Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I didn't get to blog about my very interesting day yesterday.

Basically the highlight of my day yesterday was free period because we played Jenga the whole time and it was hecka funny. Apparently I'm now called the "architect." Yeah, I don't know why. I knocked it over twice xD Ali was so gungho about not losing that it was hecka funny. Gabe and Anthony knocked it over once and I don't think Tony or James knocked it over at all. Then we stopped playing and James builds this empire tower thingy and Tony was gonna throw a piece of the Jenga through the top and then Jay would have to do something that I will not say, but then Gabe got up and the whole thing knocked over xD It was hecka funny. But everyone was really into it and it was really funny. Best free period I've had in a very long time. Hopefully, there's more to come. Oh and then when I get home and go on my wall, I see this song with his name as the title and I'm just like O.O How weird! I was seriously just starting to get over it, and well then that pops up so I showed him. Then at the end of the song, I find a song by the exact same band with MY name and I'm like WTHeck. How is it even possible that BOTH of our names are song titles from the same band. I'm seriously like uhhhh what the heck haha. Yeah, it was sure something, but like he said, it's really weird hearing a song with your name in it. Really, really weird. Seems like I might not be getting over him now. There's always a sign that keeps telling me not to give up, and I don't know why. This is all part of Mary's plan xD I even told her so hahaha.

Today was Multiplicity Day and I was twins with Valerie. We wore similar clothing, but not exactly the same thing. So the colors were right, but yeah. It was really cold today and I wore a skirt. Good thing I had leggings on, but I was freezing. In Etech, Mr. Crawford went over our schedules for next semester and I haven't had a teacher try so hard to help my education besides my high school teachers. Like it's really obvious that he cares about his students. He also told us his life story basically. He needed a 2.0 to be on the basketball team, so he got a 2.0. Then there was the draft so he had a 3.0 to not be elligible for it. Then he went back to school and got a 4.0 in order to get a free education paid by from his job and got his PhD. He even said that he got married at 19 then divorced and got married again and adopted kids. He was about to kill himself until one of his friends told him that more people in the world like teachers, friends, family, etc. care about him too much. And there was only one person who hated him: his ex-wife. That last part was hecka funny. But he never stopped and kept on going. It was very motivational cause he said he went to Stanford and that it's not where you are now but it's what you want to do. It's not about how smart you are now, but what you want to be. Then he made a point that no matter what college you go to, that college is the best. Not the best for your major and stuff, but the college you graduate from is the best college there is. He talked about his friend and how he was one of the smartest people in his group (of friends I think) at Stanford. His mom got breast cancer and his dad died in a car accident. To help take care of his mom, he went to Fresno State and graduated there. He didn't let that get in the way of his education and continued on studying even if he was at Fresno State. It's pretty crazy, but it was very motivational. He wants the best for us and I was happy that he was trying so hard to help us. I don't know about other people in my class, but it really made me happy and pleased that he was trying so hard because he didn't want us to be the like 60% who drop out of community college. He had percentages on the board and talked to us about them and what they meant. I thought it was really helpful and I'm gonna talk to him about my schedule for next semester on Friday. I haven't really had many college teachers that really take their time out to do that. Lindborg does talk about preparing us, but this just sets the bar. I'm gonna miss having him and my class overall. I've learned a lot and always have a good laugh. Calculus I was bored out of my mind >.< Seriously wanna drop the class like now. Stocks went down again, but I'm hoping things turn around soon. Very soon. The movie Harrison Beregeon was super good! I think I typed the Beregeon wrong, but I loved the movie. Way better than the short story. That's the first movie I liked better and we've watched like 5+ movies already xD Ahh, I really liked it. Except they didn't show the part where she shot him, but it was still super good. At Culture Club, it was fun as always. Got food to eat OMG that cheese hashbrown thingy was THE BOMB LOL. I could've eaten a whole plate of that and I got this tiny portion xD The other bread thingy with nuts in it was okay. The mankeesh I didn't even heat up cause my moms like no >.> Took random pictures and talked about Spirit Week in general and Penny Wars. So yeah, I don't know what else to write except I'm excited for the dance and Fall Rally :DDDDD Time to do my notes. Man, I sure hope I finish this time >.< Yeah, I'm lazyyyyy :]

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