Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yesterday & Today.

I hecka forgot to blog about Friday, so here it is. Well it was free period and I went with the guys and Aman to the library to find their books for Avid. It was funny trying to look for books and we mostly sat around. I felt helpful xD Then Tony comes in and there was blood on the side of this head. He said he got into a fight and well I didn't believe him xD It turns out someone in the quad punched him on accident. Then he was gonna wipe off the blood with those sanitary wipes, but he opened it and it was like smaller than a post it xD Kevin couldn't find his library card so I let him used mine. Sat with Ali, Kevin, Bren and Kenneth until everyone got all their books. Who knew the library could be so much fun? Haha. Then it was also Movie Night and we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. I felt like I was falling asleep, but I made it through the whole movie! Good thing. But it was pretty good and I really enjoyed it.

Today I took my ACT's for the first time. I must say, they were a lot better than SAT for the most part. I had problems finding my classroom, but I made it. My proctor was a teacher at the high school and he had this curly mustache. I'd never seen one in person before and it was so cool xD No one in my class was from MCHS, but I felt comfy. I dropped all my pencils on the floor though >.> The timing was either too slow or too fast for me, but I felt like I understood a lot more of the material on it. My essay sucked though. I also ran into Jamie before we took our tests and it was nice catching up with her. I eventually found Valerie and Pacific with the help of Param. Valerie and I finally found her mom's car. I HECKA thought that was her dad, but it was her moms fiance. I felt bad afterwards for assuming >.< He's a funny guy. Debora and Angelica didn't pick up their phones, so we decided to tell them to meet us at Burn's Tower. We ended up wandering around to see if we could find them. I ended up asking a lady where the Expanding Your Horizons was at and she told me it wouldn't be over until 3:00. It was only about 1:42 so we decided to eat. We ran into Mrs. Hilton and had a little talk with her. It was nice seeing her after so long. We both ended up getting curly fries cause everything was really expensive. We chilled outside, sat with the rocking chairs, sat at the wood table, took pictures, talked about random stuff, and more. It was nice just not being bothered or having a lot on my mind. I was just having fun with a close friend. I need more of those days. Then we went to the bathroom. So apparently, the flushing part had like arrows and stuff. If you press down it's like for heavy duty and up for light duty. I told Valerie and she was so confused and started testing it out xD It's suppose to save water. We took SO MANY failed pictures too. Went downstairs and everyone was coming in from Expanding Your Horizons. There were hecka people in green and I said "Man there's a lot of martians" xD We saw Debora, Angelica, and her cousin, and eventually we went in cause this lady walking by said we could. Then I hear someone call my name and it was Sierra! I was like omg no way! I see you again at the most random moments now haha. It was good cause we also caught up on stuff. We all gotta hang out again with Jennifer and Maryann. Oh we should all go ice skating or something xD Then Valerie, Angelica, her sister, Debora and I left to Angelica's house to work on the playlist for the dance. We got lost on the way to Little Ceasar's because we took many wrong turns xD At least we got there haha. Angelica's kitchen and her house in all was SO NICE. I was like :O It's all so cute. Her siblings are hilarious. And YES I did play with her brother's toy car xD And NO I'm not gassy Valerie. I kept on burping so she called me and Angelica's little sister gassy. She won't let me live it down xD It was the soda! Haha. I had like two pizzas. It was yummy :D But those curly fries were like OMG DELISH :D This is what happens when I crave food. I'ma gain weight this weekend xD But then all that ice skating really killed me, so who knows. We finished the final playlist and left for DCM. Oh and her dogs were cute, but they both looked the same to me >.< Got to DCM, and there was hecka people. The party room smelled really bad though. We left early cause it was just ehh and then ice skated. Ahh man it was HECKA FUN. At first, I couldn't skate at all. I was like D: I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall. But I didn't end up falling xD I ended up going a lot faster than I remember I could and I had a freaking great time. Kenneth skated for the first time I think and he fell quite a bit, but everyone helped him. Then one point Kenneth, Kevin and I were skating and then one of them fell which led to Kevin falling. I somehow managed to stay up... I don't know how. Then freaking Kevin had to keep on calling me Michelle Kwan the WHOLE time and then James called me that a lot too >.> Thanks a lot Kevin. But we skated, and Dalia and I skated a whole lot too. Like the whole time, we were basically skating together. She's fast though xD It's hard not having a lot of people skate the same pace as you, but I tried helping people and they got somewhere at least. Then Erika said it was like a while or something since she last skated, so I tried helping her too. Everyone seemed so new to it, which made it even more fun. I saw Becky, Elaine, Carrie, Samantha, Veronica, Kevin (different Kevin from our school), Eric, Vanisha, and I don't know who else but I'm sure there was way more xD It was good seeing everyone after so long and basically I felt like I was just having a reunion all day today. It was comforting. The songs were ehhh, and could've been way better. I wish they turned off all the lights, but the dimmed it and had those lights where if you're wearing white, then you'll glow. I skated a few times with him. First time we were just chatting, second time he came out of no where, and third time I was just talking to Kenneth and Kevin and he was there. Then Kevin brings up the whole Michelle Kwan thing again and Kenneth agrees and I'm over here like dang Kevin -_________- WHYYY D: I'm not even good. I'm like average. Dalia and I were two of the last three people on the ice rink. There was this other girl, Emily who was super good, but it was easier going faster without hitting or running into anyone. Omg after the smoothed the ice, it was HECKA more fun. I was like WHEEE haha xD Then me and this one girl almost hit each other >.< I almost fell quite a few times, but managed not to. It's scary to almost fall. As I was leaving, I thought everyone left, but then Anthony, James, Jenny and her brother were still there. James said bye Michelle Kwan and I'm like whyyyyy in my head. Dang Kevin >.> Then on the way home, I see Kevin (the one who doesn't go to our school) and his friends in a car going home. They were all waving and then my sister, dad and I waved back. It was kinda awkward cause they were all laughing and I'm like okay... Haha. Then later, I see James and Anthony in the car next to us. It was so randommm. Anyways, I had a great day overall. Everything was amazing and unforgettable. I just hope there's more times like this yet to come. My feet will kill me tomorrow though >.< Then I got homework. Ahh man. Good night world & have a great Sunday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

P.S. This took me like 35 minutes to blog. I'm so slow hahaha

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