ferris wheel :D
2. Go kayaking
3. Make 200 cranes
4. Get a different haircut
5. Experiment around
6. Take 2 pictures with a duck ^_^
7. Get something Colts related ;D
8. Ride a bike
9. Learn to make 2 new bracelet designs (not counting the relay for life ones)
10. Finish Shining Inheritance xD
Wow I did a lot more than I expected. Okay, well what's left that I can possibly do for sure would be the Colts related thingy. But if I could really do one, then it would be 1 or 2. Maybe 2 cause I haven't done that before. We'll see :D
My Senior Bucket List:

1. Stargaze with someone or with a group of people :D
2. Say no to someone if it's a favor that I don't want to do.
3. Go to a concert.
4. Learn how to make a 3D Panda and firework origami.
5. Take 500 pictures with my camera for my Senior Album xD (Random number haha) I'm at 128/500.
6. Read 8 books of my choice (Must start reading again!)
7. Do something really random or different.
8. Apply for 20 scholarships (something has to be academic lol) 1/20 done.
9. Buy someone a singing card :D
10. Make 7 bracelets on my list of bracelets I wanna make for myself (PacMan doesn't count)
11. *Pending*
12. Be with the people who make me happy and make endless memories :]
Random Fact Number Sixteen: I always wanted to have a tickle fight with someone, well maybe with my future bf xD
Random Fact Number Seventeen: I'm going to be more out there. Like talkative wise. I'm going to participate more and not hold back. Take a leadership role :D
I wanna go to DCON this year :D Or MCNC. If only more people instead of 2 per class could go. Oh well, better than nothing. But I really wanna go to DCON for sure. Enough lists and what not. I'm super tired and should go to sleep. Good night world & have a great Sunday!!! :]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I wish for good things.

Coastal Cleanup.

Coastal Cleanup was super fun today! :D I had a blast at Lodi Lake. If only more of my friends went, then that would've been much funner. But I enjoyed it a lot :D Sad how this is the last year though >.< Hung out with Debora, Dalia, Harman, and Ryan the whole time. It was very entertaining and interesting that's for sure xD We found some random stuff, but hardly anything. We saw turtles, squirrels, and deer. It was definitely a day to remember. I loved walking around in the Nature Walk though. It's super calming and really eases your mind off things. Well for me anyways. It keeps reminding me of the cover of the book Extraordinary. Mostly cause of all the nature and scenery. Omg, the nature and the way everything looked was just amazing. I wouldn't mind going on a picnic there with someone xD It's really nice and kept very clean. There were many random pathways to the lake which I thought was cool. I took hecka pictures of the nature and a few of them picking up trash and what not. It was funny cause Ryan was gonna take a picture of us since I was taking all the pictures, and it turns out he didn't even take it cause Harman said something to Debora xD I had to switch groups like 4 times. I got there and registered, and was put into group 3. But I didn't know anyone besides Deana and she was in group 7. Then my group left so I stayed and waited for Dalia and Debora to get there. I went in line with Dalia and she was put into group 1C so I went with her, since my blue tag thingy had no number on it ;D But then, Ryan and Harman said to go to group 2A so I said yeah whatever. We never went to any of the groups yet cause Debora, Harman, and Ryan still had to register. They ended up being in group 4 so Dalia and I went with them. Man it was just crazy haha. I was all over the place xD Overall, I loved the whole thing. First time doing community service this semester and it was awesome. Oh and there were lotsss of ducks :]]]]]]

Friday, September 16, 2011


I wish for greatness.

In general lol. Omg I forgot to make my senior bucket list >.>

1. Stargaze with someone or with a group of people :D
2. Oh man I forgot >.> Well, I'll think of it hopefully. I'll make a full list later. Wait no, just remembered. Say no to someone if it's a favor that I don't want to do.
Good night world :]


My feet are starting to hurt. And I didn’t even play today >.> It kinda felt like a kickback today too xD I guess this will be the kickback I’m going miss next week. So sad >.< I was looking forward to it too. Wish I could go to this concert: B.O.B, Far East Movement, Sean Kingston, Jay Park, Wong Fu, AJ Rafael, David Choi, Ryan Higa, KevJumba, and a bunch more at our LA festival. Whomp whomp whomp. Oh well excited for next next Saturday :D I hope we talk but who knows. I think you're busy. Go Colts!!! :D Good night world & have a great weekend!!! :]]]]]]]]

P.S. No presentations next week :D I get a break haha.

I dont know.

Kinda odd how Kevin sent me a message on AIM since we never talk. I thought he sent it to the wrong person or something, but I guess not xD Ah man, the weekend hasn't really started and I'm already thinking about you -______- Why oh why >.<


Okay this all happened yesterday, but they were too funny/memorable not to write about xD

-Mr. K was talking about some story we didn't read last year. Then Bacon says something like, "Oh was that the one where he burns down the theatre?" And Mr K is like, "Uhhh no." Hahaha the whole class started laughing.
-Mr K also pointed out a camel in the photo and I was like :OOO The scars from that terrible video on tumblr. Why James D:

-We were watching the video or doing current event and Valerie asks me if I'm wearing leggings. I said no I'm wearing jeans and she's like ohhh I thought they were leggings cause it was kinda dark in the room. It was funny cause I was just wearing a normal shirt and would've been really weird if I was wearing leggings xD
-I think it was a commercial or something, but Gabe said the 2 guys were gay xD

Literature on Film:
-Mr K said that movies now have romance and even "bromance." I was like laughing like crazy in my head cause the first thing I thought of was the video Word of the Day: Bromance. If you haven't seen it, watch it. It's hilarious. The bloopers are funny too :D

-We had short classes, I had wayyyy too much free time, awards assembly, and then CTF/BBQ/Field Day. Well Etech was fun. I finished my work early for once :D Even the holes. I think. Then went to Locke Lounge and hung out with people before class. Omg, it was freaking hilarious. So Janet has this app that takes pictures of one person and once you shake it they turn all fat. And omg, Gabe said that Bernadette's picture looked like Confucius, Valerie had a giant tumor on the side of her head, and Ali had Gabe's finger deformed in his face xD It was so funny. So I had 3 hours of free time. Just wrote a note and did well nothing else. Went to TA and helped Mrs. Jara cut elephant trunks for her son's class. Went to Avid and played free rice. I guessed on the definition and got it right xD I'm not even good with vocab words. At the assembly I got perfect attendence. The videos were really good though :D Then went out to the field for the BBQ/CTF/Field Day. It was lots of fun. Watching people play, playing the bean bag toss and epically failing, wandering around, eating food, singing xD Such a crazy day. Oh and tennis was funny. Jessi kept hitting the ball over the fence and I kept going to get it xD It was a great day though :D We need days like this more often that's for sure :]

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today was good.

Compared to yesterday, today couldn’t have gone any better. Apparently I did good on my presentation and I was freaking out, sort of. Got my progress report and it was the best grades I have ever seen over the past 4 years. Hopefully I can keep it up except econ is like >.> Lots of laughs throughout the day. Omgpop for first time in a long time. That was something haha. A gift I never expected. I mean never. Must use it every time I get a new book ;D But most of all, I was happy. I wasn’t rushed or felt out of place. I felt like I belonged and everything couldn’t be more right. Got homework done, except not tomorrows xD Well, not everything goes perfectly, but I have time this weekend. I’m excited for Coastal Cleanup and even going to Costco haha.  Tomorrow is the CTF tournament/BBQ/Field Day. I’m looking forward to that. Must start calc hw soon >.> Good night world & have a great Friday :]]]]]

Too many funny things happened today that I'll post tomorrow. But we talked again :3 Hehehe.

Expect the unexpected.

Wrote this on Tumblr, but it's basically my whole day so yeah xD

Haha I don’t always but I like that saying/quote. Anyways, after stressing like crazy yesterday and spending 3.5 hours on my english presentation, it payed off! It went well and thank goodness people talked. I’m much more calm now with speaking, even Angela said so. Comm Studies is working for sure :D I’m glad about that. Who knew one little thing would change so much. Except it’s a little weird waiting for people to write cause you basically stare at them, the computer, or clock >.> Overall, it was great :D Not saying I love presentations, but now I don’t feel nervous and I speak up in class more. I feel different. My stressing is over and I’m happy again. Things went well and omg Jade’s gift hecka surprised me! I didn’t even expect it at all and I was like :O when I opened it. I’m not even kidding. I was in awe. It’s so pretty xD Now just gotta do homework and get stuff done. No matter how bad things may be, things turn around. Eventually. I had a good day, not even gonna deny that :]

Btw, there was a miracle. In my opinion anyways.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I wish for a miracle.

Even if that doesn't happen, anything would be great. Thank you.

Good night world :]


I'm sad and stressed, yet I'm calm about it. I don't know what's bothering me either >.<

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh man.

So much random stuff today. Didn't expect A LOT of it that's for sure. But time will tell and I'll see how things go from now. Anyways, have a great Wednesday everyone! Good night world :]]]]]]]]]

Monday, September 12, 2011


Ran on 6 hours of sleep apparently. I thought I had 7 but I guess not. Didn't sleep until 12:30ish, but I found the song I was looking for for like the past week. Without You~David Guetta ft. Usher Omg I loveeeeeeeee this songgggggg :DDDDDDDDDD With a passion haha. You should listen to it :D It's like stuck in my mind now. Bwahaha I must get it now! Anyways, I'm tired, did terrible and I mean terrible on my first Calc 2 Test D:, umm what else, did nothing during fp or TA, and Avid was funny as always. Man I'm loving Avid xD Oh I found out more about the cute random asian guy, but I'm over him. But I did talk to someone else ;D Hehehe. Anyways, I should sleep now. I'm so tired, typing random stuff to James that I either misspell or just can't write, and I'm just blah right now. I need some sleep. Good night world & have a great Tuesday!! :]]]]]]]]]]]

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's funny trying to see people attempt at making me mad or pissed because they fail most the time. I don't know why, but people find it entertaining. But I'm the one laughing when they don't succeed. What's worse is when someone does tick me off though. You know what I don't like, so why push it? Well I don't know, I guess you find it funny, but it's not. I wish some people could be a little more mature. Don't cross the line, cause I lose my trust and faith in you.

On the other hand, I didn't finish my gift so I'm like blah. Will try to get it done by Wednesday, but I'll bring the rest of it tomorrow. I hope she likes it :D

Today was an okay day. But you had to kill it at the last minute. What kind of friend does that. The thing is, I never tell you when you annoy me. It's always the same routine. You make me tell you what happened, you say you're sorry, I shrug it off even though it hurts me inside and you don't know. Same dang thing. I'm sick of it you know. I know you don't mean to hurt me and think of it as a joke, but it's not. I wish you weren't always so, I don't know, joking. Sigh, things won't change.

The only good thing out of today was working on the bracelet and actually finishing my homework, blogging on here, reblogging on Tumblr, watching/learning about things on 9/11, and well talking to you. No matter how silly/serious our conversations are, you make me truly happy inside like no one else can. I have this urge to give you a hug at school, except you don't like hugs xD Maybe someday. But I'm hoping you don't like anyone else. Cause I have a feeling you do, but I have no idea who it is. I just need to vent and let it all out today. It's been such a long day. I don't need unhappy thoughts right now.

10 years ago on this day, something tragic happened that changed America forever. I was too young to remember, but not today. Not tomorrow. This day will be in my heart for the rest of my life and you guys shouldn't forget either. It affects everyone. And I'm not letting you bring me down cause of it. I wish I could see NYC tonight. Maybe in the new future. I wanna see everything at Ground 0. May those who risked and lost their lives rest in peace. I could never thank you all enough.

So with that said, I need some sleep. It's like wayyy past the time I should be sleeping. 10:48 and I should've went to bed at like 9:00 or 9:30 but yeah, people keeping me up and it's my fault. Well Colts didn't do well either, but soon. I'm not losing my hope or faith in them. Even if Collins isn't the best. Okay, I don't wanna be in a bad mood so good night world :]


Reading all these Tumblr posts about "boys who..." makes me think of what my ideal guy would be like. I wonder if he's really out there or not. But I really hope he is.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Tumblr and Blogspot posts are becoming the same.

But only when I want to say the same thing.

I can’t say that I’m proud of everything that I’ve done in the past, but I’m not saying they didn’t make me a better person. If anything, it pushed me to become who I am today. Things I never want to do or suffer through ever again I’ve already done or gone through. I know this is just the beginning to many more things to come, but I’ve learned a lot. The past makes a better future.

Tomorrow is a day to remember. Never forget 9/11 for it has changed our lives forever. May all those who left us that day rest in peace. You are all missed greatly. And for those who risked their lives from that day on and after, thank you. Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for saving our lives. Thank you for fighting for your country. September 11th will be in my heart for the rest of my life. And that will never change.


More bracelets:

I bet I have like 20+ links to bracelets I wanna make. Ahh man, if I had the time, I'd open up my own Etsy just to raise money for I don't know what. Now that would be cool.

I don't know.

This came to mind earlier...

They say “If it’s meant to happen, it will.” But sometimes, you can’t wait on things to happen. You just have to do things yourself. Get the guts to do or say something to someone. Don’t sit back and wait.

So much to say.

I know I haven't posted much this week and it's my fault but I was packed with homework like crazy. I'm surprised I even made it through the week. But here I am. Blogging time :D

Wednesday 9/7/11: I had my calculus test and well I didn't finish my homework that morning. I found out I did the wrong problems for my english homework so had to rush that. Thank goodness Mary told me or else I would've been like DDD: I think I did ehhh on the test, but i don't know. Just gotta wait and it's too late to drop the class without a W. At least 7.1 is making much more sense for me right now. I'm just going to hope for the best. I had my current event, and even though I didn't practice it at all, I think I did okay. I did stumble on my words a few times, but communications is helping me SO MUCH. I'm not all shaking and my hands aren't all sweaty. I just needed to practice, but it went well. And some people talked so I wasn't all D: Lol. Positive thoughts really help! :D I'm usually negative, so hey, things turned out great. Good thing to have those tips from our book. Went to Culture Club and everyone in my class took a group picture. I think other people got it too, but it was mostly my class. I finally felt like I was treasurer for the club. Writing receipts for people was fun xD And thanks to Debora for the Tutti Fruitti though it melted cause I'm a slow eater. There was SO MUCH chocolate haha. I don't eat it that much so it was like danggg haha. Afterwards, we had our board meeting which was interesting. Congrats to the new reps though. Anyways, once we were done, I was gonna go to the parking lot. Kenneth drove his car up and took Ali, Anthony, Kenia, Dalia and me to the parking lot. I was gonna walk but he kept on insisting. It was funny cause Dalia sat in the trunk with it open and Kenneth was afraid a cop would just come out of no where, but it didn't. There were people smoking weed next to Kenia's car so thats why he gave her a ride. But yeah, it was really funny, especially Dalia. That just made my day right there. Then I had to finish up all my notes for communication studies which I didn't I only finished 4 chapters and had 3 more to go. Went to school early the next day with Mary to finish our notes. Not procrastinating on that ever again!!

Thursday 9/8/11: Well I went to school like an hour and a half early to work on my notes. I really thought I wasn't going to finish but I did 10 minutes into class. He didn't even check the assignment, but I finalized my speech topic. Turned in my binder and got a 25/25 and 94/100. Which isn't bad in my opinion. Anyways, worked on homework during free period and TA, and in Avid we had a guest speaker from Grand Canyon University. Then afterschool, went ot Rubio's for the fundraiser. Omg it was so random cause as Mary, Dalia, Angelica and I were heading to the parking lot, I see Sierra and her mom. I'm like no wayyyy! Hahaha I didn't expect seeing them. So Sierra came with us to eat and we just all chillaxed and caught up with each other. Then Jessi came, but she had to go early and Sierra left with her cause the College Night already started. I don't know, but we lost track of time with all the fun going on haha. We took pictures and got back to school around 6:00PM. The gym was like dyinggggg hot. But it was fun looking at different colleges that I might want to apply and ask questions. Somehow me and Angelica split up from Dalia and Mary and just went wandering around. Then I see Daniel and David and say hi to them. Also ran into people I knew in middle school who probably forgot me, but I still remember them. So yeah after that, we ran into Gabe, Kenneth and Debora and we all wandered around to look at colleges. After that, we left to Kenneth's car and Angelica went home. He gave us all a ride to Debora's car and he left to Rubio's. The three of us went to the forum for the financial aid and UC requirement.s Gabe described how his dad's mustache looked and hair color hahaha. It was so random. So me and Debora went to the financial aid and we chatted. I told her about why I was once depressed. Then she thought she forgot her phone in the bathroom and we ran there and it turns out to be in her bag xD We were both hecka freaking out but it was funny xD We finally got in and Valerie was there with her parents. I had to leave early cause they started late and went to Debora to get my stuff. I felt bad for making her leave early too >.< I hate it when I'm the reason someone has to leave and stuff. I felt terrible. But once I got home I was exhausted, and it was like 9:00 by the time I got to do homework. Then I have to sleep between 9:00-9:30 or else I won't wake up the next morning. Then I go to check my e-mail and it turns out my Etech class got cancelled so I got to stay up late and was like :DDDDDDD. Today couldn't get any better. And well it did cause I stayed up talking to you till like 12:00. I still think you wait for me to sleep and I feel terrible about that too. Just go to sleep next time, don't worry about me. But you know I sleep a lot xD Anyways, it was one of my best days of senior year so far.

Friday 9/9/11: I had to finish my notes for our econ test so went to school early for that. Then went to a Culture Club meeting and we got into partners and worked on the dance for Wednesday. It's gonna be interesting thats for sure xD I thought it was fun so I hope other people aren't afraid to dance at the meeting. Well it's not even hard. People just got to give it a try. Then I have to sell candy too so I wonder how that will go. Oh and I need to bring some envelopes. This club stuff is just so much fun for me. If only board meetings could be on a different day, but it's not horrible. I'm really loving that I feel like I'm a part of something big. It makes me feel needed. Anyways, we talked about the most randomest things in Econ. Mr V. asked what if I worked at Hot Topic or Victoria's Secret and we were all laughing. This was related to the current event which was if people should be hired even though they haven't worked for like many months. But yeah, apparently guys do work at Victoria's Secret, except they're gay xD Class brought many good laughs that's for sure. We didn't have our test but watched some videos on 9/11 which was sad. Lit on film we watched parts of both True Grit which was fun in my opinion. I'm really enjoying the class. But for english I present this Thursday and I'm nervous that I'll get docked points, but I'm having happy thoughts so I don't freak myself out. I just hope the story makes sense. That's like the main thing and that I can find a cartoon or painting to use. Anyways, went to the mall afterschool to get Jade a birthday gift. I ended up getting her a card, teddy bear, and a necklace. I hope she likes it. I just have to remember to bring it xD Came home and next thing you know there's GIANT raindrops on the floor and there's thunder and lightning while it's like 100 degrees outside. It was crazyyy. So I don't know what happened last night, but I completely just opened up out of no where. I told Mary like everything basically and you told me things I didn't know either. It felt great. Like this big relief for me and I don't know it's hard to explain, but I felt happy. Not only because you trust me, but I wasn't hiding anything. I just let it all out. And then I talked to James and you showed me this video of a camel and man I'm like scarred for life because of it now >.< Thanks so much James. And I also talked to him and man it was random when you IMed me right after my dad told me to sleep. I was like dang, I can't talk but we still did. You still care too much. We need to hang out more or at least talk now. It's a new year, so new things gotta happen. It's time I stepped it up a little. Went to sleep at like 1 xD

Saturday 9/10/11 <-- LOL I realized that from a Tumblr post xD Hahaha: Well I woke up at 9 cause my dad told me to go check the stove. Then next thing you know, it was 11:50AM and I was like danggg. Slept for 11 hours. For the past weekends I only get like 8/9 hours of sleep. I'm happy haha. Watching Step-Up 2 right now and it's pretty good. Well I been on for like 2 hours trying to blog. It's time to eat a drumstick :D It's wayyy too hot right now. Gotta do my homework soon too cause I didn't do it yesterday. Man, they aren't showing the Colts game tomorrow >.> Well, I'll blog more later :D

Today/Yesterday Night.

Straight up CRAZY.

Good night world :]

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ahh man.

11:11 I wish animals didn’t have to suffer. Even if it’s part of the life cycle.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I think you stay up so we can talk >.< And I feel bad. Good night world :] & have a great Thursday :D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


To the max. Omg I can't handle tomorrow. Just need to sleep it off, but I'm nervous that I'm basically costing my grade for Calc (test tomorrow) and for econ (current event tomorrow). I only have 45 min to do both. Well study current event >.< I hope I get out of Etech early to work on everything. God, please give me strength and hope. Thank you for everything. Good night world & I hope things are going better for you :]

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to sound mad earlier, but honestly, I was hurt. A lot. Anyways, I really hope you had a good day, and I'll repay you back somehow. I need a new beginning. A fresh start. And that's exactly what I'm going to do starting tomorrow. Change for the better, here I come! Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]]]]]]

My mom finds it funny.

That my grandpa wants to take my sister to China next year. What's so funny mom? We haven't gone at all after all these years. And who's laughing? Not me. You lied too. I don't get it. Why do you have to lie? Dad too. Might as well say I'm staying here for the rest of my life. Ah man, I'm getting teary... I'm not mad, but I just don't get it. Please don't lie to me, to us anymore.

Happy Birthday Mom...


Yeah, I had to.



Sunday, September 4, 2011

I wonder...

What people think of me. Like their opinion I guess. If I was brought up in a conversation or something, what would they say? I don't know, does that ever bother you guys? It just came to mind for me. I think I need some sleep >.<

I'm so weird.

Not even gonna lie, I really can be so weird. Well who isn't, but yeah. I'm weird xD Gran Torino was saddd D: Teaches a good lesson though. I was crying my eyes out >.< It was devastating to me. I couldn't even watch the ending cause it was that bad for me. My emotions are so easy to just burst out of no where. Sigh, I wish I wasn't such a cry baby. But I can't help it. My brain just goes into </3 D: mode, and then I start crying nonstop >.> I'll never get over this D: But you're still talking to me :3 Man, I won't get over you for a long time. Good night world :]

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another note.

Hehe more bracelets :D

You Make Me Happy.

You Could Be Happy.



And it's nights like tonight where I wish we could never stop talking. I need to talk to you more at school. We sort of have a lot of classes together too and I never talk to you. Man, but at least we talk online rather than nothing at all. And this is why I feel the way I do :]

Friday, September 2, 2011

Note to Self.

Friendship Bracelets: (toad: id=5078)

I don't know why I didn't do this a long time ago instead of using my sticky notes xD It takes up so much room. I had to move it to the bottom cause the spacing messed it all up. This is just so I don't forget and stuff. Unsure which to do first, but maybe the penguin :3 Oh and I think I saw a shooting star last night. I'm still unsure >.< I was literally in awe afterwards that I waited a while to make a wish xD

Random Fact Number Twelve (I haven't posted one in so long): I mainly type with my index fingers except I use my thumb for the space bar ;D And I'm not the only person who does this! Jay said he did too and I was like :O No way. Someone else! Haha I googled it yesterday to see if other people do this, and they do and someone's comment was basically WTF, you're abnormal. And I'm like that's messed up. Well I'm different haha. Good night world :]]]]]]]]


Sometimes I wonder why things ended up the way it did. I feel like I miss out on so much, but at the same time, it might be for the best. For me. But as long as other people are happy, I feel happy too, even if I wasn't there. Things are probably better off this way. And I'm not exactly complaining. But I wonder how things would be if things were different for me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Okay, I’m beyond happy haha. Just had some chicken nuggets, talked to my parents about driving >.<, my random dream of my mom putting on eye drops while we were at a stoplight (I really don’t know haha), and thinking. These past few days have ended off greatly, probably cause I’m talking to people to make me really happy. I’m even staying up cause of it. Thank you guys :D Don’t know what I would do without all of you. Good night world :]

That's my Tumblr post. It's easier just copying it haha. But I'm really trying to not do that cause well this isn't tumblr. I just wanna say thank you guys who I talked to tonight. It really made me happy and I wish you guys knew. This week has been going great and it's a good feeling. One I don't get often during school nights xD This means a lot. Good night world :]


I don't know why I care about people's opinions. So guess what? I'm doing what I want, however I want to :]